"Hey, what is it? Are you harassing me?... I wish I had kept my mouth shut for the most part..."

"Maybe you felt your life was in danger...?

Waltz, who accidentally blurred against Deftery Vixen, who bit Protty Vixen, and Lucia wondered if the cause was in their actions that they would be going to do.

"What are we going to do? You want me to clean up Deftery Vixen first?

In such Lucia's inquiry, Waltz began to think in arms.

"... if you keep dealing with Deftery Vixen, isn't something going to hit you by Protty Vixen from behind? It may not be a big deal, but if you accidentally blow up every proty vixen that contains people... you'll be pissed off at Yuki later, won't you? I'm sure."

"(I hope you just get mad at me...)"

The hell, I don't know how many citizens are in there, but if I were to blow that up... well, I'm pretty sure I'm sorry I didn't blame you for anything.

Especially if you look at the current state of affairs in which the town of Vixen is on the verge of collapse, there seems to be no need to accidentally erase Proti Vixen without having to do with a word of 'There was nothing I could do...'

However, it was not decided that we could not save the citizens, so we could not adopt that option for Waltz.

Even a boulder girlfriend couldn't kill her because she was troublesome.

(Well, I don't know what to do... In this state, if you magically fly a transfer somewhere far at the top of two, you may not come back distracted because of the battle, but together, the citizens will fly...... but could it be better than being rampaged in the city...)

... so,

"Hey, Lucia? It's a bit of a hassle if two of them go wild all over town like this, so why don't you let me move them to a safe place outside? But you can't go far, can you? Because we won't be able to help our citizens."

Waltz asked Lucia to move her beast ears frequently next to her because she was listening to the magic around her.

If this was a normal wizard... 'Are you crazy?' and give a strange look, 'Are you kidding me?' and smile bitterly, or you will leave her with all your affection for Waltz, who comes in unscrupulous favors.

So much so that it's difficult to move a supermassive labyrinth with metastatic magic.

... but the opponent is semi-infinite (?) Lucia possesses the magic of.

I didn't say a novel or anything, but rather a full grin and listened to Waltz's request.

"Yeah! I'll try! I mean, it's dark, so make a light (...) and (...) also (...) okay?

"Okay? But not on this city, right? Because the citizens might see us fighting."

"Uh... yeah, okay!

You remembered the first day you came to this town, fighting Scarbixen and surrounded by the people of town, Lucia frowning only for a moment.

But right back to the original look, hands on the labyrinths...

Bhun... Dgowong!!

While generating such a shock wave, it caused it to transfer without difficulty to an open location about 10 km from the city.

And when he again laid his hands on the sky where the labyrinths were,


A bright source of light, like the sun during the day, emitted intense heat, appeared over their heads.

This tentative first sun, Lucia tastes, is in the king's capital of Mid-Eden, Monolith (?) is the same light (heat) source that was magically made into the sky when it was built because it was dark.

That's the reason (one of them), and she's been elected a Mid-Eden brave... well, if it's enough to float on a dark sky where no one is supposed to be, there won't be a particular problem.

"Whoa. Thanks, Lucia."


That said, Lucia waving her tail happily as she leaned her head toward Waltz's.

(What... what? You want me to stroke your head...?

I was waltz thinking that about what she looked like... but now I didn't even think it was the right time to do that, so I shifted my gaze straight from Lucia to the labyrinth.


You look like you said shun... and you look blatantly sorry, Lucia.

So when Waltz smiled bitterly... he ended up putting his own hand over her head.

And keep your mouth open.

"For now, I think it's safe for the moment... but what do you think would happen if we just let the labyrinth go like this?

To such a waltz inquiry,

"Hmm... are we going to eat together?

With a pleasant look on her face, Lucia uttered words that did not fit that look.

"... yeah, right... Ma, to some extent, it's easier to clean up if you're weak..."

Waltz returns that word, smiling bitterly at Lucia like that again.


While he was messing up Lucia's head, Waltz turned his gaze to the Julians who were nearby because he couldn't take the next action.

"... Speaking of which... Julia? Do you know how many citizens are in the labyrinth right now?

In response to that question, as she stretched her spine, Julia began reporting in a polite tone.

"When we left the royal castle, it was reported to be about 50%. So I thought maybe 200,000 people. In the meantime, I would like to report once and for all that someone like Al OO (Pea) took over the soldiers and was about to assassinate the Nulls."

"What, hey... why don't you report that first..."

Surprised enough to accidentally pull in the hand he had on Lucia's head, Waltz asked Julia.

"I'm sorry. It looked like Waltz was taking it in."


