Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-13 Boreas Empire Capital Vixen 2

"Dear Waltz. I would like to greet you again.... I am Emperor Boreas, Euclid = E = Sirius."

Waltz and Lucia introduce themselves to Sirius the Demon King (Yuki) over the city where black smoke rises.

As far as the sight is concerned from the side, isn't that exactly the situation that makes sense for the Demon King?

... Especially if it's her city that's burning.

"Oh, thank you for being so polite about this. That's not true! What the devil is doing throwing out his country!

Waltz accidentally penetrates Yuki (Sirius) 's exposure.

(I mean, was Yuki a pseudonym? Euclid... Euclid... Euclid... Yuri... Yuria... that's something different...)

... Maybe they use the name 'Yuki' as a shortened form among the close ones.

Forget that.

"I'm sorry. We are very aware of that matter. I'll explain why later when I have time... but before I do."

And when Yuki stood up, he turned his gaze to Vixen and said:

"Prioritize above all else and I have to go back where I belong..."

"... you must be..."

In the absence of Yuki, Waltz agrees with her words, taking into account the inner details of the court, which would have been very difficult (...).

"I don't suppose sending you to the castle is anything but stingy... But..."

With that said, adjacent to Vixen, a huge building... a waltz that turns its gaze to the so-called Demon King's Castle.

Sirius' Castle of the Demon King was also raising black smoke, as was the town of Vixen, and by the way, traces of something blowing up with explosives could be seen.

Perhaps the inside, too, is terrible.

... In short, it meant that even if Yuki went from now on, it is likely that the Boreas government has already stopped functioning.

With that in mind, as Waltz wrinkled between her eyebrows and turned her eyes to the Demon King's Castle, Yuki sensed what she was thinking... somehow she sighed in a sense of self-derision, then lowered her head gently and said.

"... I apologize for disturbing you earlier. Vixen and the castle seem terrible... but perhaps the people and the cabinet are all safe."

"What... hey Yuki? I'm shocked the town's supposed to be terrible, and you're not out of your mind, are you?

"What... no, it's normal. Sometimes the more abnormal people say..."

Yuki smiled bitterly as she said so.

"... well, if you can joke, you're still okay... So, what do you mean?

"... have you ever heard of Vixen being a labyrinth city?

"Yep. The final destination for our journey before was the labyrinth near the castle of Sirius the Demon."

"You were.... So, do you know the story of this city having a total of three labyrinths?

"Huh? No... first ear."

As far as Waltz can remember, at least, Catalina shouldn't have talked.

"Within, as I'll explain to you later about the two labyrinths... in fact, the last labyrinth is just below the town of Vixen."

"... in short, like an evacuation trench?

"Yes, there is no mistake in that perception. When something goes wrong, Bo (...) K (...) 's (...) Decree (...) makes it possible to transfer citizens to the Labyrinth, so unless there's very little, there's no harm done to people."

"... Hey, Yuki? I knew you were out of your mind. I don't have an emperor or anything like that. I think that's a rare occurrence..."

I mean, without Yuki, the citizens won't be transferred to the evacuation labyrinth, but...

"It's okay there. A proper shadow warrior... or another emperor."

"... that, don't you say emperor?

"It's hard to explain around here..."


Like Mid-Eden, Boreas' court seems to have complicated circumstances.

When the Waltz and the others are interacting like that,

"Wah, Master Waltz!

Sylvia contacted me looking in a hurry.

"What could it be?

'As soon as I got down to town, my senior disappeared!

"Huh?... Ah. Yulia, can you hear me?

... Waltz's call over the wireless communications system didn't get a response back from her.

"The radio doesn't seem to be working, so maybe they moved him to the evacuation trench? I don't know where it is."

"Huh? An evacuation trench? What is it?

"Hmm, it'll be long if we talk about it, so I'll see you later... For now, I think Julia's safe, don't you?

As far as Yuki's story goes, Waltz puts a detailed explanation behind him, especially since he doesn't seem to need to rush.

(But how could Sylvia not have activated metastatic magic...?

