Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

After 6 After -11 Lost Puppies 2

"I want to go home now..."

I'm tired and I'm like a stick with my legs... but Eve whines such a crying beard as I manage to move patiently.

And what she came to was a different and larger space at the international level.

When you're out there... suddenly there's a Savior at her place (?) appears.

"Ah, Eve. I was here."

Energia has been using the onboard speakers to talk to her.

"Uh... energy...?

"Everyone calls me 'Energia', so do you want Eve to call me the same?

"Ha... thank God... gu"

Eve stroking her chest down, forgetting to respond to the familiar voice of Energia.

Energia inquired because her condition was quite distressing.

"Was there a big deal going on?

"Ugh, yeah... You know, the furry monster, Ma 'an, you're about to get attacked, and that could already be desperate to escape..."

"Wouldn't you like it? Are you sorry?

... apparently contained in Eve's words words words that Energia did not know.

As she (?) grumbles to repeat words she didn't understand...

"I want to go back to everyone..."

Even though it was only morning, he looked quite tired, not directed at anyone, and Eve uttered those words.

Earlier it was energy she couldn't understand what she was trying to say, but she could understand the word on the boulder,

'Yeah, okay? I'll show you around!

And he hung a bright voice, as if directed at a child who had become lost.

Right after that...


and countless little black grains gathering before Eve.

Well, needless to say, as usual, it's a millimeter machine that Energia hacked to make up a person's body...

"Hiya, hiya?!

... Whatever it is for Eve to see it for the first time, let's stick to her own hands as the little bugs like ants come together and squeeze (let's bite?) It just seemed like it was.

Simply because of the energy, I pulled Eve's hand and tried to guide her on the road... but it seemed to be a slightly too irritating sight for Eve, who was running out of spiritual leeway while wandering around the ship...

As a result,


Eve hurriedly pulled her hand in and turned herself over (hiccup), trying to escape the energy that had been shaped by the black millimeter machine.

"Ah, Eve!

Energy to try to escape yourself and raise your voice against Eve for trying to run behind you.

... it was just not a word for Energia to stop talking about Eve, who tried to escape scared of herself.

Rather, it was a word that came out to guide her.

And right after that,



And Eve hit her head on something hard and squatted.

'Uh, with your sister behind you, I tried to tell you it was dangerous, but you didn't seem to make it'

"Ah! Energy. You want me to say that? Corner, I was gently observing Ibonne's ecology so they wouldn't notice it from behind..."

... In short, Waltz was coming from right behind Eve, perfectly attached.

"Sister, you're on your way, right?

"... that word, Catalina told me again this morning..."

With that said, Waltz shows a bare gesture scratching his cheeks poly.

Meanwhile, Eve, who hit her, was trying to put her face up to see what the hell hit her while keeping her aching head down with both hands.

Well, even if I didn't bother to look, I heard voices from earlier, so Eve knew Waltz was there, but I felt oddly stiff about what I bumped into waltzing, which made me seem somewhat anxious.

Therefore, Eve slowly looks up in such a way as to be afraid.

Then there's...

"Oh, there's really Master Waltz..."

What she felt was a waltz with a decent figure on her back.

"What the hell did you hit..."

Something, like stone or iron chunks... reminding me that the feeling of hitting something very heavy still remains on my forehead, Eve turned a suspicious... no, angry gaze at Waltz.

"... hey, what? You want to say something?

"... it's not Ibonne!

... Apparently, complaining about my unsure ada name had a higher priority than making sure what the hard feeling was.

"Yes... Sounds like you can afford more than I thought, huh?

"One day you're going to give Master Waltz a weird ada name, and you're going to call him hating it!

Grrrrrrrr!! and roaring, Eve keeps complaining about Waltz.

Behind her, there was still black energy standing, but it seemed that Eve could distinguish herself from the fear that was swirling in her because she was relieved to see Waltz.

"Well, that doesn't seem like a problem."

With that said, Waltz put his hand under Eve's armpit... and lifted up gently about her, still roaring, as if dealing with a puppy or something.

"Huh? Did you think I was powerful or something? That's a big mistake. Because you're just light, aren't you?

"... weird... this is the lean macho...?

Eve of how Waltz's luxurious body is not convinced how the hell he can lift himself up lightly.

And then she said, 'Maybe I've really lost my weight?' When I started thinking.

Waltz opened his mouth with a small grin against Eve as he remained lifted.

"Well, Yvonne. I need you to pick something right here, okay?

And with that said, Waltz floats about 2m in the air with his feet off the floor holding Eve.

"So how could Ibo... float...?!

All sorts of things started happening around me at once... and Eve lost her word.