Waltz now reminds me of blocking the words of the Julians I was about to speak to.

"... yes. So, why are you guys here? If Yuki F. and the others are under attack, shouldn't we go to your escort?

The story was the same question Lucia had earlier addressed to Sylvia.

At that time, Sylvia, who wouldn't lie, was sinking into Lucia's question, but...

"... now under this circumstance, the use of a radio depends on the fact that I don't really think Mr. Waltz would be pleased, and I came to the report directly. According to Cortex, we thought it would be better to avoid communication devices that use radio waves because they are easy to intercept by others."

"Ho. You're studying hard. But you're okay with the radios we use? Because it's analog, but it's encrypted, and right now, there's no unidentified waves flying around here. Well, I don't know if it's passive, but I can't really think about it."

"Really? We will now start using the radio next time"

"Yeah, let's do that"

And, no difficulty, Julia getting through the pinch.

Is the boulder a senior, something like that?

"Now I'm going to go back to Master Null. Also, let us know if you need anything"

"Yep. Neither do you."


And Julia and Sylvia went away from the waltzes to the royal castle again.


As for Lucia, who knows the real circumstances, who had one bitter smile on her words like that... well, nobody noticed, let's just say...

And when the two of them walked away from the waltz and went about 500m.

"You're a boulder! Senior."

"It's not natural. I always have some answers for you, don't I? And I need to study a lot more things."

"I won't turn my head that much..."

Julia and Sylvia had such an exchange.

"For example, don't you think this knowledge of radios is actually a relationship that you can't cut off from intelligence?

"Sure, you can't leak information to someone."

"Yeah. There's that, too... but suppose you were on a reconnaissance mission somewhere in the middle of nowhere, right? If the radio breaks down in that place..."

"If I were you, I'd be back on a failed mission."

Sylvia responds that way without hesitation.

It should be noted that even if we find ourselves in a situation where we are forced to flee for unavoidable reasons, there are no penalties for Mid-Eden's intelligence department.

"Yeah, sure, in the intelligence department, that's the iron rule. But if you can fix a broken radio... or if you know the principle enough to make a new one..."

To such Yulia's words... Sylvia said as she turned her dishy eyes to her.

"... no way, seniors... can you make it?

"If it's unencrypted, simple, yeah. Cortex-sama taught me exactly how to make it and how to make it, and Cortex-sama has the transmitter and receiver, so it's not a big deal for me if the radio is broken or lost."

"... I can't imitate it! You're a boulder, seniors!

"Huh! Isn't it?

... conversation like that, as if it were some kind of flag, the two returned to the courtyard of Vixen's royal castle, which flew earlier.

In doing so,


There is a roar coming from somewhere far away.

Has Master Waltz started the fight?

"Maybe, I guess. He looked like he was about to jump, and..."

"Will you be all right..."

"We're not talking about a dimension we can manage, so we'll just have to pray later. Well, let's get back to work called our support. It's an important job, too."

When Julia said something like that, Sylvia said with a faint look on her face.

"Yes.... but is it good?


"Earlier, you broke up with Master Null because you were seriously ill, didn't you? It's awkward to go with the current pimp..."

"Ah?! Yes, it hurts...!

... and Julia, who suppresses various parts of her body in a way that she doesn't know where it hurts.

"... that's a terrible act"

"No, that's because I've been watching the act since it started... in fact, it got through to Master Null"

"No... uh... right..."


"Yu, Yulia!!

Yuki F raised her voice in the matter (more or less) from a broken glass conference room window toward Julia.

"Uh... that's angry, isn't it? Didn't you find out you cheated?

"No... well, that shouldn't be..."

Two people who think that to Yuki F, who changed her blood phase.

... but apparently, that's not what it is.

"Run away!!



Suddenly, Yuki F disappears into a space of nothing.


"This, this, the awkward one..."

Yuki F, who should not be able to use metastatic magic, metastasized.

Namely, was it transferred by someone... or would it mean automatic transfer magic in an emergency?

If you think about the fact that there was nobody near her...

"Do it!!

Automatic transfer... i.e. Julia and Sylvia, who understood that they were about to be taken in by the rampant Protty Vixen, immediately left the ground and tried to float in the sky again.


Glitter, glitter...

"Ma, I can't make it!

Feeling that his body was beginning to undergo metamorphosis magic, Julia feathered with all her might into the sky.

But Sylvia seemed distracted by something else.

"Shh, seniors! Oh, that!!

That's what she said.

"What... that..."

There's a giant shadow that pierces the clouds of the sky.


... but without understanding what its shadow identity was, Julia's vision was consumed by metastatic magic...

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