Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-07 Legend from Sirius7

The next morning.

Waltz visits before breakfast when Cortex tells him that something is wrong with Yuki, who was staying in the guest room.

Well, even if Cortex didn't tell me, I was planning on going.

"... hey, you... aren't you melting?

Waltz entering the guest room is the first word I said when I saw Yuki...

"Shh, excuse me. I didn't even think there was heating in the room... and I used it unexpectedly."

Despite temperatures that I don't think need heating no matter what you think, in the fireplace in the guest room, the firewood was raising the flames with good momentum...

Because of that, Yuki sweats (?), and he was about 20 cm smaller than yesterday, and now he was only about Lucia's height.

As far as how it went, all I could say was that it was melting...

No, can you even say you're young...

"... how cold..."

"No, me, it's resistant to the cold, isn't it? I just like being warm..."

If I were to say it, it would be resistant to heat and cold...

Well, if it's too hot, it physically melts.

"Something looks bad to me, so I'm gonna turn off the heating."

That said, waltz that uses gravity control and compresses and feeds air into the firewood for what it's burning right now to burn up all at once.

Then the firewood, for a moment, emitted strong light and heat, but soon became ash and disappeared.

Incidentally, why didn't you take the air from around the firewood and extinguish the fire, because the firewood flame may quench the fire while you are taking the air, but at the point of de-gravity control, the hot firewood will re-ignite.


Yuki turned a resentful gaze on the firewood that burned up in a flash, but around the time the fire went out and turned to ashes, now he turned a shitty gaze against Waltz.

"Could it be that Master Waltz is a fiery demon?

"No, it's not the flames you're manipulating... I mean, why the demon god..."

Yuki didn't use the word 'demon god' once yesterday, but waltz with a head for a demon god statement that came out of nowhere.

"Uh, the story that Master Waltz is a demon is a famous story in my country, isn't it? Besides, Master Sirius, because Waltz is in this country, he asked for help..."

"Let me tell you something, I'm not a demon god, am I? Because I'm a citizen."

"Yes. That's what you want me to do, isn't it? I understand."

"You have no idea..."

Apparently, Yuki, in Cortex's words yesterday, said that the circumstances (?) seems to have grasped.

"But for calling me a demon, why didn't you show me the letter?

"... I'm sorry, but the message I received from Sirius was' Show it to the King of Mid-Eden ', so even if Master Waltz was a demon... even the general public could not bend it..."

And, halfway, Yuki mouths things that don't make sense.

... In short, they thought Waltz was doing the king of Mid-Eden.


(You know I'm here, but you don't know that Mid-Eden has become a republican... I wonder which one of them is leaking information...)

There may not be intelligence agents under Sirius in the Wang capital, but they are now lurking in Merclio and Endercia.

Perhaps from that point of view, information is being conveyed.

... It should be noted that the current Wang Capital is not in an environment where low-level intelligence units can operate because of the waltz-style residential management and the fact that the intelligence services of the Yulias are sometimes eye-catching.

Even if he had broken in for intelligence purposes, he would have been caught and disturbed by a tip from the intelligence department.

And by reading that flow of niche information, a system that has become common in modern world countries may be in place that allows us to find out in reverse what way the information is leaking.

"The heating is in order. If something happens to the messenger, he won't show it to the countries around him."

"Excuse me, I'm worried about you... I'll be careful from now on."

That's what I say and I bow my head Yuki.

"Well. Well, it's breakfast, lady, is there something you can't eat or something? Of course, in the cold."

Yuki only gave a sad look for a moment at the words of such waltz, how she thought of saying 'I want something warm' before the roots of her tongue were dry either.

"Uh... I don't like or dislike it, but if you're going to have something cold... it's very hard to say, but it would be helpful if you could have something cold but delicious"

... Apparently, taste and smell are just like people.

"Yes... Because meat dishes are good? Do you like vegetable dishes?

"It doesn't matter either way."

"Hmm. Well, okay. I'll make it with a twist on my arm."

Mostly hunters, are.

You wouldn't be able to ask a boulder, a real public chef, to 'cook a dish for a snowwoman'.

"Yes, please"

And Waltz, who took the order from the snowwoman, tells the hunter who was preparing his people's breakfast in the kitchen.

"He wants to eat something cold and delicious."

"That's a long time, vague..."

"Is that difficult?

"Of course, you can't just chill, can you?

"I didn't ask you that much, but maybe not."

"Oh well..."

Ice cream is dessert, and I don't know about sashimi from breakfast..., hunter I think.

"I'll think about it appropriately."

"Excuse me, please"

And Waltz, who entrusted Yuki's breakfast to the hunter, went out (...) knowing (...) not (...).

... In doing so, the hunter,

"Um, hunter? I was wondering if you'd like to speak to yourself out loud like that..."

And, to the chef who didn't see Waltz, it's been pointed out...

"What do you say? Do you think you can?

And about an hour later.

Waltz came to the kitchen and spoke to the hunter.

... then,

Silently, the hunter began to write something on the paper.

And I'll show you that.

"Er..." My conversation with Waltz was mistaken for solitary "? No... er... I'm sorry about something..."

Never mind.

While I write that, some sad looking hunter.

