Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

7.0-11 Wangdu's Long Day 11

And that night.

Waltz, who was the feather of being bought a ton of Inari sushi by Lucia because of what he said extra, was coming to Energia alone, splitting up with them after he threw everything to Teresa, including the payment.

... and before I get to the point, I'm just going to take a few stories about that.

Until a few weeks ago, there should have been only one Inari sushi restaurant in Wangdu, but now, after a short time, it had somehow grown by about four.

Perhaps the great success of a certain Inari sushi restaurant, which moved to Wang Du and started operating, was known to the merchants around it, and the industry began to emerge.

If we keep going... maybe the main street of Wang Du will only be transformed into 'Inari Sushi Street'...

Well, that's what I said.

Lucia bought such a duplicate (...) number (...) of (...) Inari sushi stores... 5 per house, and all of them were of different types of Inari sushi.

In other words, she was able to indulge in a total of 20 different types of Inari sushi in the same store, with the exception of the contents of the same box.

At that time, Teresa, who was attached to it against Lucia, who mouths not too much Inari sushi without bitterness...

"Ko, if you don't stay like this, Miss Lucia will turn into a buzzing fox...!

You said, you didn't say...

By the way, let's just state that the total heat (calories) of 20 boxes of Inari sushi... is very expensive...

... Well.

Let's get back to it.

Waltz, who came to Energia, saw some blue aura coming out of the bridge door and narrowed his eyes to the way it was... but didn't stop there and straight forward to the infirmary.

And when Waltz comes to his destination,


and the infirmary door opened with good momentum as usual to welcome her in.

"Cataliner? Alive?

Waltz mouths words like throwing at a friend as he writes with his right hand against a desk in the infirmary and toward Catalina looking like he's rocking a treasure box (shvar) placed in a cradle with his other hand.

"Yes. Maybe he's alive?" I think so, what did I do "..."

Catalina continued her book, but answered Waltz's query without difficulty.

"... on second thought, how can I tell if I'm alive or not?

"If the cells that make up the body are active, can we just decide they're alive?

"Then you mean the zombies are alive..."

"... at least the zombies that were recently rampaging in Endercia definitely lived because they seem to have returned to their original humans, right? I don't know if I can say the same thing to the other zombies and the undead because I haven't looked into it in detail, but maybe unexpectedly I can go back to where I was..."

With that said, Catalina, when she finally puts the pen down, holds Schwartz with both hands, who was still in the cradle, and then turns toward Waltz.

"... ma, the world is full of things I don't really understand, so you can't judge what's alive and what's not..."

and waltz to put his own thing up on the shelf and turn his gaze to Schwartz.

Note that if you consider her bio-response sensor as a criterion, Schwartz is a 'creature'.

Then Waltz kept his subtle expression on the treasure box and inquired against Catalina.

"So, what's in the... Cheval, can't you take it out?

"... something, that's a grotesque expression..."

"It's not shellfish, it's nothing like that..."

Waltz remembers that something like a scallop had not arrived in the hinged area that would hold the lid and body of the treasure box in place.

If Schwartz is a shellfish, the moment he takes it out of the box, he'll be desperate...

"... right. Actually, I was worried. Can you take it out of the box like this and keep Cheval alive in the outside world... Or, conversely, isn't it better to keep it in the box... I got every box, so the hell, you don't know which..."

"Hmm... I have no idea what labyrinth ecology is, so you can't say anything..."

That being said, Waltz put his hand on his chin and showed a bare gesture that bothered his head against Schwartz.

In the first place, unlike other labyrinths, mimic-like shells (?) is about Schwartz with

There were so many exceptions that the findings of previous labyrinth studies were completely unavailable.

... Nevertheless, the labyrinth reproduction itself, is not even on the record of Vixen, a labyrinth city, so even if Schwartz wasn't special, the findings don't exist...

"I mean, is the food okay? I don't know if I can't feed my dog (Eve) onions or anything like that..."

"Just because you're a dog beast, there's nothing wrong with eating onions..."

After Catalina said that and smiled bitterly, she took something out of the shelf like a notebook with some worn paper caught in it and started talking through her eyes at it.

Apparently, that impromptu notebook has written down ingredients for the meals Cheval has eaten so far...

"'Tentacle Goat's Milk', 'Tentacle Goat', 'Cabbage', 'Onion', 'White Rice', 'My Hand', 'Bread', 'Cookies Made by Lucia'... I'm eating a lot, but so far, you don't seem to break or weaken your stomach"

"... if the last one can be eaten normally, maybe, whatever you eat, your stomach..." I think there was something in there that I wouldn't listen to...?

"But you're in trouble..."

Katarina slowly opens the lid of the treasure box by gently passing through Waltz's words, while saying.


"Again, you should get it out of the box..."

And she has Schwartz's head that looked like a black shadow (?), caressed lovingly.

