Time goes back a little.

Waltz was the centerpiece, and large quantities of groceries were taken out of the Energia freezer and transported to the warehouse next to the college cafeteria. In addition to Lucia, Teresa, and Asteria, Josephine and her bodyguards, faculty, and some students were carrying a total of about 100 people.

There seemed to be no dissatisfaction with the transport itself as a waltz that achieved its purpose, but it seemed that there was only one thing that bothered me.

"(Why don't they just stand there and help Josephine while she moves her hand?)"

Even though Josephine, the head of the Grand Duchy of Restofen, was moving, I couldn't figure out how many students were just watching it. About half of the students gathered there weren't moving. Otherwise, including those looking at it from the college building, about 70% of the students were just looking around, and did not try to help carry their luggage.

Who are the support supplies for...? "The waltz I was thinking about--

"Dr. Magnea."

--Talk to the dean, Magnea, who was just trying to carry the luggage nearby.

Magnea asked Waltz as she laid down her luggage and solved the magic of strengthening her body.

Yes, what is it?

"Partly... I don't feel like a lot of students are helping me, but why is that?" No, no, I don't want to force you to help me, do I? "


Asked by Waltz, Magnea was stubborn. She was also aware of the current situation that many students were just watching, but she was pretending not to see it. It seems to have been abandoned for some reason.

After that, it took a while. As it looks, Magnea reveals herself towards a waltz that is even shorter than herself, as though she were an adult angry child.

"... there are many students from this college who are of noble origin." And the nobles basically don't want to get their hands dirty. ”

“I see. We're civilians and we can't help you.”

"I'm sorry, but there are a lot of people who have such ideas." to say more.... "

Magnea looked around and confirmed that there was no one nearby who could hear her voice, then continued to speak.

"... it looks like there are quite a few students who have hostile nobility with Lord Josephine." I think the rest of them are neutral and look at the situation. By the way, most of the students who are helping me right now are Josephine school students. ”

"Even though everyone is still young, you're still drooling..." Does that mean there might be a watchdog? "

"Yes, I'm sure they're asking me to gather information." Now that Josephine has been taken from the capital, she is in a disadvantaged position, so we can't help but see that there are many enemies. ”

"That's what I want you to do at noon." Well, I've never seen anything like it in school at noon.... "

Waltz, who had heard Magnea's explanation, sighed in awe. I was stunned by the aristocrats and their associates who changed their attitudes in the wake of the coup. Of course, Magnea's explanation probably included her guesses, but Waltz seemed pretty sure. I don't know what the rationale is, but according to the knowledge of the noon dra that she has seen, it is common (?) Well, the source is not necessarily Dora...

As a waltz, to be honest, I wasn't interested in anyone taking the next Grand Duke's seat. Still, she cared about Josephine because she was the one who started the coup. In order to continue as a student, the stability of the Grand Duke of Restofen is essential, so the reason is that Josephine had to continue as Grand Duke for a while.

As a result, Waltz comes up with an idea when he thinks about how to respond.

"Hmm... well, if I give you advice in advance, there's no problem..."


Waltz gives Lucia and the others instructions as she gently threads through the magnetic leaning neck to say what she is suddenly saying.

"Lucia, Teresa, Asteria? Tell everyone to hold their ears." If you get a signal, try your best to cover your ears. Because if you do it badly, you'll break the eardrum. "

"" Hey?! ""

And the waltz mumbled, not pointing at anyone.

"...... Login to Energia with top authority." Starting the firearm control system "

Shortly thereafter, Energia's main engine began to roar.

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