Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

After 6 After -18 Labyrinth 2

The time goes back about an hour and a half, and yet the perspective changes...

"... Hey Yuki (A). You think you should bite a little better before you eat?

Waltz, Yuki A and Null, plus five Catalina and Fei Long (?) had rented a makeshift dining room in the royal castle for lunch.

At that time, Waltz accidentally threw such words at Yuki A, who had swallowed the steak of the demon from outside the royal castle as if it were a drink.

"Mokumoku, gokun...... This has shown you something ugly. I never thought the meat would taste better..."

"Mm-hmm. Meat is delicious. I don't want to eat anything else."

And, regardless of how you eat, a flying dragon speaks those words against Yuki, who returned the words to Waltz while polishing elegantly around his mouth.

"I mean, you, you're a carnivore, so it's only natural to eat meat..."

"Hmm... what the hell is carnivore...?

Apparently, Fei Long didn't understand the word carnivore.

"... carnivore is a creature that only eats meat? There are other words like grass and omnivore, and grass refers to creatures that eat only vegetables, and omnivore refers to creatures that eat both meat and vegetables."

Was such a waltz word difficult for Fei Long, he opened his mouth with a difficult look on his face.

"Hmm... It's philosophy... Because I only eat meat, is it called carnivore? again, because it's carnivorous, you only eat meat..."

... but apparently, it's not like I didn't understand her words.

(Yeah... maybe that's not philosophy...)

A waltz who thinks so without putting it in his mouth, but also hands on a meal himself.

At that time, she looked at the round grill of Tentacle Elephant, which Fei Long looked delicious, and said what she remembered.

"... Speaking of which, null? Are you retrieving the demons outside? I think we need to drain the blood and treat the guts, but given Vixen's upcoming dietary situation, I don't think there's anything left to throw away."

Talking about not having the same during a meal in the modern world should probably be seen with white eyes, but things seemed a little different in this world where it's hard to live normally in itself, Null said after showing a bare gesture as if he remembered something, without showing one disgusting face.

"We haven't issued a circular, but the soldiers and citizens seem to be moving independently"

"Ma, so is that... The fields are ruined, so you must be desperate to think about how you're going to eat them..."

Even if the city falls apart, as long as there are people there, food is always needed.

It wouldn't be any surprise if the citizens who realized that were moving ahead of the government.

"For once, I don't think we're going to be in a food crisis because we're going to spin the surplus food from this country (Mid-Eden), but as far as food is concerned, we might as well have it stuffed now."

"Thank you for your consideration"

"Uh... thank you," too, kiku.

To Waltz's words, null to lay down the dish once and then bow his head, and Yuki A to follow it hastily.

Then Null opens his mouth to show how he remembers something.

"... Dear Waltz. I have one thing on my mind, can you ask me?

"... enough to get confirmation, so it doesn't seem like a private matter, does it?

"Yes, you're right"

And Null continued his words once he shut his mouth, with a look of sorry.

"... In fact, as a liaison with our country to Mid-Eden, we would like to send an ambassador. As it is now, I thought I would bear the burden of contacting Master Waltz completely, so where I can bear it here.... but..."

That's what I say and then I lean down, Null.

Apparently, she understood the Waltz 'stance that she did not want the surrounding countries to know that Boreas, a demonic country, was connected to Mid-Eden, a human country, and she did not think she could proceed on her own without further consent.

"I see... I mean, you don't like our country."

"Frankly, that's what you mean"

and null who honestly admits waltz's allegations.

"Leaving aside our country, your country... is there no problem as a Boreas side? As a matter of position, I don't think it's so different from ours..."

Both Mid-Eden and Boreas should have been the same in that they were concerned about their gaze from other countries.

Once the two countries have officially exchanged, the Boreas side should not be able to deny the possibility of isolating them from the demonic lands around them...

"Yes, no problem because I won't let the countries around me complain about sticking around!

And, Null responded a little instantly to the excitement.

(... Something about that kind of political way... Diplomacy about keeping close friends with nearby countries and keeping close friends with distant countries. "Bury it from the outer moat"... that's a little different... I think it's something similar.)

And waltz remembers a far-flung melee attack that was China a long time ago.

Well, even in the modern world, the countries that do it still seem to do it...

Then Waltz, after a little trouble, sat next to himself, cutting the muscular steak with junctional magic was good, but he accidentally cut it to the plate and asked Catalina, who was still solidified.

"Hey, Catalina. What do you think?

"Huh? Oh, yes. I prefer vegetables to meat."

"... talk, you weren't listening..."

"... excuse me..."

Catalina who is shunned after she utters such words of apology.

Then she apologized null for every plate... actually cutting off the desk as well, briefly explaining the situation from Waltz, and then mouthed her own thoughts.

"... isn't it good? Even considering Mid-Eden's current national power and the future national power that will develop, I don't think it's the kind of small country that the countries around us can handle anyway... Besides, it's like Merclio, a neighboring power, has mastered..."

"If you're going to complain, I think it's about Endelucia sending a brave man... but the king over there, before this, Cortex was burning away, so I think it's going to be very hard for a while."


Null and Yuki A leaking their surprised voices in such a way that they don't know what they're talking about.

"Yes. If there's a problem... I don't think this is what other countries are like. The important thing is, what do the Mid-Eden people think, right? Fortunately, even though the rumor that Mr. Waltz is a demon god has already gone all over the city, if you look at Cortex, who interacts with Mr. Waltz, as chairman, and no one tries to argue with him, you may think that he is actually ready to embrace interaction with the demonic kingdom."

And Catalina said that plainly.

(Isn't that a little tyrannical? You may simply be afraid of retaliation from us and... I mean, I, I'm not a demon god...)

But it seems that such a waltz's true thoughts never reached those around him...

"The boulder is Dear Waltz. I am truly impressed by the overwhelming power of its arms, which screw the surrounding countries and the people. If you plan to conquer our country, then it's up to you to honestly follow us as a nation, so I beg your forgiveness..."

Null, now emperor of Boreas, said so against Waltz, looking red for some reason...

"Yeah, I'm fine. Rest assured? It's a misunderstanding, and there's absolutely no way to attack another country."


"... why are you giving me an unfortunate look there..."

Waltz with his head in his heart before Yuki, who shows his incomprehensible attitude to himself.

Why the hell was Catalina nodding, yeah, as if she was convinced...

Well, that's anyway.

"... even if we discuss what citizens think here, we can't say anything definitive, so it's a little further to officially set up something like an embassy. But if you're sending ambassadors informally, there's nothing wrong with that, is there? Like the last Yuki."

And, at the moment, Waltz uttered a critical conclusion that he could judge on his own.

To take a formal decision, the acknowledgement by the Cortex and others at the Homunculus meeting and the resolution in Parliament (?), and will we need to investigate our hopes for the citizens...

(... unexpectedly, you need a referendum or something? If I did, maybe it would be my first attempt in this world?

With that in mind, Waltz was reminiscent of whether there was a referendum law in Mid-Eden...

And that's when.

"Oh, sister? Are you okay now?

communications from the energy that

Con con con!

"Si, Master Sirius!

The voice of the soldier came overlapping.

"Yes, yes, I hear you. Yo? Well, mostly, I can predict what happened. '

"... that's noisy. Is something wrong?

and waltz and null returning words to each.

And having spoken, they uttered the same words at the same time.

"The labyrinth is starting to move, isn't it?

"Meh, the labyrinth is starting to move!

"... yes."


And the waltzes cut up their meals there, and rose up from their chairs.

... Thus began the action to determine the future treatment of Protty Vixen and Deftery Vixen.

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