... then.

I saw some of those ex-angels coming up to land from the lake, and the guards took them... watching as the sky gradually began to shine...

The waltzes returned to the royal castle of Caloris, moored with white energy, while explaining to Blaze with a complex look: 'The former angels caught will be released after (indefinite) service... after guaranteeing their identity...'

And doghouse the poaches who were walking while sleeping (?) and then Strella said 'I'm going to go see how the sleeping (stunned) Canopus is' and after she's gone...

When two people come to the makeshift terrace that was on the roof of the royal castle to introduce the energy against the blades... Silanui, who was definitely supposed to have been asleep before the Waltz left the royal castle,

Khan! Khan! Khan!

... and I was using a portable blacksmith set made by Waltz to forge a blade.

Apparently she has a sleeping pill (?) appears to be safely falling out of her body, awakening her eyes, and doing an early morning blacksmith (tannin) that is routine...

"... what is that? Girls hammering in the morning, huh?

... It seemed like a slightly different sight for Blades who didn't know about Syranui.

I guess the fact that there were few ghosts like her in this country also contributes to the difference.

"That's... our buddy Silanui. Maybe I'll be your boss. Maybe I'll be a member?

"Huh? What the hell?

"Right... you suddenly have trouble telling me to be a younger girl's subordinate... Look at that. Now I know why."

Waltz urges restraint while showing his palms against the blaze that puts it to words and expressions without hiding his emotions.

Then there was Silanui's hand, who didn't realize the two of them were here and kept working...

Khan! Khan! Kang! Kang! Kankankakakakagagaga!!!

and slowly started to pace and train as if it were a machine tool.

The way it looked, at first glance, only seemed to beat the bright red heated metal indifferently and simply... but when the viewer saw it, it seemed to look different...

"Wow... what a concentration. It's not human..."

To Blaze, who would have some knowledge of technology, as the saying goes, it seemed that her figure looked like something other than human...

"I don't know, like that?... So, any objections to working under Silanui?

"... you don't."

The blades looked uncomfortable with the superficial appearance of Silanui's youngster, but from a technical point of view they decided to accept that they could never be imitated by their own power today.

I tried to get close to her when Waltz tried to introduce me to Silanui about a blaze that contained such astonishment and interest and... and a little confusing color... at that moment.

"... whoa! Already!"


Silanui threw the sword on the wall of the royal castle, thinking that it had been made by sharpening the marble... in an irritating manner...

The long sword I threw pierced the stone without breaking it... and buried about half its body before stopping altogether.

Seeing how that went, can you imagine to some extent what Blaze was thinking... from the fact that his body was trembling in small pieces...

Waltz seemed surprised as well... opening his mouth against Silanui with his eyes on a splendid long sword that he did not see as that failure.

"Hey, Silanui? Even if it doesn't have a blade on it, it's dangerous to throw a sword..."

Wah, Master Waltz?!

At that point you finally realize the presence of the waltz, when you come back from your world (zone) to the real world, Syranui rises on the spot with a change of complexion.

Then, as she hurried to break her hips to nearly 90 degrees, she uttered words of apology.

"Also, sorry! I totally forgot that this is the royal castle of Merclio!

"Eh... ah, yeah... (I wish this wasn't the royal castle of Merclio...)"

With that in mind... in the early morning when Silanui does her blacksmith, Waltz remembers the growing number of ready-made swords stabbing at the hard-looking rock beds of the underground large workshop walls in Mid-Eden.

Then when Silanui finished her apology and raised her head, she seemed to notice not only Waltz, but also the strange man standing next to her, with a surprised look on her face, saying the words of inquiry.

"Um... in which way?

Silanui, who speaks so, was blushing in embarrassment... after all, because she is aware that there was a backward part to her actions...

In contrast, if you're the blaze who was questioned, because the look on Syranui's face, who came to his head and threw his sword, was too scared...

"Ah... it's a blaze..."

He looked completely atrophied and spoke only his name briefly...

"Hmm, you're in trouble..."

