Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

6 After -26 After Labyrinth 2

Despite reports from soldiers who were supposed to be slow on the information, Waltz went outside the royal castle, and others, questioning only a little that they had not heard from Energia, who would be monitoring the situation from the sky.

Then there, I was waiting for them because...

"Wow, what is this?!

and the look on Lucia's face that amazes me... also, yes, but it was about 10 cm deep snow that I had accumulated at some point.

That's right.

From the other side of the thick clouds that floated in the night sky, it was still pouring deep (shin) and heavy snow.

"This?... snow? Should I say the big version of the one I was down in the daytime?

"This is... snow..."

(... that? I thought you would return Yuki, that was surprisingly decent...)

Apparently Lucia is seriously more surprised than Waltz thinks.


Get your hands in the snow... and make sure its cold, Lucia.

Such a bewildered and surprised look beside her... something, something yellow, crossed her.


Bohoo! Gobble up, gobble up...

... Eve of how the tension was somehow culminating from the moment I saw how the snow was accumulating.

The hell, I discount her explanation of what position she was in, going into the snow, but apparently even in this world, when it snowed, the dog (the beast man of) ran back through the garden r...

"Yikes, it hurts!! It may not hurt, it hurts...!!

... of (...) Ugh (...) I hear it goes around...

Apparently, with about 10 cm of snow, I couldn't take her body, even though it was damp and heavy.

"... you're constantly wounded..."

Waltz turns a raw, warm gaze against Eve, who is pinching and cramping his flank.

Then, beside her like that... something white passed by this time.



And Yuki passed over Eve, and leapt not his eyes, but into the falling snow.

"... Yuki? Second?"

Against Yuki like that, when Waltz turned to Zito's eyes... now he realized that there was something wrong with Null standing next to him.

"... you're not gonna tell me you're gonna jump in, are you?

"... no. I won't jump in..."

With that said, a null of wannabes and trembling as he bit his lower lip.

... Apparently, in this country, when it snows, the habit of jumping into a snowfield where no one is stepping foot (?) They have...

"Hmm. This is also a habit of people, isn't it? It's really interesting..."

"... yeah. Probably not... Fei Long shouldn't imitate where people have eyes, right? If we're gonna do this, where nobody's here, right?

And, actually, waltz the way he wanted to jump in, too.


But for Fei Long, looking at the snow piles didn't seem to think much of it.

"I mean, we're not selling oil here, so let's just go check on that increased labyrinth and how it's doing, shall we?

"... oops, you did"

"Ains (Yuki A)... a little later, we need to talk..."

"... Hiu?!

"Dear Catalina! Ouch... heal me!

"... you have no choice"

"Head there! Maybe your head isn't hurt. What d...?!

"Yes. It's over"

Such a line trying to walk across the pier stretched from the royal castle to a snowy town while interacting as usual.

... but there was someone who left only one person crouched in and didn't follow a group.

"... snow..."

It is Lucia, who was out of the castle and was solidified with her hands touched by the accumulated snow.

What's the matter with you? Lucia. "

To her unusual appearance, Waltz stopped and turned around before throwing such an inquiry.

Lucia then opens her mouth again and again gripping the still soft snow that was in its palm to make sure it felt.

"... you said something to your sister, didn't you? The story that I've never seen snow... I've seen fairy tales and biographies every once in a while, but I can't imagine properly, and I've always wondered what it's like. Cold, soft... and white stuff that doesn't even rain but comes down from the sky, I don't know... As a matter of fact, I've been wondering if there really is such a thing in this world.... but..."

That's what Lucia said when she stood up...


It was like looking up into the sky and falling out of my back into the snow.

"... you really had such a nice thing..."

From where she turned her gaze, the snow, as if it were a peony flower, was inevitably descending from the sky.

As far as that went, it wasn't much of a touching scene... but maybe for Lucia, who sees it for the first time, it looked like something different.

"... yes"

Waltz said that, and then when he stood next to Lucia...


He fell into the snow himself.

"Uh, it's been snow or something. What time is it?"

With that in his mouth, Waltz remembers a small amount of snow that was falling into his hometown woods and mountains.

Then beside her like that...


"... sometimes, this is good"

Catalina did the same and fell, followed by...

Bohoo, bohoo...

"Hey... Master Waltz, cheat! Why, just complain to people that you're sleeping too!? I'm going to bed, too!

"... Lord, I've seen humans sleeping in snow mountains and getting icy..."

and Eve and Fei Long fell asleep on Waltz's head side, and on the opposite foot side...

Bohoo, bohoo...

"Damn... I missed the time...!... by the way, Ains. Get out of the way!

"Sa, Master Boulder Catalina... But I'll have that place someday! I mean, Sister Null is the one who's in the way!

... as if Yuki and Nuru would take the place from each other, they formed a formation.

At that time, there was a figure for three in the upstairs window of the royal castle, and it seemed to shake the window frame for some reason... well, it must be my fault.

"Eh heh!

And Lucia, the first to fall asleep, turned her happy grin against Waltz, who was falling asleep next to her.

... In doing so,

"Totally... troubled daughter."

Actually, Waltz began to wonder if Lucia had designed it to be like this, guessing about herself wanting to jump into the snow.

Then she thought about it for a moment and then said this to Xu Ro.

"... ma, Mid-Eden, snow, won't fall... and let's enjoy it while we can?

And soothe the snow in its hands... when you make a snowball with an ultra-high precision sphere (70 mm diameter)...


And he fell asleep, and threw it into the sky.

... and that snowball...


And, ignoring the laws of physics and turning...



... somehow, I hit Eve's forehead.

... Well, that happened, but I don't have any further information about the later developments, so I'm going to let you skip the explanation.

Still, if you're going to give an excerpt of the rumors you heard from the citizens someday... that for some reason craters were formed on the outer walls and the ground of the royal castle, that the roofs of the surrounding buildings blew up, and that trenches made of real soil and rocks, not made of snow, appeared in the castle's backyard, or didn't...

All of us in person and royal castle officials don't try to shut our mouths hard enough to talk about what the hell happened... but then it just seems a mistake because a lot of people seemed to witness that they went outside town with a soggy, yet delightful look on their face...

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