
It was a small flame. It was as small as a candle, darker than a lantern, and so weak that it was about to disappear.

However, for a girl, it seemed to be a fierce and intense flame that burned all the visible worlds.


Waltz, who did not fly from the tip of the staff, and saw the flame swaying like the flame of a lighter, stared at the little light without saying anything. Her eyes, reflecting the flames, were sparkling, and her mouth remained open. It seemed like she could only see the flames anymore.

After a few dozen seconds, High Speer tries to direct the flames, just like the students so far. However, just before that, the mouth of the waltz moved.

"I see... I can use magic too..."

Since then, High Speer's eyes have doubted the behavior of Waltz. The waltz tried to grab the flame with the unarmed hand.

"Huh?! Mr. Waltz?!"

"It's okay, don't get physically burned." I was so moved that I wanted to see if this flame was really a flame... "

Waltz said that her fire magic never burned herself. Of course, the hot stuff was hot, but not hot enough to burn a waltz. A fire of 1,000 or 2,000 degrees won't burn her.

"Ahahah... it's really hot. It's a real flame!"

"Um... are you sure you're okay?"

"It's okay. Isn't this going to be a little more firepowery?" I feel like it's very small... "

"That's strange.... The firepower setup should be the same as the others, but was it defective?"

Speaking of which, why didn't you start a flame earlier?

"Huh?!...... Maybe it's defective after all."

High Speer couldn't say. "Why didn't fire magic come out in the first attempt..." It was impossible to say that I had forgotten to fill the automatic wand with magic because of my own fault, but I couldn't say it in front of the waltz that turned to the glittering gaze.

"To another cane--"

"No, this cane is fine." This is enough for a beginner me. However, it would be nice if you could strengthen the firepower with just a little more..... "

In that case, if you touch the two small magic circles above, the firepower will increase--

"Ahh, this is it." Po-po-po-po-po-po.

"If you push too much, the firepower becomes too strong--"



The waltz was enveloped in flames. At once, the output of the automatic wand rose too much, and a flame burst out from the entire wand. Originally, the fire magic emanating from the automatic wand was used on the premise that it was thrown by swinging, so the surgeon would not be wrapped in the flame due to the centrifugal force, but at this time, the waltz was only touching the switch with the maximum firepower. As a result, a large fireball enveloped the waltz.

From Hi Speer's point of view, it was an unmistakable accident. Because of the possibility of an accident, High Speer did not pass the automatic wand to everyone, but handed it to each one of them to experience the automatic wand.

This is the worst. It's no exaggeration to say that the life of a high piano teacher is over.

Therefore, she hastily tried to exercise her water magic. She starts chanting with her own staff, hoping from her heart that she will be safe.

Nevertheless, it had to be said that her actions were far too slow to help a human enclosed in the flames of fire. Fire magic, unlike just flames, also had the effect of heating the subject itself. If you're a living organism, your body will almost instantly carbonize and turn to ash.


"Wow, Mr. Waltz...?"

--It shouldn't have been possible in the first place, such as grinning and twirling in the flames. If that's possible, another magic —— for example, you're using barrier magic to protect yourself, you're wearing multiple enchanted armor to protect yourself from magic, or something else —— for example, you have a huge heat capacity that can't be heated by fire magic...

The conclusion reached by Hi Speer, who thought calmly after stopping the use of water magic,

"Ah, I see! Mr. Waltz, you've been developing barrier magic since the beginning!"

It may be said that it was a natural idea for those who lived in this world to guess —— honestly.

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