Waltz, who noticed the millenia that had arrived, was freaked out about what he thought. For her, who had never experienced a student in her life and was experiencing it in its current form, the fact that the millenia were coming in groups was the worst thing she could have imagined.

That is, it is the beginning of the jigsaw from the first day of our school. Waltz's perception is that the four waltzes are three beasts, one of whom is only a tall young girl, and there are only elements that can be bullied-- If the mighty seniors gathered around them, they could only imagine that it could not happen anymore.


I'm sorry about earlier!


The Millenia didn't seem to want to quarrel with the Waltzes. Everyone else, including Millenia, bowed their heads to the waltzes at once.

It seemed that the same thing happened to all three of them, except for the waltz, who didn't understand why they were apologizing. As a result, as the four tilted their necks face to face, Millenia, sensing that they did not understand the situation, began to talk about the reasons for the apology.

"During the simulation, you ate without even knowing where you were, didn't you?" I wanted to make a mistake about that. I didn't think you'd be strong enough to escape to a knightly teacher... "

With the explanation of the millenia, the waltzes finally understood the situation. When I toured the simulated battle, I didn't know why I was being apologized for being a one-sided oppressor rather than being eaten.

Waltz seemed to accept such an apology from the millenia honestly and think about putting everything in the water. If that makes for a good student life, she has nothing to say. It was a natural choice for a waltz to think about pushing something out of the middle.

"That's not true--"

"I don't care..." Before she could say that, Lucia clapped her desk and stood up.

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?!"


The waltz was a donkey. She had no idea what to get angry about. Moreover, Lucia wanted to get along with the millenia during the simulation battle, so much so that she asked Waltz to mediate. Even though I gave up on the other side, I couldn't understand the waltz.

However, the next time I heard Lucia's words, I would change my mind a bit.

"So, if the teacher hadn't run away, you would have made a fool of us?" On the other hand, if it wasn't for us, you'd be making a fool of yourself, wouldn't you? You're just a weakling, aren't you? "Pompouska

"(Ah, I see. If we were weak, we could have sold our quarrels... no, that's a little overthinking, right?)"

"If anything happens, I'll make you a mess again right now!"... Teresa-chan! "

"... ah lady. I wonder what it would be like to throw a round at my concubine just because the response has become troublesome."

"No, I think that's good." Because if I deal with it, it will only be a fight! "

Apparently, Lucia herself was aware that she was short-tempered. After hearing her judgement, it seemed that both the waltz that was frustrating and the asteria that she was just listening to, could be dealt with by Teresa.

"I can't help it at all." So, what are you guys doing here? "

"(Hey, hey... isn't Teresa pretty aggressive, too?!)"

Waltz is inwardly harrassed by the way he talks without clothes on his teeth. I didn't think Teresa would be as aggressive as Lucia.

Moreover, Teresa's words didn't stop there.

"What kind of words do you expect from your concubines?" I apologized, so I said, "Yes, I do." Are you asking me to make concessions without worrying about my thoughts? Isn't that too arrogant? In this case, I think it should be wearing black and white!... Miss Lucia. "

"... yeah?"

"Ah Lady. My concubine thinks so. I thought that in order to completely lose the finished product, I would have to put it in black and white. By the way, it's a physical language called Xiao Kun."

Ah, I see.

"I see, it's not..." These two are very aggressive today, aren't they?) "

While the waltz stood idly by, the millenians panicked —— and seemed to be about to cry. During the simulation battle, the boys who were sinking into the ground under the ultra gravity of the waltz, and so on, ran away with their faces pale. The first ditch between the waltzes and the millenia was at an irreparable level.

And that's when it happened.

Kang Korn.....

The clock tower bell rang five minutes before class began.

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