"Hi Spear Sensei? Hi Spear Sensei!"


High Spear, who was running from reality, returns to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry! What is it?"

"Hah... Dr. Hi Speer. Sometimes you just don't feel right here." It is particularly noticeable when new students arrive at your place. I'm in the middle of an important meeting right now, but I'll try to fix it later. ”

"I'm sorry, too..."

"So, how was it?" The students in your class are... "

Magnea, the dean of the Academy, asks what the scores on the waltz tests were on the subaudio.

On the other hand, Hi Speer said "Hmm..." with a steep expression, and said the conclusion first.

“Honestly, it wasn't a good score.”

"Was it bad?"

"Are you saying it's bad... it's an extreme test result." For example, Waltz. In her case, only the math test results were written, and all the questions were correct, but the score was 0. ”


“For example, Lucia, in her case, the history test scored five points, one at a time. Also, in the Pharmacy Practical Examination, do a mysterious concoction and score 0 points."

"Zero? Was it such a difficult concoction?" I do remember that it was the content of the test to make wound medicine, etc..... "

"Yeah, it's just a simple test of crushing the herbs and dissolving them in water. But did she make a memory eraser or a time-slip… anyway, I made a demo that didn't erase my memory for an hour or so, so I set it at zero.”

"...... I don't know what you're talking about anymore."

"Yeah, I don't know either. Also, in the case of Potentia, there was only a written answer on the front, and the back was blank, so there were 50 items in all subjects."

"What is it, this common carelessness..."

Asteria was correct in all questions, but none of the subjects had a name written on them, so there were zero points.

"Isn't that rather because Dr. Hi Speer didn't explain it properly?"

"No, I explained." The other four had all written their names.... "

"...... that's a lot of problem kids."

"Except for the subject in question, there are 100 points for all four of them." Even Potentier, who answered only half of the questions, answered all the questions correctly, so perhaps he would score as many as 100 points on the back. ”

"I see. That would be very wasteful." Ladies and gentlemen, even though it's only been a week since you joined, you're strong enough to score high in the midterms, so you're sure to be good. ”

Magnea heard Hi Speer's report and wondered if she would incorporate the Waltzes into a special classroom. As far as I could tell, they all had habits, but I didn't think they were going to get behind the rest of the students in the special classroom.

With that in mind, she suddenly thought,

"Speaking of which, there were five students in your class, right?" How was the last one? ”

"Oh, is that Teresa?" In her case, there was no 100-point test, but on average, she scored about 90 points, so I think she is excellent. However, with the exception of one subject, "

"One subject? What?"

"... ethics."

The moment she heard the name of the subject, Magnea held her head. Doesn't that mean that the ethics are bad, that is, as a human being...? "I heard you thought of that.

What the hell is wrong with a test where anyone can easily score 100 points? With such doubt, Magnea asked Hi Speer in more detail.

“What was the answer she gave?”

"That's right... For example, when a silver coin (1000 gold) is dropped in front of her, her answer to the question of what to do with it is, 'If no one sees it, I'll pick it up. If someone is nearby, trample the silver and hide it, and pick it up when the person is gone. Same as Schrödinger's cat. Without an observer, no one would be in trouble.”


"Also, when conducting dangerous magic experiments, the first priority is to answer the question," Before someone gets ahead of the results, you get the results. "It says," Safety is second, and lost time never returns. "

"... you're honest, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm very honest. Absolutely."

After Hi Speer's nod, the conference room had an unmistakably heavy atmosphere. Apparently, everyone couldn't find a word to follow Teresa.

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