Lucia's ice magic puts out-of-season ice on the lake's surface. It was the completion of a vast magical training range.

However, the Asteria who was watching it seemed to have completely forgotten why she was here. Lucia's demonstration magic was all at a less than half level output, so it seemed that her memories were flying. Well, it wasn't just my memory that was flying.


Most of all, it might be easier if you go crazy like somebody else... In the face of unacceptable events, the Asteria looked up at the sky as she suddenly remembered a certain teacher who was laughing.

Beyond her gaze, a black cloud of chaos was rising to say that the end of the world had come, creating an atmosphere where something other than rain was about to fall. Needless to say, it was Lucia's magical influence.

The atmosphere in the surrounding area became extremely unstable due to the magic of Lucia at large scale and large output, and a huge cumulus cloud was generated. Probably a gigantic hail or something, not a few minutes from now. And a lot of it. It was an unmistakable Cataclysm.

Teresa, who was looking up at the situation, shrugged her shoulders.

"Miss? You're overdoing it a little bit, aren't you?"

Lucia fell down, feeling sorry for her pointing out.

"I'm getting on my feet..." I'm sorry..... "

Lucia knew from experience that if she launched magic without weighing herself, some kind of cataclysm would occur. Therefore, until the stage when the lake was frozen, we used magic while being careful not to have a significant impact on the surrounding environment.

However, as the Asteria showed her magic, the tension rose... "I noticed that I was launching a lot of high-power magic that was destroying nature. The result is a dark cloud in the sky.

Shouldn't I blow it up?

"It just gets worse..."

What if I aspirate it with ultra-gravity?

"Even so, it just gets worse..."

Well then, what do you want me to do?

Lucia became angry before Teresa could deny what she had said. If you deny it, you should come up with a counter-proposal... "

Lucia tried to raise her voice in protest, but Teresa seemed to have a counter-proposal. She was gradually putting her hands in the air and trying to do something.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Well, it's a bit of a problem. Actually... I've noticed it recently, my concubine."

"Suddenly what?"

"There is magic that can be used by a concubine, and there is spirit magic, right?" That's not really something like spiritual magic, is it? "

“How's it going?

"... nnh, it's no good after all." I don't feel like I'm going to succeed because I don't have enough magic power. It can't be helped, miss. It's unwilling, but it's a bit of magic power. "

"Eh... that's what Teresa's gonna do!" I hate it! "

Saying that, Lucia looked at the magic tool that was glaring at Teresa's back. Because Teresa's back was still fitted with a magic tool for magic suction like a bat's wings. I can't remove it because I can't reach it myself, but no one can take it... It's been a long time since Cortex was installed, but I couldn't get it off.

With that magic tool, Teresa could force her magic power to be recovered by kissing someone. If you're a member of a nearby community, Lucia, who has a lot of magic power, is going to be the magic tank (?). It is also almost inexhaustible.

Well, since we don't allow each other to be proud, we won't be able to soften our magic power so easily.

"Even my concubine doesn't really want to do it." Damn it, it's Kol... "" I wish I could make the best thing without making such a difficult magic tool... "But...... it's just a matter of time."

Having said that, Teresa looked up at the sky, where there was a rapidly growing dark cloud with a rattling sound, and there seemed to be a scene spreading that there was no more time to give.

Results --,

"Anyway, if you don't have magic power, you'll have to run away." In this case, I don't care about pride, so let's do it quickly! "

--Theresa pressed Lucia to help her.


"I-I 'm ready for that, too..."

--Even at this stage, Lucia didn't try to do anything... At last, the time limit--,


I came with a roar called ——. Intense lightning strikes came from the dark clouds.

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