"No... I designed it with some width for high temperatures, but I was only thinking about the low-temperature side up to about -100 degrees... I mean, normal, no, right? External temperatures -220 degrees or something..."

A nuclear fusion furnace of energy where sodium for heat exchange has solidified and scrum (emergency stop) for system protection has become operational due to the extreme temperature drop of the heat dissipator that was installed in the propulsion.

Usually, thanks to the high temperature air compressed close to insulated compression with a propeller compressor and the heater to keep the sodium liquefied, it's unlikely that the cooling path will clog, etc... but that unlikely thing seems to happen in this world.

"Um... Master Waltz? I know it's okay because we have Master Waltz here, but... really, are you okay?

and Syranui asks worryingly as she glances into the seemingly cold black sea that is slowly approaching.

It wasn't Waltz who responded to that question... it was Eve who was beside her.

"It's okay, Silanui. Because it's a ship made by Master Waltz. No way, you can't fall!

and eve to mouth in his own full appearance.

I totally believe in Waltz's technical skills... and that's how it is.

Then Silanui puts her hand on her chest to show how horny she is...

"... right? Master Waltz, excuse me! Doubt or something..."

I bowed my head as I said so.

Meanwhile, Waltz, who was directed at such a word...

(... what? Could it be that you two have been hurdling up?

Inside, scratching a cold sweat, I was worried about how I should respond... but I didn't even dare to think it was something to hide, and I started talking about what would happen next.

"You know... without joking, we're gonna fall into the ocean, right?


The moment Waltz utters such a word, he dots his eyes and makes his face bright blue, Syranui and Eve.

Waltz continued his words with a bitter smile at their reaction like that.

"Ma, I just fell into the ocean, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's going to be a real ship... or it's heavy and it won't float, so can I just say it's going to be a submarine?

"... Huh?

and now in a different way, two people who dot their eyes.

The first of those girls to return words to Waltz was Eve, who had some knowledge of the modern world.

"What?! Diving into the ocean!?

And Eve, who asks with pleasure.

As it stood, she thought she could see the view underwater from the bridge of Energia, and she turned to Waltz with an expression like the word excitement, itself.

"Yeah, right? I can't dive that deep, but there's no such thing as depth around here (unless you can come up or not...)"

"... Master Waltz? Did you just say something?

"Yeah. It's nothing."

"Hmm. Well, come on"

I felt like Waltz was saying something I shouldn't have listened to, Eve, but to her eyes now, the looming surface of the water seemed more like a reflection of pleasure, and the details seemed to bother me no more...



And while turning up loud noises and white waves, there was little vibration, and the energy hull landed on the water surface.

Then the energy sank, as it gradually sank and sucked into the water...

"Wow... this could be my first time!

And Eve, whose first experience in itself was to come to the sea in the first place, said such moving words when he saw what was going on in the sea reflected on the bridge of Energia.

Seeing that Syranui, who also had the same view of the sea right next to her, was sparkling her eyes, it seems that for her, too, a walk in the sea was her first experience.

If it applies to the modern world, would it be the first girls to come to a large aquarium in their life, or something like that?

"That's a first, isn't it? Even I've never sinked energy into the sea before..."

Waltz, who said so, seemed to be disturbed by the restart of the three shut down nuclear fusion reactors and the rust that would result from immersion in sea water, rather than enjoying the sight of the sea.

... well, more than anything else, it seems I had something to worry about.

Waltz activated a wireless communication system to ascertain what was worrying him.

And ask.

"Cataliner? I'm underwater right now, but breathing?

When you ask the usual question like that, since it's slightly...

'I see you were underwater. It makes sense that Energia isn't breathing.'

Those words came back from Catalina, who would be in the infirmary.

'Is that it? Energy, usually, was breathing... well, fine. So, she, I figured she'd take the damage. Right?

Waltz said the effect of the various glitches happening on the hull of the energy is the girl energy of the mm machine collection (?) I was worried that it wasn't out there... but apparently, that anxiety had been centered.

'Earlier, suddenly, I began to suffer... and now, I sleep with Mr. Victor. I'm forcing you to sleep in the same bed because you won't let go of your hand if you lose consciousness... clearly, it's out of the way'

and Catalina to put her dissatisfied voice on the radio wave.

'I'm sorry. If I'm in the way... you know... I don't think it's gonna be easy to do something about the energy, so I don't mind you smashing the swordsman's arm out and keeping him on the side, okay?

