Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 Previous-21 Dinner Party 5

In the end, the dinner party ended up running out of time due to the combination of Yuki and the others' schedules for Waltz, who first refused to get his hands on the meal.

... In short, nobody put it on the diet except Eve...

Around Yuki A, she seemed to think that there was nothing she could do about Waltz, but the rest of Yuki and the others might have caught her thinking, 'I didn't think I could get along with a country with such a dangerous labyrinth'.

For that reason, or from the middle of nowhere, he seemed to offer a bright topic, trying to get in the waltz mood somehow... but still, he had a very sorry look on her face for not reaching for a meal.

Even after coming back to the guest room, my buddies were wondering if there would have been any problems with the eclampsia against the waltz that looked mucky (seemingly crying on the inside), but they seemed to decide to convince me that she, the demon god (machine), had a sensibility that they did not understand, and nobody tried to touch me about it.

... so whoever she was after coming back, messing around in the corner of the room with one knee, didn't talk to her as one...

And then this, about two hours later.

Concon, Concon.

I could still hear the sound of knocking on the doors of the guest rooms with such heavy and painful air.

"Oh, I'll open it now"

Lucia replied to Knock instead of Julia and Sylvia, who were still observing from the bed shadow about the waltz they were messing with.

... Note that Eve is already in her dreams.


When Lucia opened the door, she was there because...

"... Your Majesty k... Yuki?

"Yes, it's Yuki"

It was Yuki A (Demon King).

Apparently, from Lucia's perspective, she looks like 'Yuki the Messenger'.

"What's going on? At this hour..."

"Uh, if it's good, this..."

That's what she's been offering was a slightly larger basket.

"... would you like to eat with me?

That's what makes me laugh, Yuki.

Perhaps you thought the waltzes who hadn't eaten were hungry.

He brought his evening meal because he wanted to eat with me at last, too, not having dinner.

"What... are you okay?!

Lucia shines her eyes on Yuki's suggestion.

... Again, for her eating platter, fasting seemed painful.

You've noticed such an exchange, and now Julia and Sylvia will react as well.

"... is that good? Yuki?"

"Yeah, sure. That's why I'm here."

"No, I was just hungry, too."

"Was I? Then be sure to have it. My sister made it."

Yuki enters the room in reply to two people.

... waltz on the other hand,


It was so concave that it expressed its current mood with its mouth.

... Well, whether or not to describe it as dented is another story.

"... uh, Master Waltz? Why don't you eat with me, if that's okay with you?

In one corner of the room, Yuki spoke to Waltz as he jerked off with a dark aura (hologram).

Waltz then opens his mouth with the aura unleashed.

"... something is making me feel so sorry... right now"

"... may I ask why?

Somewhere with a grin like a Virgin, he asks Waltz about the Demon King (Yuki).

"No... it's a totally embarrassing story, but I, I don't really know what table manners are... So, if you want to imitate what someone is eating, don't let them eat and wait for me. That's why I stopped going... and when I found out, my meal time was over... Well, that's fine in itself... but the problem is, that's what bothered everyone..."

and to Waltz, who exposed how he was messing with the


"... were you worried about that..."

"I wish you had told me beforehand..."

"Sister... I'm glad you're always like..."


Each one shows a reaction together.

Against those fellows,

"... because? We're not here to represent the country, are we? So, if you have bad manners and you're ashamed of yourself, I mean, that's also a disgrace to the country as it is.... I wondered if that was..."

and waltz mouthing the most seemingly excuse.

It should be noted that the country may not be very relevant.

... against her like that,

"... Master Waltz, you know who that member is, don't you?

Yuki smiles and talks about the line that Julia and the others don't understand.

"Yep. Of course you did, didn't you? But it's not the air. It's not so easy, hi, is it? It's not normal to eat..."

and waltz returned the word only reading inconvenient air against himself.

"Right... it can be hard to melt all of a sudden because the title is indeed the head of government..."

Then Yuki thought a little,

"... okay. Tomorrow, then, I'm not going to worry about manners, I'm going to put them in the form of a standing meal."

and suggested changing the style of the meal.

Though... if the style changes, so do the types of manners.

