Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-09 Restoration Part A2

"What's that sound?! This smoke... fire?!

Catalina, who was working in the infirmary, rushes out to the explosion inside the energy.

"Catalina was safe, wasn't she? Is the infirmary okay?

"Yes. It rocked a little, but it wasn't a big deal. What the hell happened?

"... Sylvia could have been killed."

"... Huh?

Catalina listening back unexpectedly.

"Ko, junior..."

At Waltz's feet, Julia was on the ground.

"... what do you mean?

"I dropped explosives on the ground and exploded... maybe"

"I don't know..."

Catalina in such a way that she doesn't know how to just drop it on the floor and the explosives explode.

"... I don't know the details either. Anyway, I'm gonna check on the damage."

Speaking of which, Waltz advanced his foot into the energy of smoke...

Meanwhile, around that time,

"Ho, ho... hey, what is it...?!

Sylvia herself appeared in front of Sylvia's (...) room, close to the bridge.

Apparently, he was lucky, alive.

"(My ears hurt, but... my hands, my legs, my wings... yeah, I don't think I'm hurt)"

Check your body for abnormalities, Sylvia.

But I notice one anomaly there.

"... no backpack...?

I came to pick up the paperwork I had forgotten in Energia's own room, packed it into a magical rucksack, and then tried to leave the room with it in my hand, until I accidentally slipped my hand and dropped the rucksack. I don't mind, but I had vague memories from there.

... Well, if I had any other memory, I'd have to suspect a head injury.

"... oh, here's the thing..."

As she looks back and gazes at the automatic door of the room, she sees the rucksack shoulder strap pinched against the door.

"Mmmm!!... I can't take it..."

Though Sylvia will try to pull it off, she's completely caught on the door, and the rucksack didn't even say yeah.

So I try to open the door, but...

"Grunt!!... it won't open..."

Usually, the automatic door that was supposed to open on its own didn't open, even if it was somehow pulled by hand.

"(... broken because the backpack got pinched?

I think that's what Sylvia thinks when she sees a spider and black smoke coming out of the door gap.

... Apparently, she thinks the door opening and closing mechanism exploded.

"(Ma, awkward... if this is what Master Waltz finds out...)"

That's why I don't care, when Sylvia, pale in the face, is standing up in front of the door.


The waltz appears.


Sylvia freaks out her body at the sudden appearance of Waltz.

... but the next moment,


"I'm glad you're safe..."


Waltz hugged me and my head turned completely white.

"No injuries?

"... uh, yes. No."

"... you, you could have died almost there, didn't you? Looks like you saved my life thanks to the door."

"What... what do you mean?

When Sylvia, who can't read the situation, is holding her head up,

"... these things"

With that said, Waltz forced the doors of Sylvia's room open.



Suddenly, the heat surrounds the area.

"Huh!? Riu, the backpack..."

At the end of Sylvia's gaze, the rucksack had left behind a shoulder strap, completely cut off and gone.

On the contrary, the flames were still smoking in the room, the walls burned to black, the ceilings deformed and the interior of the outer shell was exposed.

At the earliest possible time, it could be said that there are only a few rucksack wrecks left.

Sylvia, who now realizes what's going on in such a room, ceases and blues.

"Thanks to the blast that escaped into the space between the outer shell and the room, you didn't seem to matter..."

If the room was not unitary and had a structure that bordered the outer shell, the room itself would have exploded shatteringly, involving the surrounding rooms and parts, making it a worse disaster.

"You don't care, do you? He's alive, so that's not good. You just have to fix what's broken."

Waltz spoke to Sylvia with a blue face.

"How could you..."

"... did this happen? Well, the oil you brought back from North Fortress wasn't oil, it was explosives. So, I thought I'd hurry up and collect it, but I didn't make it..."

There's no such thing as waltz talking, but...

"... Dear Waltz... Me, the hell, what am I gonna do..."

Sylvia had no idea what to do with the seriousness of what she had done.

"No, you don't have to do anything about it. It's not like someone got hurt, and it's like an accident, so we're not going to pursue liability, are we?


