Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-14 Restoration Edition A7



"... who?

Waltz solidifies on the girl who jumped at me.

Lucia, on the other hand, had a strange face about how such a waltz looked.

"What's wrong, sister?

"Uh... Lucia? You... you can't see?


Apparently, Lucia doesn't see it.

Waltz, seeing how she was like that, said with half certainty, turning his gaze to the girl who came holding him.

... apparently, this girl,

"Maybe you... are you energetic?



But there are two very different things about energy.

(... grown?

First of all, it is height.

Until recently, the energy was about 110 cm.

But today, for some reason, he was about 130cm tall.

The other thing is, it looks.

The face, which should have been neutral, has been girly for a long time... and the way it looks, you could say.

"... just like Lucia..."

"... Huh?

To my sister's unexpected words, Lucia unwittingly raises her voice of doubt.

... Energia also had a strange look on her face.

"... I wonder why you've come to resemble Lucia... not why you have energy here?!

There's no way the energy that should have shut down the entire system could have intervened in Waltz's cognitive system...

"Uh, hey, did you reboot?

"Huh? You know how to start a nuclear fusion reactor?

"Um, I don't know, but, uh, did it work?


(I mean, you ignored all the startup sequences and suddenly started the furnace? I mean, before that, you were conscious, even in a suspended state?

Waltz with an unexpected head before an incomprehensible phenomenon.

Lucia opens her mouth this time as her neurotip is in an overloaded state.

"Energia, are you there?

"Yeah. Are you there?


Lucia, who can't hear the voice of energy, and the energy she noticed.

"Wait a minute, okay?

Then, from Waltz's cognitive system, the figure of energy disappears.

... and


... a large number of mm machines in black colour poured out like liquid from the gap in the exterior of the energy (inspection and sensor ports (like this)).

And shape the doll.

'I'm sorry, Lucia. Can we talk about this?

"What... Energia is black... or was it a girl?!

"Hmm, it's black because you're using that kind of machine, right? But I don't know about girls and boys. '

"... oh, yeah..."

Lucia is confused by the sudden appearance of a black millimeter machine that shapes the girl's body and suddenly speaks out, saying that she is excessive and doesn't know her gender.

But I decided to immediately regain my mind and ascertain directly to her what had happened to the worries that were releasing pain like a thorn that had stung my heart until earlier.

"... is your body okay now?

Replace the parts that were broken and put them back together (?).

If you seem to be in pain with this, there was no way Waltz or Lucia could hit you in the hand, but...

'Yeah. Are you okay now?

"Well... good"

Fortunately, the restoration seems to have succeeded successfully.

"Lucia fixed it for you?

"Hmm, hey, not all of it, but I fixed it with your sister, didn't I?

"Thank you, Lucia!

"Ugh, yeah..."

Lucia feels strange that the energy you come to thank still resembles who you are somewhere, and that you are being thanked by the mirror.

"(... Teresa saw about Cole too and wondered if she felt this way...)"

When Lucia thinks about it, Waltz, who was overloaded, finally returns to the real world.

"Are you okay now? Energy?"

'Yeah. Nothing hurts anymore, huh?

As far as the word goes, there seems to be no problem not only with the restored room, but also with the nuclear fusion reactor, which would have been forced to start.

"Yes... But how did it grow?

"Neither do I."

"... well, you're right"

That said, Waltz had a general eye-catcher.

First, energy became a factor in this world in the first place, caused by the use of the Orihalcon magic alloy for turbomolecular pumps.

And this time, a magic alloy was also used for the structural material of the replaced room unit.

I guess that means that the higher the magic alloy adoption rate for energy (airships), the more energy (girls) will grow.

(... thinking about it, if the whole hull turns into a magic alloy, will you be a grandmother?

... Well, what happens.

Waltz and Lucia talking to the growing energy,

"Ooh, Lord Waltz and Lucia. How's the energy repair going?

A swordsman appeared in the grand workshop to ask about the restoration of energy, or to see how the brave man would still be asleep (fainting) in the infirmary today.



Energy to react to swordsmen.

"Victor, hey!!


She then runs at a fierce speed to hold (tackle) the swordsman.

"... energy? Even me on the boulder, if I'd been blown away every time, I'd be a good addition to and subtraction from school!!

... Before the ability to learn, the wrong swordsman is killed (?) to see the speed at which the energy grows.

"... well, I'm going back to fixing the hologram, right?

"... yeah. I get it. You can always tell me if you need anything to help, okay?

... and Waltz and Lucia were quietly leaving the scene with their eyes backed (soaking) from the swordsman, who had become both invisible and mutilated...

"... nha?!

Under a huge cavity, on some soft object, an eye-waking swordsman.

"Ah, Mr. Victor. Um... I'm sorry. I always blew it up and... '

A black energy noticed that the swordsman regained consciousness peeked into his face and gave him a look of regret.

In short, the swordsman was receiving a knee pillow of energy (mm machine assembly).

"Energy or... I thought today would be the day to avoid it... but you're not going the way you want."

Inevitable (or unbearable) tackles from enemies (energy) by swordsmen, who are supposed to be avant-garde actors, were a fatal issue if you think about the battle ahead.

Well, it's not going to be a schematic of an Energia vs Brave Party, but still, if you think about fighting the strong demons that would be in the demonic realm, you can be sure it's a matter of concern.

He was therefore not going to blame at all for the energy he was advancing, but even felt his own impudence.

"... aren't you angry?

"Oh, there's no reason to be angry."

Not angry, the indelible energy of a shunned expression, even in the words of a swordsman.

"Hey, energy. Why are you always pushing me when you see me?

To such a swordsman's inquiry, Energia leaned (fainted) her head wonderfully before opening her mouth.

"Um, maybe because there's Mr. Victor?

"... what is that?

"Something makes me happy."

"... I'm not sure..."

As far as listening to energy, she (?) A swordsman for may be like a mountain for a mountaineer.

"But from now on, I'll try my best and put up with you not to hug..."

With a sad look on his face, Energia said.

But she's like that (?) I saw the look on your face, and what did you think,

"No, it's good. It's just a story that I need to be able to avoid or be accepted, so you can just hug the energy the way you've always been, okay?

With that said, a smiling swordsman.

There seems to be no profound meaning in the word.

Apparently, he intends to incorporate a tackle of energy into some of his workouts.

I don't know how the words of such a swordsman appeared in energy.

Are you sure?!

And I looked very happy, my eyes (?) made it shine.

"What? Oh, uh... hopefully, about a ho d"


A swordsman with only a somewhat unpleasant feeling before the energy to rejoice.

And he was quickly, thoughtfully, embraced by the energy with a happy look on his face...

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