"Here! Poachers! Mate! A treat!"

ourselves senior Merclio government officials and Mid-Eden envoys (?) Strella lifts her voice, taking off the princess's mask that was affixed to her face to the figure of the three girls who fluttered between them.

The words, no matter how I heard them, were not directed at people, but at pet dogs.

"No? Strella, I don't know about that on the boulder. When I first saw Eve, I accidentally said Ibonne (dog name) or something, but you think people are people..."

"Yi, Eve is not Yvonne!

Eve, a dog beast man who raises a protest, either because Waltz's glance at himself chills contained some unconvincing color.

When you say you have a horrible grin Cortex in front of you, but still see where you protested... she's pretty much, I guess she doesn't like being called Yvonne...

"Yes, sir. Of course I do."

With that said, appropriately embellished with Eve turning his gaze on the protest... and Waltz turning his gaze on the three girls again.

Then there... you followed Strella's words faithfully, or you had three figures with almost the same face, hips down to the ground very hard in a gym seat...

"... Hey, Strella? After all, you wonder if this..."

What the hell, if I did, would a 7-year-old or so girl... rather, a girl who looks good enough to be a toddler to honestly obey words like those directed at Strella's dog...

Waltz unexpectedly looks up to heaven, imagining the murder of Strella, whose spirit may have gone mad because of the too long period of time he left it...


"Huh? What are you talking about, sister? These kids aren't human, are they?

and a strella protesting, not treating the girls completely human.

Such is her rambling (?) to...

(Wow, you're seriously ill...... but maybe, without me knowing it, I'll be saying terrible things to Eve or something...)

With that in mind, Waltz turned his sorry gaze against Eve, who was nearby... and she gave me back my annoying jito eyes.

Apparently, Eve also kind of figured out what Waltz thought...

Strella spoke of who they were, knowing or not how they reacted like that... without returning any particular reaction, as she gave the three girls sitting on the spot one bite-sized beef jerky each removed from the magical pochette.

"These kids, they're from Cerberus, right?

'... what?

Did you not hear such a short and terminal explanation of Strella, or because you didn't understand what you were saying...

Together, I listen back unexpectedly.

"I don't know, but if I let him drink a liquid called mana, he'd be human."

It was the two maids, naturally, who gave me a particularly big, surprised look when I heard the strella words that went on to supplement them.

The identity of the flying dragon was a flying dragon, and drinking mana made him look like a man.

Perhaps she must have overlaid herself to the Cerberus... Porches in front of her.

Meanwhile, I'm hearing a desire to be a Fei Long person... and on top of that, Eve, who carries around the mana necessary to keep people looking, seems to have reacted to the words for her, who returns to their original appearance with a mundane clap.

If the Porches are those who share the same circumstances as the Fei Long, it would not be surprising if Eve, the parent and companion of the Fei Long, had special feelings.

"Hmm... my kind..."

"The fact that you look like the same dog beast man, I don't care about anything... but if you say you're the same as Dragon, maybe it's something else..."

To each of the girls who are joyfully swinging their black fuzzy tails around on a delicious looking beef jerky, who drool s... a flying dragon and Eve with a tender gaze.

Strella, who was unaware of the circumstances of the Feilongs, said additional words as she leaned her neck after hearing such an exchange between the two.

"I didn't think this was going to happen, but I let him try it with half my interest and he transformed. So you don't know how to get it back, you just have no choice but to teach me how to live as a person..."

Fei Long and Eve narrow their eyes because that explanation of Strella was very different from what they expected.

If you're a flying dragon, let your mouth catch a pimple...

And if you're Eve, wow..., it's like...

... such a fold,

"Were you ~. It's not a big problem ~. So could you just show me to my bunk this evening ~? Honestly, you're sleepy ~..."

And Cortex opened his mouth deliberately rubbing his eyes because he felt he would be entrusted with troubles if he stayed this way, or because he plotted to get things done with his last resort, infidelity (fudge).

Just like Strella is, followed by Cortex, either because she took off Teresa's mask or...

Senior Merclio officials had a stunned look on their face.

Hermes, Silvia's mother with brown feathers and president of the Merclio Congress, who was in it, was simply smiling bitterly because he knew the circumstances, but the others seemed to realize for the first time that the chairman of the neighbouring country was also wearing a mask, just like the princess of his own country, a way in which he could not hide his surprise.

Then Strella looked used to their reaction, and now she doesn't see how she cared...

"... oh, you did. I am very sorry for this. Now that I'm here to show you to your room, please follow me. Dear Co (...) L (...) T (...) C (...) S (...),"... "?

Wearing the princess's mask again, she spoke the true name of Cortex, and then began walking with her back to everyone.

Apparently, she's unwilling to give Cortex a chance to rest behind her, although she's ostensibly welcome...

In doing so, Strella said, once she stopped and looked back...

"The Poaches? House!"

I sent such instructions to the former Cerberus girls who were there.


"House... Guru..."

"I don't like to go into the house... but I don't like to be pissed off either..."

And, spilling stupidity, knocking your ears and tail out... but reluctantly doghouse (?) Porches disappearing in the direction where there would be...

With such a gaze at their hindsight, Waltz remained as verbal as usual, asking Strella.

"... is that the original one Cerberus?

"Right? I don't know how you got more bodies..."

With that mouth, sappy, and so on, Strella turns both palms into the universe.

"Hmm... Could it be you? If Eve finds three similar people and merges them, he can be Cerberus."

"So you can be..."

Eve, trying to deny Waltz's words, said that much before... but stopped his own.

Then she was whining small, thinking something difficult, merging... merging... because she was probably thinking about what would happen if she became the protagonist of a squad object herself.

Well, in that case, it's going to be five, not three...

"... then, gentlemen, this way, please"

Strella walked out the aisle leading inside the royal castle, returning to the way she spoke, narrowing her eyes to how Eve began to pose as a mystery.

Behind her like that, the waltz line followed alongside Cortex with an unpleasant look...


Senior Merclio government officials, even after the Waltz disappeared into the royal castle, remained on the spot to discuss something.

And when they talked about the identity of the blonde girl who was casually speaking to Strella and Cortex, and how the demon god exchanged stories about this, then withdrew with his head.

Several additional soldiers came to the soldiers who were guarding the entrance to the hull as commanded by their superiors in front of the energy that kept the tarap down.

Then they discuss something and then somehow disappear into the energy... but that's what the waltz will know is a while away...

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