"What, what? Should I have pursued my responsibilities? In that case, as a supervisory responsibility, I'm the most responsible..."

"... no, that's not..."

"Then shake it off! Like I said, if you're worried about nothing, you're gonna grow old, okay?

"... nope. I'm sorry!

To Sylvia's expression, who said so and bowed her head, the colours that had come to mind until earlier had completely disappeared.

"Yeah.... oh, but I blew up the room, so I have to apologize properly to everyone who kept their personal belongings, right?


... and Sylvia, again, holds her head...

Mainly, portraits of waltz (?) to the fact that it burned...

After sending Sylvia to Catalina for a check-up just in case.

"And you blew it up good..."

Waltz discerns inside the exploded room and checks for damage.

The door did not open because it was deformed by a blast.

If the door hadn't deformed and opened poorly, couldn't Sylvia have been safe?

Sylvia may in a way be considered the bearer of strong luck, if we consider this matter together with one at North Fortress, for example.

... Well, it was bad luck, so I can say the bag exploded...

Looking out at the outer shell from the crack that Waltz opened to the ceiling,

"Oh, sister!

Lucia ran into the room.

And I look inside the room, which has turned black, and I'm flabbergasted.

"Wow... what is this..."

"It exploded, it blew up. Well, if you let it go, the millimeter machine will fix it one of these days... But we have to replace this ceiling."

The metal sheets that make up the ceiling were torn and heavily pulled (shaken) as if the balloon were ruptured because they could no longer withstand the pressure from the inside.

A scratch that's not that big on a millimeter machine would be repairable, but too much damage could not be repaired.

The neighborhood is, arguably, the same as the body of an organism.

In short, in the event of major wounds, means such as transplantation will be required in order to fully heal them.

"So, what's up? Lucia?"

"Ah! You know, it sounds like Energia's not feeling well!

"... ah"

Waltz solidifying in Lucia's words.

"... I totally forgot."

He is an energy boy who feels the anomaly that happened to the energy (airship) as discomfort and pain.

The damage to the hull caused by this explosion appears to have caused pain.

That's why Waltz and Lucia came to the bridge.

Then, the speaker heard the energy boy's and thought (obo) groans.

"Ugh... I'd love to..."

The robot on the bridge, now leaning against the chair without force, appears to be headed back toward the airship body.

"Energy. Are you okay?

"Hey... I'm hungry..."

"Well, there's been an explosion in the energy system."

"I want to, I can't hang in there..."

Waltz with his head in his heart, in the words of energy.

A person can relieve the pain by administering an analgesic, but in the case of energy, the structure is completely different from that of a person, so there was no way to apply it.

In the first place, I don't even know why I'm in pain.

A poor response was also considered to make the pain unnecessarily worse.

"... energy. I can't help you right now."

"... uh..."

To Waltz's ruthless words, the energy to raise a sad voice.

"I don't have any parts or materials, so I have no choice... So, energy."

That's what Waltz said, turning to a speaker who could hear energy.

"Shut down all engines, including the fusion reactor, until we reboot."

In other words, I want you to stay asleep for a while until the restoration is complete.

Do you... do you want to eat the fungus? How do you do that?

"Well... you can manipulate it on me, but... are you ready to sleep?

'... I want to be there, but if it's gone...'

"Yes. Well, good night for a while. Energy."

Having said that, Waltz pressed the emergency stop button that was behind the back of the captain's seat.


Such a low noise rings and the ship suddenly darkens.

Perhaps all three nuclear fusion reactors have shut down.

"Well, we need to hurry up and deal with it"

Mainly in the sense of letting an external power source be supplied before the power of the spare power supply that is supplying power to the infirmary falls.

"Hey, honey! I'll help, too."

In Lucia's case, frankly, it would mean repairing energy.

"... yeah. I'm begging you."

(Huh... I wonder why my work doesn't go inside...)

Thus, the restoration of energy was to take precedence over the restoration of the Waltz hologram.

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