To be more specific... something suddenly appeared behind the waltz that was lifting about me, even though it had risen... and when I realized it, the waltz disappeared and was instead grabbed in such a way that it was caught in both hands of something huge.

If you don't know anything, wouldn't you be surprised and deserved it?

Eve, who accidentally strengthens his body to that appearance and then stretches his pin, and tail straight and inflates.

If you liken her mood now... if you were exploring in the dungeon, could you say from beyond the darkness, the mood of the adventurer when the Nuh and the Demon King appeared...

... but it seems that the demon king who showed up was an acquaintance, and then she went back to the way she was before surprise, and now began to turn her suspicious expression towards the head of the manoeuvring armor.


Waltz uttered one of the possible causes for such an indescribable appearance of Eve, slightly different from those of his colleagues who had revealed their identity.

"That's it... I think the brightness of this room is a problem."

... Apparently Waltz wondered if it was too dark in the room to actually see himself well in Eve.

"Brightness? I didn't really care because it was always dark. Brighten? '

"Yep. Please. Doesn't it look like I'm bullying a puppy if it's what it is now?

"Huh? Weren't you abusing me?

"... yeah, I'm not... I'm sorry about something..."

'So I told you, on time...'

And it was right after Energia finished saying those words.


The large space where they were, the original, that wall of the lift mouth changed.

A hologram appeared on one side of the wall... the other side of the hull's exterior, transforming it into a view like the wall was gone.

"... ah..."

At that moment, the brilliance of the sun, the clouds, and the world reflecting on the green forest and the reddish earth, clearly entered Eve's eyes the appearance of the thing in front of her... and she leaked her voice low.

Because there...

"Same as Lucia's doll..."

Because the appearance of manoeuvring armor (large waltz) lifting itself, which emits a metallic glow, has clearly entered Eve's eyes.

"What, that girl... you have my doll?

Perhaps Lucia is using her doll for magical practice, Waltz got anxious.

Of course, it wasn't like that, but...

"Yeah. I was just sleeping with a hug"

"... yes. Ma, fine... I don't know who made it, but..."

After all, he didn't seem to like his figure being dolled, and Waltz leaked those words.



After waltz uttered words as if to re-divide them, he pulled out his own huge hand he was putting under Eve's armpit and floated her into the universe using gravitational control before asking.

"... so it's me, a monster, but still you, you follow me?

"Oh, that, too!

"Oh, yeah? Then we..."


And two self-proclaimed monsters said that side by side.

Then Waltz goes on to say the words to supplement.

"I think I found out about yesterday that there's no ordinary people here, is there? The only time I can pull it off later, maybe, is now... but still Eve. You want to follow me?

Waltz, who asked so... he remembered the words he hung on Lucia.

At that time, sometimes not long after coming to this world, Waltz had been troubled for a long time, but now that his place had become definitive, it seemed that such troubles had also become small.

It just didn't seem to have completely disappeared and I decided to leave my last choice to Eve herself

After all, an individual's life is something that the individual should choose for himself...

Eve responded instantly to such a waltz inquiry.

"Huh? You made up your mind yesterday!


"He said he would help another dragon named Chiriku by becoming Mr. Dragon's shiver. That's why we're going to train together under Master Waltz, right?

"No, I don't think it's that easy to decide..."

Until earlier, I didn't think Eve was frightened or surprised wandering through the energy. Tajita waltz on Eve's remarks.

Behind Waltz's expectations, however, Eve's mind seemed already determined.

"I, I was at Mr. Waltz's, and I decided to be a fine sister!

"... yes"

To such Eve's words, Waltz decided to break.

Would it be a little different than breaking because I just wanted to make sure what was going to happen rather than...

"So... thank you from now on! God damn it!

That said, Eve with a full grin, like Lucia and her colleagues so far.

But as a waltz, as usual...

"No, no..."

... I didn't seem to care how you called it 'God'.

To her reaction like that,

"Hmm... you don't like being called 'God', do you? Master Waltz?"

That is what Eve said with a niggling grin.

"... yeah, that's not true, is it?

Don't be distracted, waltz to say that softly, without a look on your face.

"Well, next time you say God, right?

"... yeah. Stop..."

But I couldn't seem to delude you...

"So now you can call me Eve, too, right?

"... whoa, Catalina and Julia..."

"I'm not afraid to use such a virtual authority anymore! I mean, how long has God been behind you?

"... (What to do...)"

Waltz holding his head in his heart with his thoughtless hands held by a grabbed up puppy.

... This is how Waltz finds his weakness (?) I was to officially add Eve to my people who knew...

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