I just said what I wanted to say to the Blades, and Waltz just came back to the upper floor workshop to escape.

Upon her return like that, it was not a room with MEMS production facilities that manufactured micromachines... but a medical compartment that was white and quiet everywhere, where a large operating room had been installed.

... Haunted hunters and eves of ghosts and doctors are the compartments that never get close...

If you can tell me why Waltz came to a place like that... and what she's trying to do starting tomorrow, and Magimouse's case had an accomplice, can you understand why?

... In short, she came this far to tell Catalina what was going on.

However, in a clinic dedicated to Catalina, located at the heart of the medical compartment... it appears that events beyond Waltz's expectations were unfolding.

Well, not exactly that I wasn't able to predict, but I still seemed so surprised that I bothered to ask what was going on.

Because in that room...

"Ha ha?!

And, for some reason, with a monkey groove, Null, who is both a Demon King and a maid, is roped into a bed for checkups, and in front of her...

"You have to let Yuki's sister, who is not listening, get a little sore..."

And, for some reason, because Catalina was standing with a medical scarecrow in her hand...

... torture.

Yes, exactly, it's a state of torture a few seconds ago...

"... why is this happening?

After Waltz entered the room without a sound, at the back of Catalina, he did not know how to respond and asked Yuki, who was restless.

For Waltz, who only knew that the battle between Cortex and Null had begun in the Chancellor's office and had not been informed of the consequences, it could be taken for granted.

"Ah, Mr. Waltz... Uh... I'm not sure either. Sister Null, who lost both hands, was taken by Julia and suddenly showed up here and asked Master Catalina to heal her arm... and then suddenly, she started saying she wanted to die, and so on, trying to kill herself with an ice knife made of magic against her neck. So, if you want to do it, do it, because Catalina got mad at me with an amazing sword screen... and then Sister Null put down her knife once... but it seems Catalina's anger didn't subside with that..."

"Hmm... You lost to Cortex... null. Damn, it's troublesome stuff... pride, face..."

When Waltz sees how the two of them are... and after a while, he thinks I'll come back later, etc...

"Oh, shit!

Before she left the room, Null seemed to notice.

At the same time, Catalina notices.

"... Ah, Mr. Waltz. Is something wrong?

"Something happened... and I want to ask you the other way around?

Uh, are you talking about this scarecrow?

"Yeah, if possible, it's all..."

To such waltz questions, Catalina sighed loudly, and she slowly began to say why, turning a pitiful glance at Null.

"Apparently Yuki's sister's... Master Null lost to Cortex. So the Demon King's Pride got hurt. He said he didn't know what it was, so I thought I'd pull you back into reality for a second..."

"Yes... But that scarecrow doesn't matter, does it?

"The truth is, I was thinking about severing the connected arm again... and putting it in the cage until I reflected. Then, let's take null-like somatic cells and use them for experiments k... no, nothing."

"The question is... how to cure Master Null's injured pride, right? I'm a surgeon, so I can only stick it cut... So I had no choice, I went to rough therapy... like that."

After saying that, Catalina finally puts the scarecrow in her white coat.

At that time, when Null looked at her with a soothing expression... she seemed to have no intention of continuing her self-inflicted behavior at the earliest opportunity.

I don't know if that's what she thought, Waltz... but Waltz started talking about why she came to this room and null things so she could change the subject.

"I don't know what to do... Tomorrow, I'm going to start taking care of Magimouse, but I didn't think Null was coming and..."

Listen to that word...

Finally, are you going to start!?

and Catalina, an accomplice who takes confirmation to Waltz.

He was releasing the experimental Magi Mouse to the field without disposing of it (?) If you consider that half of the causes are in Catalina, it is no exaggeration to say that she is also equally responsible for waltz.

"Yep. Seems like a lot of trouble in the South Fortress region, huh? Did Catalina know?

"It's troublesome enough for Mr. Waltz to say... it must be quite a hassle. I just asked Mr. Waltz, and this is the first time I've heard of him."

When Catalina said that... she lay her eyes down feeling sorry for herself.

She should have known painfully that, unlike Waltz, as long as she had firmly disposed of Magi Mouse, there would not have been a problem like the present...

However, months had passed since she began sleeping, giving priority to the treatment of her former teammate, the wizard Leah. Not really, in her head, the story of Magimouse seemed to have been driven completely towards the edge.

Should we prioritize saving our friends, or should we prioritize the aftermath...

Because of being pinched by such a dilemma, the priority of dealing with Magi Mouse, unknowingly, must have gone low.

Then Catalina quietly asked Waltz as she raised her face with the same expression.

"Is there anything I can... do?


"Mmm, no!

and waltz to refuse her cooperation with a bright face, as opposed to Catalina.


"There's nothing Catalina can do to help this time. Can you continue your research on Leah's treatment? I'm the one who taught you the knowledge and techniques of genetic manipulation, and I'm the one who started telling you to dump any magpie mouse you could have disposed of if you wanted to, on some island. Besides... if you spray the micromachine, it's just a matter of time before Catalina and I have anything we can do afterwards."

"Uh, as far as Mr. Waltz is concerned, it sounds like a tone that ends easily... are you sure you're okay?

"Yep. So, after the roses are scattered, you're supposed to die on your own without pressing one switch? I suppose we should... be responsible and dispose of each and every one of them..."

"Something... sorry"

"There's nothing to worry about. That's why..."

When Waltz said that, he turned his back on Catalina... and continued his words as he walked to the entrance to the office.

"You asked me about Leah and... and Null, right?

"Or what?!

"... I understand"

And Waltz walking away from the room.

Null seemed to point such a waltz at a complicated gaze that words could not describe... but still never seemed to bring her back...

Instead, Waltz knew what that gaze meant and didn't dare come back, should I say...

"Well... let's get started. Yuki's sister's... null? Let me skip the honor, shall I? In this facility, there's no upward or downward relationship... because there's just unreasonable" Nikkoli

And then you put your hand inside your own white coat again... and Catalina starts making (just) some tools.

"Damn it!

Seeing how it was, Null seemed to be looking at her sister Yuki for help, desperately moving her body, which she couldn't move because she was tied up.

But even though I realize that, I just smile bitterly, and there was no sign of trying to do something to Yuki... because she also understood very well that there was only irrationality here...

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