In response to Yuki's suggestion, Waltz, who had such concerns,

"... no. You don't have to worry about it, even if it's personal. Because I'm going to teach Yulia the perfect manners by tomorrow."

I decided to deal with it actively.

... Meanwhile,


To Waltz's statement of 'perfect manners,' solidify Julia.

"That's right. From the beginning, you should have previewed it!


At the earliest, through solidification, Julia began to tremble into small pieces as she looked like she was about to cry.

If this didn't teach you how to teach Yulia manners... well, waltz table manners are going to be a big deal, and if you do poorly, you won't be talking about the shame of the country.

... so Julia decided to avoid taking responsibility alone.

"Oh, uh, Master Waltz? I find perfect manners difficult when it's just me, so can I get juniors involved?


"Yep. Sure, right?"

"... oh... I should have taught your mother right..."

... and more victims (Sylvia).

It should be noted that it is their only secret that Julia, Sylvia, and Lucia were trying to imitate Waltz's table manners.

So finally a line that included Lucia was to master the table manners by tomorrow's breakfast...


For the night meal Yuki brought,

"Um... I've seen this dish somewhere, and I'm worried...?

"I do feel that way, too... but there's no way you can forget such a delicious dish, so isn't it like Dejab?

and when Julia and Sylvia were eating yummy while questioning the dishes made by Yuki F (maid).

Next door... the training ground was about to expand.

"Uh, Master Waltz and Lucia? May I ask you one thing?

"Hahmm... hmm? Can I help you?"

"Momogu... hmm?

"... could it be that you blew up a field outside Vixen... like Lucia?


... to her words, waltz and lucia that unwittingly blow out what she was eating.


(No way, are you asking me at this time when I'm eating, or is it a ghost? Are you the demon king?

Waltz thinks about that with half a tear in his eyes while using gravity control to put it together so that the blown things don't get sprinkled around him.

"Uh... something, I'm sorry..."

Seeing Lucia crying and swallowing with Waltz, Yuki looked sorry and bowed her head.

Apparently, I didn't mean to say it.

Well, aside from that.

Finally, against Yuki, he seems to have found out that it was Lucia's crime to bomb Boreas.

"Uh... yes... sorry..."

After the cough "Seki" had healed, Lucia now lowered her head looking sorry.

At the earliest, I would say it was an inevitable thing, because I was going to admit it if I found out, rather than being able to escape the word...

"Did you still..."

Yuki drops her shoulders in dismay for what Lucia admits.

"Um... if it's atonement, I'll let you take it..."

Lucia saved tears in her eyes and said so as she leaned down.

"... Yuki. I didn't mean to... When the king capital of Mid-Eden was taken over, I didn't think the magic I unleashed to destroy the junction would fly all the way here..."


Remembering the journey from Mid-Eden's King's Capital to Vixen, like Waltz, he didn't think magic would fly such a long distance, and he gave me a startling look.

... No, I'd rather say I'm convinced.

"Was it... Um... nothing, there's no such thing as incriminating you, so can you reassure me? Lucia."


"... because, Lucia, didn't you defeat Scar Vixen? That alone, how many of them have been saved... Besides, Lucia's magic doesn't mean that there were any victims, or people suffering from hunger, so..."

Moreover, the damage to crops caused by Lucia's magic is to be borne by Mid-Eden as aid.

In other words, as Boreas, we can say that there is no more damage than the fields have been vandalized, and that we do not bear the substance, the painful hands.

There was no direct responsibility to Lucia for the other problems that had occurred in Boreas while Yuki was in Mid-Eden and the damage that had resulted, even if Yuki had not left the country, it could not have been helped.

Instead, we can also say that we were able to defeat Scar Vixen because she was lucky to be here, so thanking Lucia was an unlikely story on the part of Boreas, in itself, of hating or pressing to take responsibility.

"... will you forgive me?

"Forgiveness or nothing, because I wasn't thinking about getting sin atoned for from the source.... If you insist, I wish you'd told me honestly from the beginning,"

Even so, Yuki wonders if she would have honestly revealed herself if she had been on Lucia's side.

To her like that,

"Uh, sorry... yeah, thanks for forgiving me, Yuki..."

