Unable to understand that they were sent to the other side of the moat by transfer magic, and the beasts were in chaos, more chaos flew from the town. Two strange girls literally flew through the air.

Giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle, giggle.

It was Lucia (and Waltz) who was flying around twisting the gravity field while putting a huge amount of magic power on her body. When Lucia lands on the spot, she stands against the beastman who is taller than herself, without being reckless, and explains the situation with dignity.

"If I stayed close to the town, the people in the town could see me and my face, so I moved here for a while." If you survive the monster attack and are near the town, you may be pursued and bullied again, or treated as a slave... but who wants to return? "

All the beasts Lucia asked about were stained with horror. Even though it is abnormal to carry dozens of beasts at once by transfer magic, it is an unprecedented story to fly using enormous magic power. Those who could sense the magic in their ears must have heard Lucia and the others flying by with a jet-like roar. The proof is that some of the beasts are squatting with their ears held down.

Besides that, there is a reason why the beasts were not honestly pleased that Lucia had helped them. The "slave collar", a magic tool that enforces slavery, is reflexive under the condition that the waltz does not know the details (?) Because it was destroyed, the Beastmen were able to gain freedom, but instead, they lost the shield behind their life called "Lord"... Nearly everyone didn't know how to live.

In this country, the rights of the beastmen are not guaranteed so that non-slave beasts can roam around, so there is no place to work... In addition, I could not live in the mountains because I did not have decent tools to live in self-sufficiency. They're not beasts, they're biologically classified as humans. The hair growth is slightly strong at low temperatures, and clothing is essential in winter. On the contrary, it was very weak in high temperatures and humidity, and because it was sensitive to insects such as fleas entering the hair, it was rather bad at living in nature than ordinary people.

Therefore, it was practically impossible for the beasts to live a relaxed and comfortable life safely if they were opened up on the spot. As a result, everyone looked at each other and gave a serious expression.

In this way, those who express their opinions on Lucia appear. Coincidentally, there was a Fox Beastman, and she was of the same race (?) It seems that Lucia was not as scared as the others.

A fox beast girl about one head taller than Lucia opened her mouth in bewilderment.

"Wait, wait, wait. If we don't go back to town, we can't live, but if we can't go back to town, how can we live? I can't get rice from my mistress, so if I can't work if I'm not a slave... if I find a place with only one slave, I'll get whipped and attacked... what should we do?"

In response, Lucia immediately offered two options, apparently anticipating that the protest would fly.

"For example, how about going to another country?" I'll send you my transfer magic. Or... do you work for us? "

Hearing Lucia's remark, Waltz neither changed his complexion nor contested it. Because this kind of development was anticipated in advance, Lucia had a consultation before using magic.

If there is any land of the beasts, and they want to go there, it is good to send it. If you want to go to a peaceful country where the beasts are nowhere, you can send it to Mid-Eden. Or, if you want to work for yourself, you can have the management of the new workshop...

The answer that the Fox Beast Girl gave to Lucia, who had prepared her options, was--

"... then, I'll work for you." I don't want to go back to that town anymore.... "

I worked for Lucia and the others.

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