A small sigh of waltz with a bitter smile against Shiranui, who was literally in the shape of a ghost, and a blaze that suddenly grew moist.

Apparently, to her, neither Syranui nor Blaze seemed to be of a similar race... but they just didn't assume until they were in a situation where they reluctantly deadlocked each other.

As it was, instead of introducing herself for long, she also didn't go through the general conversation... so Waltz decided to intervene in the exchange between the two so that communication would be facilitated between the two people who would henceforth be supervisors and subordinates.

"... frankly, he, Blades, is going to have you working under Syranui next time."

"... what?! What's the sudden matter?

"There's something I'm going to ask you to do, but when you start that, you think you're going to be understaffed... Well, why don't you use it as a chore at first? If you can't use it, don't hesitate to say it, okay?

"Stop... don't say that in front of yourself! You're gonna lose your temper!

and silanui and blades that raise their voices each containing many surprising colors.

In contrast to those two, Waltz continued his words with one, convincing expression.

"So you two stay close, okay?


In Waltz's words, Syranui looks like she can't hide her confused expression.

A man who seems to be much older than himself becomes one's subordinate... and the situation seems to have been an unacceptable event inside for her with an intrepid personality.

But about that, Blaze himself seemed to understand, and he sighed... when he brutally scratched that black hair with a small protrusion growing like letting him sleep...

"... well, what. Because of the tyranny of the demon god (Waltz), I don't have a choice... can I just say that about me, Mr. Silanui... I don't care if you use it the way you want. Killers and all that kind of work is a wish, but I'll take care of most of the dirty work."

He narrowed his eyes and gave a gentle expression to Shiranui, so he hung his words.

If Silanui doesn't like conversation, then you, the older you are, should fill the communication gulf... that's what you thought.

Syranui, who was turned to words like that... somehow, turning her face bright red... for some reason she tries to return the words with a purple tremor.

"Oh, um... hey, hey... eh!

... and Siranui biting her tongue...

But apparently, for now, she, too, decided to accept the new subordinate thing.

(One thing settled on this, is that it?

And when Waltz, who hastily failed to get involved in establishing a communication, thinks about it while overestimating his own achievements...

"... I hear something, something loud right now, is something wrong?

Also, Hermes, the head of this country's parliament, who should have been asleep until earlier, turned to the occasion.

"Oh, Hermes. You're up, huh?

"Yes, thanks to you... not sorry!

And Hermes sits down on the ground with more momentum than the earlier Silanui...

Apparently, she is worried that Waltz's people have fallen asleep because of the night meal she behaved.

... but the worry instantly evaporates somewhere as a result of an unexpected development of the story.

"No, it's fine. I didn't do any harm, I just slept with everyone... Besides, the ex-angels, to some extent, were able to get a grip on it (the killer who served the couscous... I don't know what happened...)"

Waltz makes an appeal he doesn't care about while waving his hand in front of Hermes, who sits grounded.

Hermes, who received such her words, raised that face... at that moment, with a look of regret.

"... Huh?

Hermes kept his face up and for some reason it solidified as it was...

And even ahead of her gaze...

"... seriously..."

Somehow the blades were as stiff as she was while narrowing her eyes against Hermes...

See how the two of you react meaningfully to each of them.

"... Could it be, we both know each other?

Waltz getting to that idea.

(Given your age... maybe it's not a couple or something, is it?

Since Hermes, coincidentally, was Sylvia's mother, who had left it at Mid-Eden, there might be such a development... that Waltz seems to have thought about it.

... but actually, that didn't seem like it.

Nevertheless, it's not far or near, and so on...

"Bu, blaze! Where have you been walking so quietly?!

Hermes, who once directed the words toward Sylvia, also toward the blades as they were.

Blaze then opened his mouth and returned these words with a sincerely disgusting look on his face.

"Mother... Look in the mirror and say to yourself..."

And a blaze that says' mother 'about Hermes.

... Apparently, the blaze that looks about 30... is younger in real life than it looks...

Or Hermes, scamming his own age and t... no, let's not talk about that.

In any case, apparently, Sylvia's family has some complicated circumstances...

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