Outside the senator's quarters where Lucia was rescuing the hunter...

"... Silanui? What do you mean, a world tree?

There was a waltz inquiring about Silanui, who was nearby, hanging gravitational controls, against the senator's quarters, which were still about to collapse due to the immense plant roots digging back into the soil.

... Though, she was falling to the ground in a state of depression while she was still neat...

"Uh... Master Waltz? Um, how do I react...?

"... never mind. Because this is the specification..."

"Oh, yes... Well... you were talking about the world tree."

Literally, Syranui begins to talk about the world tree, without going deep into it, in a way that has regained her mind.

She seems to have stopped thinking unnecessarily, thinking that, as Waltz put it, she had no choice but to just care.

"... the world tree is the country I was born and raised in... that is, the giant tree growing in the king's capital of the country ruled by Lord Vega, the Demon King. It looked, almost identical, so I accidentally said 'World Tree' etc... maybe if I did a proper research, it would be a different tree"

"The tree at Vega, you know..."

Plant attributes (?) I remember Vega, the demon king, and I'm convinced it's possible enough, waltz.

When fleeing Mid Eden, one fine rose is substituted for metastatic magic (?) If she exercised the country to rule... there seems to be about one or two fantastic plants, Waltz seemed to think.

"But even if it wasn't a world tree... why did that suddenly grow in a workshop?

"It's... it's kind of on me too..."

In response to Waltz's inquiry, Syranui returned the words in a perplexed manner, if he leaned his neck.

Apparently, she didn't see the cause either, being from a country ruled by the Demon King Vega.

But shortly afterwards, Syranui says this as she arms up and thinks about it.

"It's a plant... so you can only assume that something like seed was buried on the ground of this land... I can't believe plants grow from nowhere, because..."

At that moment,

"... ah"

For being depressed, I didn't see my face, but probably waltz in fox daughter that would have solidified with 'ah' in her pronounced mouth.

Then, as she fell asleep, she manifested the cargo container that was mounted on the manoeuvre armor, and when she could get her hands in it... she seemed to start looking for something, stirring it rampantly through the container that was scattered.

And after a while...

"... None"

... I uttered that conclusion.

"None...? What the hell is missing?

"The one that was embedded in Yuki's body."


"It's a grotesque, egg-shaped black object with a fist large..."

"Even now I remember, you feel like that was the seed of a plant..."

What's the matter, Silanui?

"Yes, no... My neighbor, the Demon King, has been through a lot..."

"Right... and Vega Country, was it directly next to Boreas?

"Yes, because the country is elongated, the position of the King's capital is far from the border with Boreas, but once it is a neighbour"

"Hmm... Something about the big triangle between summer and winter seems completely irrelevant..."

"... Huh?

"Yeah. Nothing."

The country of Vega and Sirius, if you think it's in a remote place, is actually in the true neighborhood (a march)... but the capital is still far away, and Waltz tries to sort out its positional relationship in his head.

But all she knows about the Demonic Nation is the country of Vega and the Boreas Empire, which Yuki ruled... so the puzzle of the Demonic Nation didn't seem to show any signs of being buried.

Then when Waltz thinks in his head that the other countries surrounding the two countries have all been replaced by the kingdom of Altair the Demon King, then the Four Faces song is a good place... etc, these words fly unexpectedly from around him.

"That sounds like a rumored waltz, huh?

"... a corpse?

"No, I saw you move earlier, didn't I?

It is the voice of the royal castle clerks, who witnessed the appearance of Waltz, who suffered abdominal pain due to eating his own sweets and appeared sober.

Her figure didn't even look like a black fox girl who had gone down if she was simply lying on the ground... but it seemed like the fact that she had dragged her holographic body all the way from the venue to this point had gotten behind her...

(... I'd already given up on you when you fell, but you dragged me, you were awkward on the boulder... Well, what do we do?

I'm aware that I'm behaving inexplicably, and... but still, waltz, how I haven't given up on being deluded.

I don't know what I can do to rehabilitate death from the status quo... but when she thinks about such futility, in the folks, one stream arises.

"Hey? It's festive day, isn't it?

"Ah. 'Sweets' comes with an extra word, but it's a festive day"

"... what festival?

'Uh hey. It's a festival that brought stability to the country, Teresa, or your sister Waltz? (You don't have to celebrate about me...)'

'... oh, I suppose so. It's a festival to celebrate the waltz...! Gu...'

"Oh yeah! The festival needs to be celebrated!

"Yes, they do!

"... why is Lucia and the hunter mixed up with the people..."


And suddenly it began to thrive, the men of Mu-sa-painful royal castle...

The momentum gradually propagates not only to them, but also to the children who look delightfully at the energy that flies, to the mothers who were walking hand in hand with such children, and to their friends, their families and acquaintances...


... all the time, inside the king's capital, was full of cheers.

"Master Waltz the Demon!

"(Former) Princess Teresa!

"Lady Lucia the Brave!

"Oh... and Master Catalina!

and a voice calling four names, echoing within the king's capital.

Some of them seemed to be directed at Cortex, supported by hunters, Atlas, and some core fans... but more or less there seemed to be a lot of language directed at those four.

"... really, I'd like you to stop doing this..."

Because you're not used to getting attention from people, or dragging your lying body in that position...


Waltz trying to escape into the royal castle, where there will be few people, at this hour.

With such a suspicious move, Waltz thought about how to open the door while sleeping... Cortex appeared from the opposite direction by opening the door of the royal castle from the inside, where the damage caused by the root erosion of the plant (Seikeiju) was small.

And when Cortex finds Waltz, who kept moving like he was being dragged by an invisible horse, he rushes over with a delightful look and says this.

"Sister ~? Since that big tree is in the way, could you cut it a little bit ~? That too, if possible right now. And make sure the festival's 'night section' begins properly..."

Waltz then returns to Cortex without raising his face when he stops his body still in place.

"... you know what I mean when I see it, right? Trees or not, the inhabitants of this city are willing to continue the festival? If you let it go, the second half of the festival, called the" Night Section, "it's on its own, isn't it? I'm sure."

"... is that right ~?

"... weirdly dull..."

Even though I knew clearly that I couldn't read the air myself, Waltz shrugged unintentionally with a frightened look at Cortex, who was inclined to his neck for failing to understand the current situation.

Whatever it was, Cortex gave a reassuring look when he heard his sister's words, against the citizens and royal castle officials he was seeing from there...

"... on the ground ~! Fools ~!

... and so on, and then he turned his heel back and returned to the royal castle with satisfaction.

At that time, there seemed to be some people who were really upset... but they probably stumbled into stones or something...

(That's crazy... It seems that the behavior of the citizens has been gradually changing lately... here we are)

Though a certain distance was kept, Waltz leans his neck as he lays down, looking at the citizens and royal castle clerks who are turning a hot gaze towards themselves.

What is gradually changing is whether it is the citizens who fulfill it or the waltz again...

Without thinking deeply about it, Waltz seems to have disappeared into the royal castle, hitting his head on the corner of the stairs... but in fact, it is unclear whether she has a place inside the royal castle, which has been crushed by plants.

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