After wiping her tears, Lucia spoke a word of gratitude.

Then after a while, when everyone resumed their meals.

"Speaking of which, when did you realize Lucia might have bombed you?

Waltz asks Yuki.

"That's the first magic bomb attack on Skar Vixen that was floating in the air. I only saw that explosion, later or earlier, with the magic that blew up the field, so..."

"Oh, you know what..."

It is an overwhelmingly destructive magic bomb that cannot be made by a common wizard.

If there were wizards all over the world who could bang such magic... this world would have perished long before the disease...

(Ah... so maybe the ancient magical civilization is doomed...)

An ancient magical civilization that boasted magical and technological powers that were unlikely in this world today, such as gravity-controlled magic, spatial-controlled magic, and magic bombs.

To such a lost civilization, Waltz gave one thought.

(Hmm? Gravity control, space control, magic bomb... that?... well, come on)

Noticed something... but Waltz stopped thinking too much about prioritizing his meal.

Apparently, it wasn't a big deal for her.

"Nevertheless, I can't believe Lucia's magic bomb went over the Great River, which is supposed to disable magic... after all, it must have been pretty strong..."

Waltz talking as usual, chewing with his mouth.

"... right. But the other magic was gone, so I don't think it's weird if it was gone as well..."

After worrying about how Waltz was talking and whether he would listen, Yuki seemed to have decided not to see (or ask).

"For once, the one that attenuated over the Great River came to Vixen and exploded, didn't it?

"Ha... then if it was normally exploding..."

"... can't you? Yuki, even if you think about it, it's limitless..."

"Oh, right..."

Well, I was just thinking, there's only one result...

With such an exchange, it's like a different atmosphere night out from a dinner party (?) After indulging, Xu Luo asked Waltz against Yuki.

"... so I don't think Yuki came here just to eat, right?

If so, it would mean a fairly free emperor (Demon King)...

"Uh... was it awkward to just eat...?


... apparently, Waltz and Lucia were stunned against Yuki, who was really free.


"Um... was there anything surprising about the current exchange?

"... didn't you hide something from us?

Julia and Sylvia, who do not know Yuki is the Demon King, react by feeling some secret (...) secret (...) smell (...).

"No, nandemonaiwayo?

"Yeah, nandemonaiyo?

"... suspicious"

"You're too suspicious..."

... Yuki looking forward to such waltz exchanges.

"Yes, yes, this story ends here! Now that you've finished your meal, go back to your room."

To the words of such waltz,

"... right"

Yuki looked like a child going home at the end of some fun time.

Then, honestly following Waltz's words, she opens her mouth in a sudden, ha-ha-ha manner as she schedules to return while putting dishes and other dishes back in the basket.

"Um... what will you do tomorrow?

"Huh? Tomorrow?... right... I thought I'd tour the city and walk, especially if there wasn't a meeting or something...?

Then Lucia snaps her mouth.

"Catalina, did you look around your sister's house or something?

"Right. We need to make sure Catalina's family's okay.... I don't know where."

Somehow Yuki, with a full grin, called out to Waltz, wondering if you could tell directly on the radio... etc.

"Ah, ahem... if you don't mind, I'll show you around the city!


Again, Waltz and Lucia turn their astonishing gaze against Yuki.

... does that mean Yuki also knows where Catalina's house is...

"Um... are you in contest with Mr. Yuki?

"... after all, didn't you hide something?

"No, that's not true... I mean, Yuki! What are you going to do with your job?! No, there's a lot of eggs and stuff, right? But isn't it awkward to walk out on a boulder when the town is supposed to be horrible?

Waltz asks Yuki, ignoring Yulia and Sylvia's doubts that sprang up again.

"It's okay. Because my sisters will do something about it. Besides, it's important to look around."

"... ha... I don't know why... what Yuki looks like now, wearing to her hometown sister..."

Waltz holding his head while saying that.

Apparently, he overlaps what he looked like around Yuki F with what he looked like when he was in the original world...

... well, aside from that.

Thus the waltzes succeeded in obtaining the ultimate guide (the free demon king) when visiting Vixen... (?).

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