"Look. It's you and that friend. Of course, he's still alive, isn't he?

cylinder filled with yellow liquid and the neck of the lolicon and capella floating in it.

Against Catalina, who had such an unobtrusive object in her hand, Loricon quickly regained her composure and put up a gun, although she was disturbed for a moment.

"... Phew. A vivid substitute, but a newbie spiritual attack used by Demon God's men? That's not gonna work for me. You can disable a mental attack with this bangle."

That said, Loricon's arms were lit with gold bangles strewn with unnaturally luxurious decorations.

"... is that right? I didn't mean to, but this was a form of mental attack..."

Then Catalina, after showing a contemplative bare gesture, put the cylinder with the cappella's neck in the bag with something flashing, lifting only the cylinder with the Loricon's neck to a position where it could be seen well by the person before... exercising a slight thunderbolt magic against the cylinder.

At that moment, Lorikon looks blue again at the sight that happened to his face and melon neck, scratching his fat sweat, and at the same time a distressed look.

What the hell happened to the neck he was looking at?

... for example, what happens if you dissect a living frog and let the current flow through your legs...

If you did that with a person's neck, your facial muscles tense at the same time... no, let's skip explaining any more.

Catalina opened her mouth with interest to the appearance of her own neck, again disturbed by Loricon.

"Sure, some magic controls the other's spirit by inducing a kind of lem sleep to cause simple hallucinations... I see. From what you can tell, perhaps the empathy that arises in a mirror neuron-mediated cognition is also a psychological attack. In that proud bangle, however, it appears that we have not been able to deactivate the current phenomenon... but, possibly, have they grabbed the fake?

and Catalina using some jargon to inquire.

... just in case, I mean, 'That bangle, it doesn't work, does it?'.

After taking her word for it like that...

"... Huh!


Bread, bread, bread!!

... Lolicon firing at Catalina, as if he now remembered that he had a gun.

The bullet released from him like that... stopped hitting an invisible wall, like when it was previously released against Catalina.

Apparently, when she showed up in this room, she was blown off her arm because she was alarmed (?).

"Fuck, fuck! You monster!"

Loricon muttered about that against Catalina, who looked like she was pushing a cylinder with her neck into her bag without even having an eye for herself.

Then Catalina,

"... I wanted to be told once, that word. Mr. Waltz has been told a lot, but I couldn't just imagine how he felt."

Then Catalina, tightening tightly with the lid of the bag, turned against Loricon, remaining unarmed, mouthing her thoughts on the words.

"... you feel the worst. What the hell do you know about me and say those words?

... and between Catalina, who narrowed her eyes, and Loricon, who had a bitter look as she devoured her teeth like that... the battle began.

At the edge of a large hole in the middle of the nucleus of the labyrinth, two people who chase and keep running, trying to circle with glue.

What I'm after is Catalina, who wraps a junction magic around her hand and uses it like a surgical female.

And escaping is Lolicon, who can only fight long distances with guns, more than he can use magic.

... Well, even if you can use magic, you can only fight long distances...

Bread, bread, bread!!

Loricon opens his mouth as he runs but shoots continuously and accurately.

"Damn! How can you not use magic?!

If space control magic could be used, it would be possible to escape (ooh) outside without fighting her like a crazy monster... but I can't do that.

Such natural questions were swirling in his head.

In contrast, Catalina starts explaining, chasing him, with no particular way to hide him.

"... I hear magic is like a kind of fever. The temperature difference occurs magically when the hot heat (...) in the surgeon's body enters the cold (...) (...) space outside. If you replace this with the phenomenon of heat as it is, if it's the same temperature inside and outside the body, there shouldn't be any difference in temperature, so there's no magic, right? This is a common phenomenon in dungeons and labyrinths, occurring in non-magical areas. You know what?

"I don't know!

"... Really..."

Catalina, who should have explained it plainly because of it, gave an immediate, unknowable, slightly hurtful look.

But I kept explaining it to her because I was not willing to repeat it and explain it in detail.

... Apparently Catalina likes to give logical explanations.

"If you're talking about a closed space with enormous magic like Lucia's and yet difficult to pass through, you might be able to use such magic, but raw hate, I don't have that much magic.... so I thought. Actually, it was tough, wasn't it? Come to think of it.... while I was walking through the labyrinth to get here, I experimented with the demons that attacked me to demonstrate if the hypothesis was correct."

I don't have to wonder if the story Catalina said earlier was an explanation for the inability to use magic here and now, Loricon.

But apparently not.

