Could it be that you're not confident?

"Um... I'm so embarrassed... (I wonder what to say...)"

Lucia, who had been pursued by Millenia, was struggling to respond. I thought it would be hopeless to get along with the millenia if I told them that I wouldn't be a match for them.

However, if you put it in black and white in the meantime, when the anomalies of your magic power are revealed to the millenia later, it won't be a big problem... The later it becomes, the greater the painful hand when the force is found out... "As she thought about it, Lucia seemed to be beginning to regret what she said about not participating in the simulated battle.

"It's awkward as it is..." Thinking so, she turned to her sister for help.

Waltz, on the other hand, noticed Lucia's gaze and began to think about what it meant. If she was normal, her thoughts would turn to the direction of the day after tomorrow, but at this time, it seemed that she would not mislead Lucia's troubled expression.

The problem was from there. I know Lucia needs help getting through this, but at this point, Waltz didn't think of a plan for how to deal with it. As a result, she thinks. Yes, I thought about it, but it was a moment in real time. Her thoughts in the fast thinking space are completed at the edge in a time that seems to have determined the answer from the beginning.

"... then I'll deal with it." That's on its own, too. "

"... what?"

In Waltz's words, Millenia reacts with suspicion.

In fact, she didn't understand what Waltz was saying. Waltz is the tallest person in the party, and he looks like a child who thinks that entering the college is a mistake. She can't be able to fight like that... "The millenia, which he thought was older, could only think that Waltz was trying to be reckless.

But the waltz left.

"You guys are so weak that Lucia can't fight you." So, if Lucia fights, it won't be a mock fight? That's why I'll fight you if you can relax. If you can touch me a little bit, I'll admit you lost. Well, I don't think I can. "

Waltz said that and walked toward the field of stars and training grounds. And at some point, I turned my heel and gestured to the millenia.

Is that girl really motivated?

Millenia turned her gaze toward Hi Speer with a steep expression on her face. Then, High Speer raised his hands and said, "You're in a good position." Apparently, they're willing to allow mock combat.

Later in the millenia, he also turned to his own teacher in charge. It seems that a male faculty member of the Cavalier Department was in charge today, but he seemed to be happy to dive into the simulated battle of the new student and was in a welcome state. I didn't seem to want to stop.

Results --,

"... okay, but I'll do it alone."

--Millenia decides to fight the waltz by herself.

The waltz on the other side said something with a sad expression on his face.

"Huh? Just one?" Everyone here can come at once, okay? If it wasn't for Lucia, I wouldn't lose, would I? Besides... no matter what the state, isn't it the Knight's Way to fight with all your might against the opponent? Well, I'm not a knight, so it doesn't matter. "

and stirring up waltzes.

At that point, at some point, all the simulated battles were interrupted, and all the students who were there listened to the incitement of the waltz. There seemed to be a man in high spirits among them.

"Excellent! Let's do it!"

Thinking that he had been made a fool of, he scratched his wooden sword and rushed toward the waltz without waiting for a signal to start the simulated battle.




--He suddenly sank to the ground, about 10 meters to the waltz. Waltz used the gravity control system to increase gravity by a factor of 1.5 just around him.

Everyone had a stunned look at the appearance of such a boy student, and they had a reaction that they didn't know what had happened. In front of such students, Waltz opens his mouth in awe.

"It's not basic at all, is it?" The teacher there? Teach him the basics. Isn't it a rule to thank each other first and then start the simulation? Do you think it's okay to ignore the rules and start a fight —— like saying, "Please kill me?"

Something was not seeping from the pale waltz. But still, the students and the teachers seemed to feel something from the waltzes. The intuition that the organism feels. "Something close to murder, something critical..."

"Now, let's get started. I'll make sure it doesn't hurt."

Waltz put his hand in the void, saying that. Then, in her palm, there are black branches about 50 cm long, or something incomparable, which can be called lightning.

Baba baba baba baba baba baba!!

It is the gravity sword that is the product of the waltz that makes the sound of breaking the glass continuously. It is an ultra-science blade that generates hypergravity in a very limited area and cuts through all matter in every space.

For the students--

”U, uwaaa?!”

--When I saw the motivated waltz, I ran away. Students who have been hypergravated by waltzes, and cavalier teachers, all together.

The only thing that seemed to be left of Millenia--


--She has no will to fight... "Looking terribly frightened, she turned her gaze towards the waltz as if she were seeing something monstrous.

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