It was a waltz in which I forgot to ask how to choose lunch, but fortunately it was not a development that I couldn't keep up with lunch. There were about three other people who had to choose their meals, so it was enough to imitate them and order them. In addition, about 1 person always carries their own meals, so there was no need to bother ordering lunch, but sometimes it was the first lunch since coming to the college, and she also decided to order it for everyone.

As a result, problems arise. Of course, not everyone else, not just Waltz, didn't know how to order meals. For the three of them, other than Hi Speer and Asteria, who were nationals of the Grand Duchy of Restofen, what should have been called a disaster had arisen.

It looks delicious!

"Yes, the chef employs a top-notch chef."

"Wow..." Don't yell.

"I-I see... this is cross-cultural communication..."

"... well, that red one shouldn't have a problem if you think it's a crab after a hundred steps." Besides that, there's a lot of delicious food in Escargot, Catfish and Getemono food.... "

The menus served in the cafeteria consisted only of insect and ghetto dishes, and there was not a single dish that could be described as "decent" by Waltz standards. Not only in the Grand Duchy of Restofen, but also in the surrounding countries - more precisely, in the countries of the entire continent.

The reason is simple. For people on this continent, monsters are too strong, and only bugs can be captured easily. In addition to that, it was not possible to secure the protein source stably, and as a result, Getemono cuisine developed.

To be precise, the monsters on this continent weren't particularly strong. The strength of magic and health was the same as the monsters that lived on the continent where Mid-edden was. On the contrary, it doesn't mean people are too weak.

Then why did the people of this continent lag behind the monsters? The reason was the magic used by the monsters.

When they get hurt, they immediately use Heal Magic to restore their health. In addition, there are many swarms, and if an ally tries to hurt one of them, they will fly healing magic from a long distance. Therefore, when trying to hunt monsters, group recovery magic (?) had to damage monsters faster than their healing speed, which meant that people living on the continent couldn't hunt them that easily.

Waltz, Lucia, and Teresa, who didn't know about it, picked out a decent escargot-style meal and took it at the counter, floating a geso face. Then, in a way that Waltz was leading, he chose an appropriate desk (where he dared to be far from the other students) and sat down there.

Waltz asked the questions that should have been asked of the High Speer who came after them.

"Doctor, is there no ordinary food in this cafeteria?"

"Normal? Ah, Mr. Waltz wasn't a Restofen citizen." The meals in this cafeteria are all "normal" meals around here, right? "

"Um... for example, monster meat dishes or bread made from grain?"

“Cuisines made with monster meat are expensive, so they can only be eaten at special events. Bread is eaten every day in some places, but it is basically a luxury product. During transportation, wheat is eaten by insects and cannot be transported over long distances.”

"(Isn't that because you carry wheat with the ingredients from the bug dish?)"

Whether it was true or false was unclear, but Waltz questioned it in his mind. However, since she came to another world, she has touched on other cultures many times, and now she has not shown a great reaction to that extent... I gave up and decided to eat Escargot-style food.

"I'll take it.... ah, it's unexpectedly delicious..."

"Really?... Oh, really..."

"............" mumbles

The three from Mid-Eden ate silently, with little conversation. It was not that it was not delicious, but there were still things to think about in its appearance, and I was forced to eat silently. It also lowered my gaze.

The cause was a dish on a plate of Asteria and High Spear. I was lying down to see what kind of material was used, but there were some hard-to-nominate objects such as crab-like red feet, mysterious armor, and mysterious crushing. What kind of monster was the original shape of the food they were eating...? Thinking like that, the conversation was completely lost between the waltzes.

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