A swordsman who hung his feet on the energy talap as he tilted his head to the words of Waltz, who got no guidelines... and stepped terribly on board.

Then there...


... some indescribable sign has stabbed him.

"... Energia, are you there?

Towards the dark ship, he utters words of such inquiry... but no words from the energy return...

"What... this breathlessness... It's like air in front of a boss room in a dungeon..."

A swordsman who drinks solidly in an unusual atmosphere that allows him to enter the ship.

But waiting at the entrance, nothing was going to happen, so... he, as Waltz told me, had no choice but to proceed to the bridge...

Katsun Katsun Katsun...

A swordsman advances his feet, step by step, on a floor made of metal with ingredients he may not have a taste for.

"What the hell are you saying...?

Because he couldn't read the circumstances at all, he put his hand on his chin and accidentally mumbled like that, showing a contemplative bare gesture.

Originally, the energy of a black figure should pop in the moment you see yourself.

It was the first time for a swordsman that she would not show her face like that.

There seemed to be too much he didn't understand now, with Waltz's far-reaching remarks as well.

"... surely this might have been better to come fully equipped..."

As if it were a dungeon somewhere, an atmosphere where a trap or something seemed to be sprayed across the mountain was standing in the hallway that you should be familiar with.

Until he entered the ship, the swordsman regretted that nothing had been prepared for him because he could not feel the air.

"(... even if something comes out, I don't know if I can win... or if I can even go home fully equipped...)"

What if a monster... in this case, an energy-grade monster (?) A swordsman who thinks about his professional pattern, whether he can deal with it alone, as it emerges.

But unfortunately (?), as far as he simulates in his head, there seemed to be absolutely no chance of winning.

Unlike Slime, he couldn't think of a way to defeat the non-existent energy of the nucleus (grade monsters) in the first place...

"(Please, don't be such a development...?

With that in mind, the swordsman, who arrived in front of the bridge door, prayed in his heart against God, who could not always rely...

And he finally took a step toward the door of the bridge (boss room) that was leaking something like a blue and black aura out of the gap...


The bridge door opened with a loud noise, as usual.

The swordsman, never willing, stepped into it.

And that's where I've been waiting for him...

No. Um...

... in a dark bridge just like the hallway, with his back to himself, was a black mass (energy) nodding with his knees...

"(... what do we do? At a time like this, can I speak up without thinking?

The swordsman had no idea how this was happening, but there seemed to be no doubt that there was something unpleasant about the energy and it was dented...

So I was a swordsman who wanted to hang the bad words and choose carefully the words to hang them so her mood wouldn't be compromised any more...

"... Mr. Victor."

Before he opens his mouth, Energia starts talking first...

"The woman you were talking to earlier, who?

"(... you mean your innkeeper's daughter?

Apparently, Energia was witnessing where the Inn's granddaughter came to deliver breakfast to the Swordsmen with a super telephoto lens or something...

"... she's the innkeeper's daughter. You just came to deliver breakfast to us d"

"What's your relationship with Mr. Victor?

And, before the swordsman finishes speaking, the energy that makes the words crack.

"What kind of relationship... do you mean a customer you're looking after and a clerk you're looking after?

To the words of such a swordsman, what did Energia think...

"... you bought it for money."

... whined those words.

"(What the hell...)"

A swordsman who couldn't understand what Energia was trying to say.

Feeling like just exchanging words like this was going to be a prolonged and grand tour, he decided, thoughtfully, to go into action.

"Oh man... Whoa, whoa..."

With that said, he lowered his hips in such a way as to keep his back together with his energy.

"I don't know why you're recessed, but I've been waiting for the energy to come, haven't I?


"Always, when I see you face to face, you're gonna hold me, aren't you? So I thought you'd be coming this time, and I've been working out and waiting for you for the past few weeks..."

After saying that, the swordsman continued his words with a slightly unfortunate look on his face.

"But... if we keep this up, it's going to be useless..."

To the words of such a swordsman, Energia said in a desperate manner to the swordsman who, when he stood up with a hazy look on his face, was sitting with his back to himself.

'Oh, that's not true! If Mr. Swordsman has waited for me, as my future son-in-law, it is my duty to live up to my expectations!

And she... as usual, broke into the swordsman.



And, as if, as a butterfly dancing through the universe, a swordsman avoiding about energy.

"Oops, dangerous.... but you don't seem to have enough training yet, do you? Energy. To that extent, you can't catch me right now...? (... this guy was still willing to be my son-in-law?

There was apparently a deep reason why he was avoided the energy jumping off his back... well, the story isn't a big deal, so I'm going to cut him some slack.

'Well, now I'm going for real!

"Oh, come on!

With those words exchanged, confronting swordsmen and energies.



... the two collided from the front...

And that's when.


Kachi... (Sounds like lighting)

"I forgot something ~"

... For some reason, Cortex showed up on the bridge.

And she saw what happened inside the bridge...

"... uh, I'm not going to say two hobbies like this, but I don't know if you're going to play that abnormal ~?

He said so with a soft expression, as usual.

... by the way, from the Cortex point of view, what sights were...

"Huh? Huh?! Fucking swordsman!?

I don't know what was blown to Julia at the Royal Castle, but for some reason, the energy that was dressed in a remarkable bikini...

... he was happily holding up a swordsman who was struck by something like a dump car, bent in a direction without arms or legs, and bloody... etc.

... Apparently, no matter how much you worked out your body, there were walls that could not be exceeded by a swordsman who is a human...

"Uh, this, in times like this, artificial breathing!?

"... maybe it would be quicker and surer and safer to take you to Master Catalina's, right?

"What, what a shame..."


"(... this is one day, there will definitely be dead people ~. Well, it's none of our business, so I don't care ~)"

Cortex, who lightly lifts the swordsman, who is supposed to be a giant, with one hand, and turns his warm gaze behind the energy as he walks out of the bridge.

If Catalina hadn't been on this ship, there would probably have been a dead man straight (just)...


Such a happy looking (?) After dropping off the two of them, Cortex grabbed the little magic bag he had left on the bridge.

"... yes, this is it. I've been deliberately preparing to use this on this trip.... heh heh heh."

Check the contents, and a suspicious grin... then she went back to everyone's waiting talap forward...

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