By the time I finished lunch, Waltz's expression was back on track. It seemed to have been reopened.

The afternoon is a practical exam in medicine and magic. In the meantime, the magic test was supposed to be the last. If you use magic, in some cases, you may fall into a magic deficit and lose consciousness, so the magic test was turned to the last time. Don't lose consciousness and ruin all subsequent tests.

Therefore, the first practical test in the afternoon is a pharmaceutical test. The test involves using prepared medicinal herbs to make wound medications, pain relievers, and adhesives. Pharmacy is a discipline that deals not only with making medicines to heal the body, but also with everything that can be called medicines. In other words, it's very close to alchemy--no, it's more than half an alchemy study.

Nevertheless, the adhesive created in the test could also be used on the human body. It seems to be an excellent set of three for the battlefield that can also be used to stop bleeding, such as a bandage. It seems that most wounds will be healed quickly if used in combination with the wound medicine and painkillers made this time. It seems that it was chosen for the test because of its practicality.

In the large room used for pharmaceutical experiments, each desk was addressed to me for testing. The desks are at a subtle distance from each other, and it seems difficult to cheat on the exams of the neighbors.

In that way--,

“Ladies and gentlemen, please begin the exam.”

--Hi Speer spoke up, shortly afterwards.

It's ready!

All three participants spoke up at once.

At first, Hi Speer was not particularly surprised at what she thought, and she responded with a pale look.

Well then, I'll check it sequentially. Yurawara

She seemed to be swaying somewhat to the left and right, but as before, she could not escape the reality with a nicotic expression on her face. She seems to be making progress again.

High Speer was the first to turn to Waltz. Waltz presents Hi Speed to the arriving High Speed Spears with three pieces of the drug that he made at an overspeed.

Here you go.

"I see... that's right, Mr. Waltz. It's okay."

"Thank you...... Ugh!"

Waltz pose as a thank-you to the High Speer he scored. For the time being, she seemed nervous.

After such a bitter smile on her face, Hi Speer went to Potentia.

"Potentia, did you do it?" I don't think I was taking classes..... "

You can make wound medicine, painkillers, and glue from this herb, right?

Yeah, that's right.

Incidentally, besides that, I made a versatile anti-poison drug, a wound medicine that recovers quickly, and an elixir that rejuvenates a little bit, but is that eligible for points? The ingredients are the same...... "


High Speer stopped thinking. It seemed to have stopped abundantly for about 10 seconds. Rather, in her case, we should say that she only stopped for 10 seconds.

"... erm, that's okay!" Yurawara

Apparently, Hi-Spear stopped looking at reality.

And finally, High Speedy goes to Lucia.

Well then, Lucia-san.

Yes, please.

After seeing the medication presented by Lucia, Hi Speer said, "What?" and tilted his neck.

Is something wrong?

After Lucia asked, Hi Speer stared at the pills made by Magic and Lucia. Something seemed to bother me.

"It certainly looks like medicine... but it feels like some kind of magic power..."

"No, I'm not mixing mana or anything..."

"That's right... I'm not ready for mana..." Let's have a taste. "

Hi Speer tasted the medicine Lucia made with her fingertips.

... then she suddenly turned to me and looked at her watch, and it seemed that she was almost at the end of the pharmaceutical practical test. All of a sudden, time flies. Something seems to be wrong.

"It was a high-speer to think about what happened, but I can't remember..." Even if you look around you, there are only people who look away with a blue face... In the end, it seems that she could not make sense of the situation.

It seems that members including Teresa and Asteria, other than Lucia, were able to pass the pharmaceutical test with full marks.

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