

Just as she was leaving the classroom, Millenia bumped into something. She raises her face to see what hit her.

"Is that... a wall?! Why... is there a wall here...?"

There was a wall built there that was not supposed to be there until the morning, and there was no passage to be there.

Ahead of the wall, Millenia got confused. Thoughts that question whether there was a wall in such a place, and thoughts that deny that there would be one, and thoughts that question why it didn't make a fuss, thoughts that worry about when the wall was created... At the end, he even suspected that he had gone insane.

Well, that was for a moment, and thanks to the anomalies that have been occurring lately, she was able to think calmly.

"It certainly wasn't in the morning..." But there's no atmosphere for the construction... hah?! This is phantom magic! "

Millenia wondered. It was impossible to do construction without sound, so I immediately realized that someone had developed phantom magic.

As a result, she pressed her palm against the wall with a strong heart. Phantom magic is a magic that acts on the spirit, it is like a kind of brainwashing. Therefore, if you have a strong heart, you can avoid it.... that's what I was supposed to do.

"... it's hard..."

But if the millenia has a strong heart, it cannot break down its walls. No matter how strong you think it is, it is the same. The hardness of the wall remains unchanged, and it is not like a hand is buried in the wall after a millimeter.

Of course. The walls were the real walls that Potentia built.

"It's a wall! Ahahaha!" Pooh!

On the other side of the wall, High Speer, who was unable to return to his room, was escaping reality with a very good smile. If you paint her now, you can say that there are flowers on her head.

Aware of her appearance, Waltz appeared in the hallway. Waltz noticed the wall, and frowned strangely.

"Huh? Why the wall...?" What I see is not magic, but a real wall, right? So Potentia built this wall. "

Waltz is the killer right away (?) and asked without going anywhere. Then an insect-style potentia appears as if it stains the gap between the walls.

"It was likely that Millenia-sama would charge in today, so I was stopped by this wall. Honestly, I'm not good at that. It's the same this morning, but if you think you've seen me with bloodshot eyes, it's an icy magic from no chanting. When I see something like that, I'm too scared to get close to it. I'm not a person, but I'm getting chicken. And look! You can still hear me, right? I heard the sound of a donkey.

Don't, don't, don't!

Gun Gun Gun Gun Gun!!

"I wonder what's going on..." It was as if I had done something wrong..... "

"No, I don't think I'm looking for Potentia at all..." I mean, is Millenia such a violent character? I don't know what kind of person you are because you don't have a proper relationship, but people don't depend on appearances..... "

Waltz replied to Potentia, and then urged Hi Speer to return to his room from the staircase in the opposite direction. High Speer nodded happily to Waltz's words, and seemed to be returning to his room as he took a detour in an atmosphere that seemed to be skipping.

“What should we do? This wall....."

As Waltz puts his arms together and thinks about it, Teresa, who gradually emerges from the classroom, speaks of her ideas.

"Hmm... well, how about if you can't see the wall with phantom magic?" On top of that, I rewrite the memory of Miss Millenia. That way, Miss Millenia won't suddenly make a fuss about the wall and won't come here. "

Well, isn't that okay?

I have no objection to that either.

"Well then......"

Teresa said that and unfolded her phantom magic against the wall. At that moment, the wall became transparent and invisible.

"Oh! I found it!"




”[... ahhh]”

--As soon as the walls became invisible, Millenia, who had found the waltzes, rushed to the clear wall with all her might, and pushed her head into it. As a result, she collapses into place and stops moving.

"... it was an accident, wasn't it?"

”... I'm so sorry, but I can't help it.”

"Huh?! That's not a joke!" Lucia, you're hurt! Hurt people! "

The waltzes rushed to call Lucia and treat Millenia across the wall...

"Hey! Millenia!"

Bad timing, Jack, her classmate, came to the other side of the wall - the millenia side.

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