Either way, he didn't seem to be able to afford to bother pointing that out at the moment when he had to keep running.

"... do you know the word 'insulated'? It is a term that refers to blocking the path of heat transfer so that heat is not transmitted around you. A vacuum in which there is no heat mediated material hits it, but in such spaces, except for radiation phenomena, there will theoretically be no temperature gradient. I mean, if you can create a similarly magical vacuum, you won't be able to exercise magic.... but with the current magic engineering, it's extremely difficult to create a magical insulated space because you can't rule out the magic that drifts throughout the space. If we compare such magic to a physical phenomenon... like a free electron drifting through space, can we compare it?"

"... stop... how did you know that..."

"... you haven't finished explaining that you can't use magic yet, have you? I wonder what it's like as a man to ask a woman a number of questions over and over again. Well, maybe that's why they're playing Lolicon...... So, you keep explaining."

And Catalina trying to keep explaining.

Loricon, naturally, and her likes of explanation may also be one of the causes of Catalina's little acquaintance with the opposite sex...

"I thought... it's time to skip it and finish it because I'm getting tired too, explaining as I keep chasing you forever"

Then Catalina, when she suddenly stopped and turned her back against Loricon... suddenly, she kicked the wall.

... No, I didn't kick him, I pushed him to snuggle behind his shoes... and he started walking on the wall.

"So, that's the last explanation."

Catalina speaks of that as she walks upside down on the nuclear ceiling of the labyrinth.

From her shoes like that, something like a small tentacle grows in bulk, eating into the ceiling... probably because of her mind.


Lolicon flashes up at the impossible sight and the catalina that comes (...) abbreviated (...) and (...) along the way to me.

Against him like that... Catalina opened her mouth.

"So, that's why I can't use magic... but let me use junctional magic to fix the movements of magic in this room. Did I just say virtual 'insulation'... ugh!

After saying that, Catalina flies all at once against Loricon from the ceiling in a way that doesn't make her feel gravity.

Of course, against her like that, although Loricon fires at the momentum of trying to build a hive... it would go without saying that it didn't work at all.

And her knife was finally about to pour over Loricon's head... at that time.

"Oh. No, you can't." You tried to hurt my brave man without saying no. '

I thought I heard that voice.


"Ha ha...!?

Catalina's trajectory, which was supposed to be bouncing with a parabola, shifted downward in rapid momentum, causing her to fall from her chest to the floor of the nucleus of the labyrinth.

... that's not all.

Such a bad fox needs to be punished.

Covering that you heard a woman who didn't even know where she was coming from like that,


... the whole body of Catalina lying on the ground, this again appeared out of nowhere about 30 cm diameter black (...) y (...) pile (...) pierced her back... turning it from neck to bottom completely into a meat mass.

"... wow... goddess. There was already a way to do it... Seriously, it's a gross-note thing..."

'What are you talking about? The target is a demon god's man. You don't need any forgiveness! Isn't that what you always say?

"I know that, but... you know, there were all kinds of ways to do it without just snapping your neck, inserting your heart, or turning it into a piece of meat, right?

'Huh? He's bouncing his neck right, and he's got to have a pile stabbed in his heart, right?

"... Ah, yes"

An invisible goddess like that (?) and Lolicon discussing (...) with the same (...) j (...) mouth (...).

Then they (...) tried to walk away with space-controlled magic before the demons (waltzes) arrived from the spot where the magic should have been made available by the operator's death.

... I was going to.

"... that?

'... what is it?

"I can't use magic yet..."

"Ah, I, uh, oh.... you must be practicing your slippery tongue properly every morning, right?

"No, it's mochi..."

'... you practice every morning properly, don't you?

"... I'm sorry. I didn't."

'Huh... Well, fine. Can I borrow your mouth? - * x △ $& O @...'

And, goddess (?) chants with fluent pronunciation, but...

'... you can't. Dear brave man, didn't you run out of magic?

Apparently she (?) also, it appeared that space control magic could not be exercised.

"No, I took magic restoration pills earlier, so that's... what?

... and Lolicon noticing the anomaly in front of him.

I share my eyes (?) Is it for or does the goddess seem to have noticed the sole...

"Oh, it's impossible..."

I leaked those words.

What the hell was going on in front of them?




... Five should be chopped to pieces, but Catalina's arm is moving on its own, cutting off the black pile that stabbed herself,


... because he was falling apart and stuck repeatedly while turning black or bright red.

And that's the last thing you need to do to be one...

"... repair complete"

... there's not even a scratch left on his clothes, an intact Catalina has risen.

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