Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-02 Legend from Sirius 2

When the sun is setting and the sky is finally about to stain the pitch-black darkness.

There was a shadow of four (+1) people walking on a steep mountain path with a pine (but LED light)...

"... cold"

"Isn't that right? Victor, you're the only one wearing a metal armor with a nice heat street..."

A rattling and trembling swordsman and a sage wrapped around a moffy coat converse about the rapidly cooling temperatures.

Before coming here, Waltz had taught the two of them that there was a snowwoman with Julia, but somehow, only a wise man was wearing cold gear.

"... heck!!

... Of course, the swordsman didn't forget about it either.

Until now, however, he had never let go of his favorite armor, whether it be a snowy mountain, a burning desert, or a wetland with a bottomless marsh.

And perhaps that will remain the same.

If we keep this up, won't we let it go until that moment of death?

... but I don't wear it in everyday life on boulders.

"It's stupid..."

Watch how such a swordsman looks, squeaking waltz.

"That's okay, even idiots! I've decided to go on an adventure with this partner!... Gusu."

"... can you say the same thing, even if you catch a cold and have more trouble with Catalina?

Swordsman to solidify in the words of Waltz.

Nicole, lend me your coat.

... Apparently, behind his brain, Nikkoli, and Catalina smiled.

Or maybe he sensed signs of tempo releasing the aura silently next to the waltz.

"Don't be silly. I'll catch a cold."

"You, if you angelize, it's not cold, is it?

"I wouldn't angelize you for such a waste"

"Ah, it's cold! Now, if I catch a cold, it's because Nicole didn't lend me her coat."

"... well. But you're the only one who goes to Catalina and gets treatment. Whatever happens after that, it's none of my business."


A plush... and roaring swordsman and a cool looking sage.

With those two exchanges sidelined, Waltz and the others walking down the mountain road,

"Ah, Master Waltz!

Sylvia flew in to pick me up.

"Welcome and good luck"

"No. It was a bit of a bunch of places, so I thought you might not understand."

"Yes... And Julia?"

"Are you a senior? Uh..."

With that said, Sylvia looks difficult and thinks about it.

"I hope you can't stay away from Mr. Snow Woman, what do you say... I think you'll find out if you go"

"It's a hassle..."

"No, that's not what..."

Apparently complicated circumstances (?).

Either way, she's right, you'll see if you go.

"Well, show me around."

"I get it!

That said, Sylvia began to guide the waltzes as they slowly flew through the sky.

And it is a certain cliff abyss that the line came.

It's under this cliff.

Sylvia peeking under a cliff where some mockingbird and black smoke are blowing.

... As far as this black smoke is concerned, you will be able to come in a straight line without hesitation no matter what you think, even if there is no guidance on Sylvia...

However, if there is no waltz here and the area is bright, the condition is attached.

And Waltz peered under the cliff in the same way as Sylvia did.

"... yeah. It's a difficult situation to explain."

Waltz convinced by the sight he has seen.

... because,

"Ugh... it's cold... oh, Master Waltz!

Julia warms up with some kind of black liquid that burns while raising black smoke;

"Ah... warm... eh? Was there a rumor?

... because for some reason there was a snowwoman who was warm as well.

Unlike Sylvia, Julia (Sacubas), who has no feathers on her wings, is probably vulnerable to the cold.

If you stay too far from the fire, you won't be able to stand the cold, something like that?

... but the problem is, it's the snowwoman.

Are you sure she's a snowwoman?

With that question in mind, Waltz stepped down to the bottom of the cliff, floating his companions in space, except for Sylvia.

At that time, the first snowwoman to see Waltz was literally freezing, but as usual, no one seemed to care.

"Good evening. You two. You're cold enough today..."

It's not cold at all, but the waltz relies on the outside temperature shown in front of me and says so.

... and she somehow went straight into the burning black liquid without hesitation.


Along with (but excluding tempo) waltz's bizarre.

"I can't believe there was a place like this where oil sprang up... You did it! Julia, Sylvia!

"What? Oh, yes. Thanks! (Is that it?... So what's the liquid I have?

"Thank you... I mean, aren't you hot, Master Waltz?

Nobody was stuck, so I'm afraid to ask, Sylvia.

"Huh? What?

"No, 'cause you're on fire, aren't you?

"Ah... Uh, hey... 1200 degrees. Well, that's not a lot of temperature."

"Hmm... that was about the temperature, right?"

... Almost certainly, Sylvia won't understand what the temperature of 1200 degrees is.

If I let it go like this, it would stick to the waltz and jump into the burning oil...

Before that happens, Waltz uses gravity control to quench the fire by eliminating air from the surface of the jumped oil.

And when I floated the oil that was gushing into the universe whenever possible,


The appearance of Waltz finally returned to me the snowwoman who had been solidifying.

"Ah, ahhh...!

Snowwoman speaking to Waltz as she joins hands in front of her chest.

