Seeing the disappearing scaffolding...... panicking, a threesome from the Intelligence Agency.

Apparently, all three of the fine wings on its back were just ornaments.

"... what a fuss, huh? What are you doing with three people?

He noticed how they were hesitating in some haste, and Waltz unwrapped the arm he was putting together to think about it, instead frowning and looking back at the three of them.

She said she was desperate to figure out what to do with the micromachine, because she was jammed with it... she seemed just a little grumpy.

Originally, if such a waltz gaze had been directed, around Julia and Sylvia, they would have put their faces in a bright blue state of panic, but they both raised their voices like this, pointing to each one of them in the direction of their thoughts, vibrating into pulls and small pieces, much like the newcomer Sacubas, rather than going into a state of confusion…

"Hey, look at that!

"It's amazing over there!

"Um... your sisters? It's heavy..."

"... sorry, I don't know what that means"

"... Guys, we seem to be getting along... I don't know if we're a little too good..."

Waltz and Lucia look even more, suspiciously, at Julia and Sylvia, each pointing their fingers in a separate direction, while literally underlaying the bottom junior.

Then the two, as they were told, turned left and right separately.

"...... ah"

And finally, Waltz and Lucia noticed an unusual situation that was imminent….

When all the waltzes noticed the disappearing monolith started working on a narrowing scaffold, like characters appearing in some retro game when they said the sky could fly......

"Well. The crisis of world annihilation is past too ~... what shall we do now ~?

From the upper floor of the workshop, which was more than 5 km away from Monolith, Cortex, who was observing the condition with a high-performance camera, opened its mouth in a small sigh and turned around.

The person to whom the word was directed, needless to say...

"Right... (Honestly, I might want to sleep...)"

It is Eve, whose Cortex cliche stretching its tail was about to shift.

... Yes.

Her short vacation with Cortex (?) was not finished yet.

Eve seemed to be trying to hide what she wanted to sleep about, but to her, still young, it seemed difficult to put up with the absences.

Even Cortex, who doesn't really care about others because of it, seemed to notice how she was making herself sleepy.

Therefore, one day today, she had decided to accompany her for Eve, and she spoke of this suggestion.

"Could you possibly want to sleep ~? Then I'll give you a lift to your room ~?

To that word...

"What... no, maybe it's okay...?" Huh.

And, while denying it with his mouth, Eve does not hide the stretch and even begins to shake his yellow tail unconstitutionally.

Apparently, her statements and actions and authenticity do not coincide.

To her reaction like that, Cortex seemed to want to make a straightforward statement only for a moment: 'If you're sleepy, you can honestly say you're sleepy ~'... but there's nothing like actually putting that out of your mouth, instead, changing the way you say it, and saying this.

"Was it ~...... While Eve is resting, I thought I'd give her a break too ~..."

"What... could it be that Master Cole was... tired?

"Just a little bit."

In response to Eve's remarks acknowledging that she was dark tired, Cortex said such a word back with a grin as usual...... then went on and threw the same question as earlier.

"So ~... what do you do ~? Do you take a hypnotic sleep ~?

Then this time,

"... yeah. So, sweet for your words, Eve, maybe an hour, let me rest?" Huh.

Eve shaking her neck vertically, along with a great elongation.

There must have been some fault for admitting she was sleepy and losing her mind...... apparently her body was craving sleep more than Eve thought.


And two of them came to Eve's bedroom in the workshop.

Then there seemed to be an anchor in front of that door... who hadn't even called.

"Yes, Eve! You okay?!

It is a blood phase altered atlas.

"Wow... Dear Atlas..."

Eve with a heartfelt tired look at him like that.

Again, for her, she wasn't very good at Atlas......

But Atlas didn't seem to have come to Eve because he was good at anything, not good at anything, or obedient.

"Did Sister Tempo tell you about me? Cortex is using me to say I'm dying..."

With that said, Atlas rushes over to Eve, who came.

The look...... was my brother's sole who was really worried about my sister's body.

"... Huh? Yes, no... maybe not..."

To such an Atlas appearance, Eve turns her face slightly red, her mouth pointed... and her eyes lay low...

Because I was concerned about the person behind me and brewing suspicious signs, the Atlas thing seemed to blow away from Eve's brain in an instant.

Therefore, when Eve, who could not ignore the signs, turns in awe of the person behind him...

"Really? Really? ~...... Later tempo sister and I are going to need to discuss this carefully ~. Would your fist be good ~? Or would a magical shootout be good ~? In any case, your arms will beep now ~" Bakibaki

Should I say yes….

Cortex, listening to Atlas, gripped that fist… seemed to have a clear smile everywhere.

Perhaps the level of rage (sometimes) overflows beyond the upper limit and returns to 0 in reverse......

But Atlas didn't pull himself off like he usually did, even though he knew it.

Not if you're kidding, that's how it is.

"You're not impressed, are you? Cortex. Why don't you just relax a little bit about Eve?

"(... that word, I want to say to Lady Atlas, maybe Eve's?

"Then let's ask the other way ~. If you kept Eve calm ~... of much loneliness, what are you going to do if you get sick from stress ~?

"(... both of you, maybe you want me to leave you alone...)"

Eve of how the conversation between the two people who continue to argue after that was as if they misunderstood themselves, so come on, it doesn't matter.

Then she was in, as the argument heated up and turned her back on the two people who were blind about her… untouched into her room, chewing on the absence.

From the side, it didn't even look like the maid had left ignoring her husband... but if you consider that the relationship between Eve, Cortex and Atlas is not just a subordinate relationship... rather, it is a very natural thing to say...

"For the sake of Atlas, you're busy ~" chuckles

"No, no. If I pull back here today, Eve's future is... that? What about Eve?"

"Didn't you go back inside the room ~? More than that, the problem is that Atlas is busy ~? ♪ Gogogogogogogo ♪

"Hey, wait..."

"No questions asked ~"


At that moment, the immense kinetic energy released from Cortex's fists seemed to pass over the Atlas to the inside walls of the facility, vibrating and trying to rock the entire workshop...

".................. zzz"

Nothing seemed to disturb Eve's sleep when the earthquake-proof equipment-laden facility designed by Waltz swayed...

Well... nothing that prevents me from sleeping is just physical vibration...

Casa casa......


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