(Here, what do you say... Not a parent idiot... experimental bench (guinea pig)?)

Catalina and Schwartz smile small, even with a strange look on her face, feeling like Shvar being held by her is doing somehow well.

Then she checks inside the open treasure box to see if something really like a scallop has arrived before asking again against Catalina.

"... by the way, have you ever taken it out of the inside, even once before?

"No. You've never tried..."

"... after all, scared?

"After lifting it, you don't know what's going to happen, the point is still scary, right? What do you want to do? If the box is part of your body..."

"Hmm, if you're gonna lift it slowly, aren't you gonna be okay? If you're awkward, you just have to go back before things go wrong and..."

"... will you be all right..."

Catalina listens to Waltz, whines worryingly, and then puts a treasure box on her desk.

Then she just started making sure that the treasure box wasn't really part of Schwartz's body...


"Oh? This is your sister. What can I do for you here?

A tempo with a magic bag on his shoulder came back to the infirmary.

"Huh? I'm just here to see how Catalina is?

"I see... you're here to interfere with Catalina's work, aren't you?

"Why are you interfering..."

Waltz gives a grumpy look as he gazes at the research notes that were open until earlier, on Catalina's desk.

You noticed her attitude like that, or you didn't... Tempo opened his mouth, suddenly showing a hazy look but remaining faceless.

"Whoa, yeah. It wasn't when I was chatting with your sister."

"Huh? Something wrong?

"Sure, it's time for Cheval's dinner, right?

With that said, Tempo, on the desk that was in the center of the room, placed something like a water bottle picked out of the bag, approached the treasure box that was on Catalina's desk... and without hesitation stuck his hands in it.


"Hmm... didn't your body get a little heavier than after noon ~?

and using baby language, he held up the black shadowy Shvar body as it was...

Waltz and Catalina flattered by the way it looks.

What surprises them at the end of the day is whether it's against Tempo taking Schwartz's body out of the treasure box, or against her turning into a completely different way of talking...

"Chiu at dinner time ~?

With that said, Tempo opened the lid of the water bottle (his own nursing bottle) that was on his desk and carried it to Schwartz's mouth.



and stick to the breastfeeding bottle (?) Schwartz.

It may go without saying how it is, but it is not breastfeeding... it is predation.

But apparently, there's nothing like chewing off a nursing bottle...

"Hey, don't rush, drink slowly munchkin ~?

Unlike the usual faceless expression, tempered with an undisputed look of mercy (whenever) smudges, a dark shadow in his chest...

"... Hey, Catalina. Tempo, actually, was this where I wasn't looking?

"... no. I tried to start too..."

"I feel completely, Schwartz's parents already..."

"... you're in trouble"

Catalina said that and gave her a frightened look, then

"See, tempo? Schwartz drilled a hole in the water bottle and started chewing, didn't he?

With those words in his mouth, he himself, to refrain from Schwartz, two (?).

(I don't know why... I feel narrow shoulders...)

Waltz wonders what to do with Katarina and Tempo, who have begun to take care of Wakaai and Shubal.

(Ma, even less, parenting (?) I don't think there's anything I'm having trouble with...)

I was relieved to see how that waltz...

"... yeah. I'll be back."

It looks like they decided to leave the room behind without entering those two people's air.

Then you noticed what she said, and Catalina grabbed the bottle and he (?) As he pulled out of his mouth, he turned to waltz only in his face and said the words.

"Uh... you can leave the Cheval thing to the tempo, so there's no problem with you doing your classes as usual, is there?

"Yeah. Isn't that about as good as today? I just got back. What, and parenting (?) That shouldn't be that easy. I don't know because I don't have any experience, but Catalina knows a lot about it, right?

"... right"

You remember the other children in the orphanage who used to have themselves in Waltz's words, Catalina, who thinks just a little narrower in her eyes.

Then she turned her gaze to Leah, the Tanuki beast man still in bed on the other side of the glass in the infirmary, and then sighed small and mouthed the conclusion.

"... so bad for Leah, but I'm just going to take some time off today"

"Yeah. But instead, I'll compress you tomorrow for today's class, so be prepared, okay?

"Yes. I know. I'll clean up my homework for today properly, so I'll score tomorrow, thank you, okay?

"Ugh, yeah... Good luck... (That, I don't think I'd say off...)"

Then Waltz said with a bitter smile against Catalina, shifting his gaze to the tempo where he kept hugging Schwartz.

"So, tempo? Can you do me a favor?

"... no, Chiu ~? Cheval, when you're like your sister who can't read the air like that ~"

"Yes, sir. I didn't say anything like some aunt, but I'm going to raise her properly."

Leaving such words on the spot, Waltz followed the infirmary, wrapped in a completely different colour of air than before, waving his hand over his head with a flicker.

And the next thing she went... was the bridge where the blue aura was standing when she came...

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