"I say me, me, Yuki. We are here to deliver a letter deposited by Lord Sirius, the Demon King, to the representatives of Mid-Eden!

(No twist whatsoever, that's the same name...)

Waltz with that sentiment for a snowwoman looking up at herself with her eyes strangely shining.

In her lineage, she probably gives children, for generations, even names that look cold or cold.

Leaving it alone, she also seems likely to worship Waltz as a 'demon god' or something, so Waltz decided to strike her hand beforehand.

"Uh, I'm a Mid-Eden citizen, Waltz."


Voices of dissent from my fellow citizens (?) rises.

"No, it's not true? Or do you think I'm in any position?

"It may be true, but now that Master Waltz is gone, Mid-Eden won't be able to stand"

and Sylvia.

"It's okay. Cortex, Atlas, Strella, Canopus, Teresa and the brave. Worst case scenario, even if we leave it to the tempo, we'll figure it out."

"I don't like it."

Tempo to answer instantly.

"... why are you answering instantly?

It's a hassle.

He has a different personality, but still seems to have a sisterly mindset.

"Uh... uh?

The snowwoman (Yuki), who was eating the bastard completely, raises her voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Well, I'm not a representative of the state, but if you're about to talk to me as a professional citizen, I'll listen to you, okay?

... However, specify that it is not the same as the so-called 'P □ citizens'.

Yuki gives a sad look somewhere in Waltz's 'not representative' statement.

Then she immediately opened her mouth with a difficult look on her face.

"... I am sorry, but Sirius has been offered to show (...) the kingdom of Mid-Eden (...) to the king (...)..."

"King, you know..."

That's what I said, then a waltz that sighs like no one can tell.

And I turned my gaze to Julia and said:

"I wonder if your former companions still don't know that Mid-Eden has become a republican?

"It seems so. The intelligence unit that was in Wang Du has been wiped out in one case, so it's not surprising that the information hasn't been communicated..."

It was a few months ago, but Julia reminds me of it like it was a long time ago.

"With a radio, it's information that's going to be easy to pass on..."

"That's usually the case, because we don't have the technology to communicate information."

With that said, Julia put her hands on the bag that would contain the radio Waltz had given her.

"... that's why, Yuki. There is no king in our Mid-Eden. Similar positions, chancellor."

"... will you please let me see that chancellor"

"Yep. You don't mind, do you?

and waltz to acknowledge in two replies, especially without checking if she really uses Sirius.

Even if she were an assassin, the current Speaker (Cortex) would not be killed so easily.

But Yuki seemed to have mistrust in such waltz's attitude.

In the first place, Waltz, who was supposed to call himself a 'Ichi citizen', took the liberty of promising to draw with the top of the country.

You wouldn't believe it and deserve it.

"Um... you're not lying, are you?

If you followed Waltz and the others, they might have been sold as slaves at some point, etc.

Seems to have thought so.

"Yep. Of course you do?... but you won't believe it... I'll leave it to you to follow me or not. 'Energy!'"

"Yes, I'm coming."

When Waltz raises his voice toward the sky (wireless communication system), he returns a reply from Energy.

... to such a waltz voice,

"I just got here, and you're leaving already?

Swordsman who unintentionally confirms.

"No, because I could see Mr. Yuki, and I could recover the oil, and you have something else to do?

"... you don't. But I don't think there's anything..."

"Well, I don't know what it feels like, but even I still have a mountain to do, and I can't help it this time."

"That too... Sure, in these mountains, there's nothing else to do but hunt. There's nothing more troublesome than hunting without your sister..."

... I wonder if that mouthfeel means that hunting is a hassle for swordsmen, who always leave such a hassle hunting to the hunters...

And during the dozens of seconds Waltz and Swordsman were talking,


Make an explosion, the energy's moving.

... landing, of course, a spike to the ground (crash?).


Yuki, who doesn't know the energy itself and how to land it, is frightened by the sudden explosion.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since you've reacted. I just want to take care of this kind of reaction, but lately, because we've all gotten used to it, even if we do something new, it's not going to respond well..."

"Right... Until the other day, Julia and Sylvia had the same reaction... but getting used to it is lonely."

Tempo returning words to Waltz's soliloquy.

"No... no matter how many times I saw it, I said I wasn't used to it..."

"Really? Victor. You seemed most used to me..."

"No, there's no way there's..."

When a swordsman and a wise man are interacting like that,




... a bunch of milli-machines (energy) happily running from the airship killed the swordsman (?) I did.


Once I broadcast that on TV, Yuki is frightened again by the figure of a swordsman who is about to be warned by the BPO.

"Oh, never mind? Because it's the usual."


"If you're doing this, you can't go home forever, so let's just go, okay?

And Waltz turned his eyes back (soaking) from the swordsman rolling all over the ground while the millimeter machine was everywhere, cutting the lead and returning to the energy (airship)...

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