"... or shouldn't we just make it magically conversational?

In Waltz's words, the hunter writes a questionmark and an exclamation mark on the paper as he rounds his eyes.

... Apparently, he hadn't noticed it before.

Right! You had that hand!

"No, I think you can say it with your mouth, right?

"But I... I couldn't give you an excuse when I talked to the chef earlier..."

... a hunter who shows off his shorthand inside.

Note that "..." can also be written properly.

"Isn't it too late now?

Then the hunter, thinking for a moment, moved his hand.

"... no, that's okay. You can't make bad excuses and make weird rumors."


Apparently, the hunter, the daughter of an aristocrat, has a fence (blemishes) that Waltz doesn't understand.

So, this is Yuki's breakfast?

Write that down. (Say) The dish the hunter put before the waltz,

"It's a refined dish..."

Cold warm vegetables (?) in boiled Takano tofu, pickled, cold porridge, etc.

Even the boulder hunters did not seem to be able to cook cold meat dishes in this short time.

I also thought about slime cooking... and I thought I might hate it because I'm a demon.

"But Yulia looks delicious (? He was eating, right?

Do you... do you want to take it?

While writing that, hunters get their hands in ingredient bags and look for what they've been hunting for.

"No, I think it's enough"

"Right. Okay."

"Well, I'll carry you"

That being said, Waltz floated Yuki's breakfast into the universe, leaving the kitchen behind.

... but forget to hang an optical camo on your meal...

No, the holographic system was broken, so should I say I couldn't turn it off?

"Yuki? It's rice ~?

Waltz entering the guest room with that said.

At the same time, he released his own optical camouflage.

"... for a moment, I remember my mother"

"... Dear Yuki, we have prepared a meal for you"

"... Could it be that you don't like being called my mother?

"I mean, me, maybe, younger than you?


Yuki, who looks as young as Lucia, gives a startling look.

"Really... I thought you were, like, 500, but you weren't"

"... how do I look like I'm 500..."

"It could be a rude question, how old are you, by the way? About 200?

"... no, let's not talk about this anymore"

... Apparently, Yuki's age, at least, is over 200.

"So, it's breakfast, yes this"

With that said, Waltz arranges refined dishes on his desk.

"Wow... that's a beautiful decoration... So, where's the breakfast?

"What... no, this is breakfast, but..."


In Waltz's words, Yuki's expression solidified.

"... Huh?! Are you going to eat this flower billa?!

Yuki said flower billa.

It is what the hunter chopped plants like carrots so that they look like roses, then boiled them sappily in hot water with a small amount of salt and turned them into warm vegetables.

Cooking is my hobby (?) For the hunter, it was the usual dish, but for Yuki, who sees it for the first time, such warm vegetables seemed like a beautiful flower billa.

Well, it doesn't even look like a bit of a poor cook if you're thinking about making a national guest figure, but if you're thinking about being a snowwoman and cooking time, you can call it a reasonable menu.

"Yep. You can say" paku "now, okay?

And in fact,


and yuki to eat.

"Ah... the flavour of the ingredients is alive..."

"Well, it's a fine dish,"

She's been alive for over 200 years and she's never had these dishes.

Then I try to eat something like meat this time.

"... Could this be, like, not meat?

"Come on... why don't you try it and you'll see?

Waltz, who dares not answer Yuki's question.

Of course, no meat is used for this breakfast.

"... what is it, a sponge like this meat..."

"Takano tofu. Or maybe they call it frozen tofu."

"Is this tofu..."

"Hmm, well, briefly, can I just say frozen and dried tofu?


And Yuki, impressed with each dish, proceeded to breakfast...

"It was quite a treat."

Yuki, with a satisfied look on her face, says so.

I'll tell the cook.

"I'd love to,"

Yuki smiles as she says so.

Exactly what I would call a culinary full of profit.

Waltz then talks about what was decided yesterday as he sets up Yuki's finished dishes.

"I'm talking about Boreas support, because I've decided to support you conditionally"


To Waltz's words, Yuki gives a surprising look.

"What... what? You thought the story was gonna crack?

"... yes. It was a country where there was a demon, Master Waltz, so I didn't think it was unlikely, but it was still a country on the human side, so I wasn't optimistic."


(... I wonder if humans and demons are considerably less friendly than you think...)

If I were to put it another way, would it mean that the Boreas Empire is in such distress that it has to rely on countries on the smaller human side of the formula where support can be mounted?

When Waltz thinks about it, Yuki opens her mouth with a difficult look on her face.

"Um... by the way, what is a condition?

"No, it's not a big deal, is it? Well... if it's easy to say, I'm sending a messenger so I can talk to Sirius directly, right?

To Waltz's words, Yuki said with a horrible look on her face.

"I have no problem with that because I was going to ask the original messenger to meet with Master Sirius"

"Yes, but we haven't decided who to send yet, so I'm sure we'll talk more later."

"Really? Okay."

"Well, I think Cortex has a detailed explanation for this matter today, so you can ask me later."


That is why a detailed briefing was held this afternoon between the three Cortex, Atlas and Tempo and Yuki on the dispatch of the messengers.

In the end, however, the story of who to send was not decided, and Waltz was to give a circular, as Waltz put it, at a later date.

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