Simply thinking... unlike Julia, could it be assumed that Sylvia did not activate because she did not have Vixen citizenship?

Well, it can be assumed that it applies not only to the presence or absence of citizenship, but also to those officially under town control, or to all citizens.

In any case, it is plausible that metamagic was not activated against Sylvia, who has not yet officially come into contact with the Boreas government.

... so not to mention Julia, who would be in a safe place.

"By the way, what about you? Sylvia. Anything weird or anything?

'Uh, you have no particular problem with me. I mean, there's no citizen, no one...'

"... yes. Then Sylvia continues the investigation as it is. Keep looking to see if there's any danger all over town. If nothing happens, we'll meet you at Demon King's Castle in an hour."

Copy that.

Waltz thus terminated his communication with Sylvia.

"Well... so you want to go to Demon King Castle?

"Yes, if you go to the castle, you can also go to the labyrinth for evacuation"

"That means... that we're taking you to the labyrinth together, right...?

Yuki alone can travel to the labyrinth, which is an evacuation trench, without having to go out of his way to the castle, just to descend to the ground like Julia.

I mean, going all the way to the royal castle is going to take you to the labyrinth about the waltzes, too, I guess.

"Yes, the apostles who have been here so far in the corner may not be willing to... but I intend to do so even in an emergency."

(Wow... I don't want to go...)

With strangers, Waltz held his head inside, imagining himself having to enter a narrow enclosed space.

Nevertheless, based on the fact that we had to send Yuki to the royal castle and that we were messengers from Mid-Eden, we could not say no in the circumstances...

... Therefore, Waltz goes out to buy time as at least an evil reward.

"... yes. All right.... but maybe a little later? Look... Sylvia's fighting me right now, and after ignoring it, we actually have a nasty enemy. - Then we're in trouble, right? Besides, as far as the smoke rising from the city, it doesn't look that old scar... Something just broke..."

Waltz mouths an excuse not to have to manage to get close to the royal castle while looking at the surrounding scenery.

And she looked at the surrounding scenery again.

There were vast fields spread around Vixen, where black smoke was rising.

About half of them were crushed and devastated as if they had been hit by a super powerful typhoon or something.

Perhaps this is Lucia's magical scar.

(If Vixen hadn't burned like now... this would be a concave...)

To that view, I think of Lucia's mood Waltz

Though, that also happened less than a second ago.

At that time, Waltz's gaze at the surrounding view sucked (...) into something too strange for the occasion (...) and went (...).

(Is that... is something...?

Smoke-raising vixens, the Demon King's Castle surrounded by high walls on the other side of it, plus its shadow...

(... holes?

There was a hole so big that I didn't even know if I could describe it as a 'hole' at the earliest.

As far as its shape goes, apparently, it's not a hole created by Lucia's magic.

"... Hey, Yuki? That big hole on the other side of your castle... what?

Yuki gazing ahead of Waltz pointing.

However, Waltz moves the position of the manoeuvre armor to the visible position of the big hole, as Demon King Castle seemed to be difficult to see in the way.

... but while bypassing as close to the castle as possible.

And when I moved to a position where I could clearly see the big hole...

"... eh"

Yuki solidified again.

"... what's wrong, Yuki?

Waltz and Lucia look at Yuki like that and look worried.

... Then Yuki shrugged as she looked at the big hole.

"... in that hole position, there was another labyrinth..."


It was when the waltzes raised such a startling voice.

Wazza, wazza...

Somehow I hear people hustle and bustle.

At the same time,

"Master Waltz!

Communication came in from Sylvia.

'I'm not sure what it is, but people have overflowed all over town at once! Looks like a lot of injuries too!

"What do you mean? You mean people came out of the labyrinth?

When Waltz utters such a question, this time,

"Wah, Master Waltz!

I also heard Yulia, who was supposed to have moved and been gone.

"You're safe, Julia"

"Master Waltz! Please stop me!

"Huh? What?

... it was that moment.


... Demon King's Castle blew up.

And I came out of the smoke blast where the castle was...


... was a giant creature with shortened sandworm and lizard-like hands and feet...

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