After eating with the waltzes, the huntsman returned to Mid-Eden with Yulia. Using the Cortex magic tool "anywhere (...) door", he returned to Mid-Eden, far away, as if he were entering another room.

While the huntsmen were staying, Lucia, who was speechless, had her beast's ears knocked down after the two of them had left. She felt sorry for herself. Waltz's presence in the Grand Duchy of Restofen was triggered by Lucia starting to say that she didn't want to go back to Mid-Eden, so Lucia couldn't say that Waltz didn't want to go back to Yulia.

"... haa"

Lucia sighed exhaustedly. There, there was no usual fluttering figure of her... "It was obvious to everyone that he was depressed.

Waltz, aware of Lucia's appearance, sat down next to her sister and asked frankly.

"Lucia... do you want to go back to Mid-Eden?"

To relieve Lucia's depressed mood now, returning to Mid-Eden was the best solution. Lucia regrets having disappeared without telling anyone, so Waltz wondered if she could return to the country, apologize to everyone, and then return to the Grand Duchy of Restofen. On the other hand, it seemed that about half of the thoughts were troublesome, so it would be good to stay like this, but in any case, it seemed that the Waltz did not decide on its own and decided to leave the choice to Lucia.

Lucia, on the other hand, looked at the door where the huntsmen had disappeared, and then reconsidered. And he said this as if he had made up his mind.

"... I'm not going back to Mid-Eden now either. I'm sure that when I get back, I'll spoil everyone's kindness and I won't be able to come back here... I feel that way."

"... is it really good?"

"If you have sisters, it's okay." Sushi... yeah. I'll have Teresa make it for you! "

Teresa shrugged her shoulders at Lucia, who had turned to expect something from her. Then, the gaze that was locking on to Asteria's tail turned to Lucia in a troublesome way.

"A lady? What are you going to do with the ingredients to make sushi?" Even if you're a stony concubine, you can't make sushi from scratch, right? "

There is no rice, vinegar, soy sauce, or fried tofu in the ingredients distributed in the Grand Duchy of Restofen. Making Inari sushi from a state with almost no ingredients is extremely difficult, and it seems that Teresa did not want to do it. If there was anything she could do, she could only either go to Mid-Eden to buy something called passion or prepare ingredients from the level where she plowed the fields. In any case, it doesn't change that I don't like it.

Like before, what about making fried beans from soybeans and the surrounding rocks?

"Even if the frying is good, ingredients such as rice cannot be made from stone. I'll buy it or we'll just have to plow the fields and make it."

"... I see..."

Currently, it is difficult to make Inari sushi. In the first place, when Lucia was about to give up, whether she was going to transfer them from field to field, the two men appear in conversation.

In short, you can bring ingredients from Mid-Eden, right? I know. Yeah, I know! '

It's a potentia that looks like an insect with a shiny black body.


"No, no, wait. Miss A, this isn't a G, it's a potato."

"...? Oh, I see." It's confusing.... "

”If you're already Lucia-chan. Please don't deny my identity."

Then, after frustratedly putting his forefoot together, Potentia made a proposal like this in his mouth.

I'll bring ingredients for the next food delivery.


Lucia gnawed.

Yes, it's true!

We did it!

Lucia jumped happily on the spot because of the unexpected good news.

It's just--

"... as far as I can tell, it doesn't sound like bringing the sushi itself, but the ingredients, is it because of your imagination?"

You can't go shopping for sushi in this outfit.

"... if only you could be a human figure and buy me some sushi..."

In the end, Teresa seemed convinced that she had to make Inari sushi.

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