Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-15 Boreas Empire Capital Vixen 4

"That's it, you want to crush Vixen?

On purpose, metamagic (?) Waltz shrugged unexpectedly as he moved over Vixen until he saw a giant creature that was still falling.

Yeah, well, if they moved to the ground, they might have made it.

"What do I do, sister... Metastatic again?

"... no, it could be a repetition of the same thing over and over again, and worst of all, if it's transferred up to 1m above or close range, there's no way to apply your hand, so let's just take it down directly.... So, Lucia? You can beat the shit out of me now, all right?


Lucia smiles with a full face at her sister's words.

"Yeah, I'll hold back the magic blast and the fallout of the creature, so can Lucia just focus on the attack?

"Yeah! Okay!

Then Lucia quickly did everything she could (?) So I started unleashing magic.


The magic of light and flames that Lucia specializes in, as long as it fills her vision, converges in front of giant creatures and tries to ravage them all at once.

... but...

Glitter, glitter...


Lucia's magic disappeared into a grain of light, as if it had been unleashed towards the 'Great River'.

Apparently, the giant creature, at the time Lucia exercised the metastatic magic, countermeasures magic that would dispel the magic from the outside (?) They exercised.

"... then!

With that said, Lucia clasped her hands against the sky.

And what was released from her hand was a purple balloon-like mass of magic... that is, a so-called magic bomb that tried and ruined half of Vixen's cultivated area.

the moment it climbed into the sky and hit a giant creature whose waltz was dampening the rate of fall,


and explode, naturally producing a blast, while at the same time splashing the fluids of giant organisms.

Before such a sight, Yuki, who was pulling the child's hand and urging him to evacuate, apparently noticed something and gave him a stiff look.

... but against the strength of Lucia's magic... it didn't seem to be.


The roar of a giant creature that comes a while behind the landing, either because of the distance still away.

I can't see that body firsthand because the sky is stained bright red, but as far as I can hear the squeal, it's apparently missed the clasp.

"I wonder what... this guy..."

Now we're dealing with it so we can figure it out, but if we weren't here, I wonder how we were dealing with it, Waltz.

At least, it doesn't seem like the wizard of Canopus Class is the one in control.

(I was lucky, so I guess I can make it up to you...)

The odd timing made Waltz feel unknown and unspeakable.

At the same time, think about one of the reasons I came to Boreas.

(First of all, I'm pretty sure this must have been the reason this guy kicked out the demons around here...)

Perhaps the demons, who felt themselves in danger in front of the absolute predators, moved heavily to the South in an attempt to escape, which led to a massive increase in demons around Mid-Eden and Merclio.

However, the question remains as to how the hell they crossed the Great River.

On top of that, there are fewer men in northern Mid-Eden (in short, around the Great River) because of the zombies.

For the demons who escaped, it must have been easy to navigate.

... Well.

Waltz, who had nothing else to do, rather than free time because he was doing the simple task of building barriers with gravity control, is doing such an analysis.


Lucia looked up about Waltz as she lay down her beast ears and squeezed.

"... what's going on?

Waltz, who somehow knew why Lucia had a sad look on her face, asked as gently as possible.

"Pu (...) to (...) or (...) et al. (...), I can't seem to defeat..."

Lucia leaning down after saying so.

... In short, if it's not normal, I guess it means we can take it down.

"... sounds like something's bothering you, but I told you, didn't I? He said you can do everything you can."

"... but you don't know what's gonna happen, do you?

(Ugh, wow... what's that? Are you saying that Lucia herself is too scared to do all she can?

"Hmm, but if that's what your sister says..."


... and Lucia, hastily leaving Waltz behind, opened her magic.

The first change that occurred was that purple fog was created so that it stained off the ground throughout Vixen.

"Hey, what..."

The girl, who was holding hands with the longing Demon King, accidentally blocks her dog's ears to a high-density demon (...) force (...) that just fills her surroundings like that.

The demon king next door also seemed to be attentive to what was going on around him, not to giant creatures floating in the sky, before such nonsense signs.

At that time, Fu Girl's gaze captures a particularly magical place in her sight.

In that place... because of too much concentration, or as if magic materialized, a fox-eared girl a little older than herself wrapped around such a purple robe, was looking straight up into the sky.

That appearance... was also like the legendary "Demon King" that appeared in the gaga story (Fairy Tail).

But the next moment,


Bright white colors spread all over the city, mainly fox-eared girls, as if magic were igniting and burning.

At that moment, the hustle and bustle disappear from inside the town, and from around, all you hear is the roar of giant creatures.

... in that.

"Well, you're gonna do it for real, right? Sister!"

She asked another blonde, blue-eyed woman wearing white clothes with a fox-eared girl next to her, not knowing anything about the air surrounding her.

"Hey, wait a minute... 'cause I'm gonna do everything I can just in case"

The woman, called 'sister', meditated her eyes after saying such a slightly unreliable word,


They began to leak black colors out of their bodies that would contradict the fox-eared girl who emitted the bright white light.

The demon king standing next to him squeaks at those two looks.

"Brave men and demons..."

"Brave man... demon god...?

A dog-eared girl who repeats the words of the Demon King in a blurry way somewhere.

She said she was in danger of her life until earlier, but her expression had no color of fear because she was holding hands with the devil king she yearned for... or because she had something to think about the two people in front of her...

"Lucia? We're ready!

"So, let's go?

And the fox-eared brave man said, with a grin on his face to the sky, showing the bare gesture of ringing his fingers.



... I didn't ring my fingers because I wasn't used to it, but instead,


The giant creature blew away from the body and blew away into the wood dust.

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