"The place has changed..."

"What was that...?"

A large castle in the country next to the Grand Duchy of Restofen. There were also the sounds of Energia's shelling and the appearance of cracked clouds. However, even the appearance of the Energia body on the boulder and the appearance of the bullet fired by the rail cannon were too far away to be seen... The people in the castle didn't even know what had happened.

When the loud sound came out, the woman who stumbled out on the terrace had a steep expression when she heard the loud sound that would have come from the direction of the Grand Duchy of Restofen. I couldn't imagine what had happened, just the sound and the cracked clouds. And above all, in the Grand Duchy of Restofen, I was worried about whether I was affected by the (...) work (...) in the (...) row (...).

In front of her, there was a minister in charge of the military. Just when I was meeting him on the terrace, there was a loud noise.

The minister also sees the sound and sight, so he tries to guess what happened--

"Did you use great magic, or did something like a volcano erupt..." There is not enough information at the moment. I'll let the restophens gather the information from the people below me. ”

--He didn't know about Energia, and he couldn't guess what happened to the Rock.

The woman did not blame the minister for not being able to answer immediately. He had full confidence in him. If you don't know, it's really sudden.

“Please? I've been talking to Josephine and the others about some strange movements lately, and maybe they're trying to do something about it.”

To the will.

Upon hearing the Minister's reply, the woman smiled as if she was relieved, and then took a mouthful of the tea that had been prepared. Then I moisten my mouth with tea, and then I ask the minister.

"So, how's Restofen doing?" I wonder if things are going well? "

"Is the invasion operation of the Grand Duchy of Restofen going well..." The woman asked as if she was looking forward to what kind of reply would come.

The minister shrugged his shoulders and replied, saying that he was in trouble.

"Yesterday and today, things have changed a lot." The situation is good. The Grand Duke has been hunted down by the Academy and the adventurers have been taken care of. On top of that, the nobles of Restophen have acquired a majority. The Josephine school is no longer a bug's breath. ”

"That's fine, but I feel like I'm having some kind of chest fuss." I don't know, but I think something terrible is going on... "

Does that have anything to do with the loud noise I just heard?

"It's just an instinct?" Maybe you know me, but I'm a prudent person. If there's something I'm worried about that's not on my hands, I'm worried, anxious, worried. "

"Yeah, I know." Let's speed up the plan so you can rest assured. ”

"Is that... you're telling me you're marching from my country?"

"In the first place, the official capital of Restofen is like ours." He will not prevent them from invading our forces. However, I see... other countries may be concerned, so I was wondering if it would be better to use the loud noise just now to make such an excuse.... sending troops from our country to rescue the people of Restofen in an unprecedented natural disaster. Then no one will blame the invasion--goohh, the march. "

I see. Then take care of it like that.


By the end of the conversation, the woman's expression was completely out of concern. The Grand Duchy of Restofen was running a tricky, tedious operation, and it was almost there.

If the march is put into action, it will only take a matter of time... She was sure of that at this point.

It was not until that night that her expression collapsed without a trace.

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