'I've already tried that, Energia, but it's surprisingly heavy, so I gave up forcing it to move'

"Oh, you already did..."

It was a waltz I meant to joke about, but Catalina even answered in a serious way... so maybe she, really, severed the swordsman's arm, once...

Well, it shouldn't be a hassle for her to connect again, so when it comes to no problem, can you say it's no problem...

'... okay. Well, if anything else happens, can you call me?

"Yes. I understand."

Thus the communication between Waltz and Catalina, as if it were a conversation between Mad Scientists, was terminated.

Behind that correspondence was taking place... conversations between the Cortex and the others were going on separately.

"Do you know ~? Here, I think, the water depth is close to 100 m, but the pressure outside is roughly 11 times higher than the pressure near the sea level (atmospheric pressure) ~? So even if something happened and I wanted to escape outside this ship, I think if it was around Eve, I'd be crushed by water in an instant and peppered ~... would you still like to swim to try it out ~?

and Cortex to eve stories about contents that threaten him in half.

Then Eve... somehow brightens her eyes, returning the words to her.

"Well, why can't that fish crush?

"Hmm. I don't hate maids with those questions ~?

Cortex continued his words with a satisfying look on his face as he inquired about Eve looking out at the deep sea fish like Sakegashira, where many tentacles grew, stretching across the bridge's monitor.

"That fish is actually already crushed. It's a special fish, living in a world where it's normal to be crushed ~"


"It's hard to capture here right now, but if you catch it and lift it up to sea ~... usually, for what it's crushed, it swells the other way, your guts burst or your eyes pop out ~? Do floating bags and such often pop out of your mouth ~"

"... after all, I might stop swimming in the ocean..."

It's unclear how deep the hell she's going to swim, but Eve seems to have overlaid herself with the fish, giving her an unpleasant look.

At that time, like them, Silanui opens her mouth looking into the dim waters outside the bridge.

"Uh... that's what happened. Once upon a time, my uncle... my grandfather used to take me fishing, but that's when I fished | Blastic Puffer Explosion Fugue exploded a lot, the moment I caught it. So they were usually crushed by water at the bottom of such a deep ocean, right?

"... yes. Probably not ~?


I don't know if it's affirmative or negative. Syranui leaks a confused voice to Cortex's statement.

It should be noted that, needless to say, the blastic puffer... as its name suggests, is a fugue that explodes when irritated...

"Hmm, again, without concrete examples, it's hard to understand ~"

For once, both Eve and Silanui seemed to understand some of the water pressure, but Cortex actually seemed to think it would be easier to understand if there were concrete examples of what he could see and ascertain with his eyes, and he uttered those words.

Then I said with a happy grin as I pulled the new red string (rope) I had in my hand.

"So Atlas ~? One skin, won't you take it off ~?

To the words of Cortex... Eve and Silanui, who for some reason turn their faces bright red and point their gaze in the direction of the day after.

Somehow they misunderstood... but Atlas seemed to have understood the meaning correctly.

"... you want me to die?


"You have no intention of wrapping it in an oblate..."

If it was true, it was Atlas who wanted to say, 'You go,' but in the deep ocean of about 100m, you didn't even think Cortex would be damaged, and you never said the words.

Nevertheless, there's nothing like Atlas, almost the same type as her, stopping functioning to that extent...

And that's when.

"Well... we've got a little trouble."

Waltz, who looks like he's finished his conversation with Catalina, says those words all the while turning his attention to the status screen of the energy.

"Hmm? What's going on? Sister."

"No, the fusion reactor, it's all stopped, isn't it? So, aren't we underwater here? Which means the radiator that's supposed to be air-cooled is soaked in water, right? I mean, I can't heat sodium, so I can't start the fusion reactor."

"I see..."

"Speaking of which, right ~..."

In waltz fragmentary terms, grasp the status quo... and narrow your eyes Atlas and Cortex.

Others, Eve and Silanui, had no understanding of nuclear fusion furnaces, nor of energy, so they said, 'Hmm?' He had his neck around him in such a way.

As they can see, Waltz tried to explain the status quo... but in the end, he never spoke of it.



For the hunter, who had suddenly opened the door of the bridge and disappeared into the kitchen to clean up his lunch, came with a bright blue face.

And she said in a panicked manner.

"Wah, waltz! In the kitchen, there's a water leak..."


Waltz and 2 others who will understand what the hunter's words mean and look just like hers.

... Apparently, right now, this energy is in the worst case scenario that if we can't even restart the nuclear fusion reactor, then the water leak is starting...

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