

Cortex stops the exercise of the magic in his hands while raising his weird voice because the energy poured on himself was kinetic energy with a significant amount of mass, not electron shock waves......

Meanwhile, tempo, who performed an emergency stop operation against her, named Genkotsu, then opened his mouth with his right hand raising white smoke against his waist.

"It's where I struggle to understand why you were trying to use such vicious magic... but let me just stop using it in this building. Whatever happens to your sister's facilities, it's not what I found out, but we just have to avoid it affecting Catalina's facilities. So Cortex. Get out of the way."

After saying that...... tempo to lift Cortex, who is holding his head down painfully, as if it were a figurine or something, and retreat to the side of the aisle.

She's right about that, what if EMP Burst Magic (?) If Cortex had used it, all the medical facilities Catalina uses on another floor would have been destroyed.

Electron microscopes, information terminals, management equipment for experimental maggi mice, and life-support devices for near-sleeping rears….

Any one of those things, if it ever fails...... Cortex, almost certainly, will be wiped out by Catalina......

Were you afraid of that, or simply because you were thinking about Catalina......

Tempo, who had equal or more knowledge of Cortex, said what magic his sister had (?) I seem to have felt like I was trying to exercise, and I guess I came all the way here to stop her magic.

However, apparently… the errands were not the only ones.

Tempo, who came to Atlas and Eve continuing to work together, spoke to his brother who was there, as usual, with no expression.

"... is it fun? Atlas."

"How do I look at it, this looks like fun?!

"Really...... Too bad......"

"Tempo sister...... what are you talking about?

Atlas returns an unexpected look at his sister, who, though faceless, unfortunately lowers her gaze.

It seemed to him that she looked a little unusual like that.

Then you guessed that he was seriously suspicious... Tempo opened his mouth as if to switch the subject.

"... So, Atlas. We'll strip the micro machine from Eve, so stay put."

"Are you serious?! Is that easy to do?!

"That's a stupid question. However, the moment you strip the micromachine, Eve's power should return to its original powerlessness, so you add and subtract the power properly, right? What if, failing that, Eve gets hurt or something..." gogogogo

"Yes, no, of course, I'll be careful... I don't want to die yet..."

"You seem to understand very well."

Hearing that word of Atlas, a satisfied faceless look (?) tempo floating.

Then she put her own face on Eve's back at an angle that she could not see from Atlas as she formed behind Eve.

".................." bumps

"... what are you doing?

Exactly, an atlas of suspicious behavior, how I still had to put a suspicious look on my sister's behavior where the word seemed to fit perfectly.

Why do I have to put my face on her back to peel the micromachine off Eve......

It seemed to him that it could not be understood or predicted.

Tempo then said this to Atlas, who had been asking.

"... keep your mouth shut for a moment. Because I'm just looking for a micromachine zipper that Eve wears right now."

"That's not true..."


Yes, Atlas tried to hang up... it was about that moment.


The sudden weakening of his powers to push back about Atlas… the feeling of Eve's original arm, which seemed to have only bones and skin, came through his hands.

"Ma...... no way, there really is a zipper?!

"... what the hell are you talking about?

"What... Didn't your tempo sister just say that, k"

"... what are you talking about? Are you..." gogogogo

"... no, it's nothing..."

Was it really zipped, or was it because of some special circumstance...

More than that, before the tempo attitude that seemed unacceptable to the question, Atlas seemed to have no choice but to break.

And that's when.

Two (...) changes occur in Eve.

One is that I thought of it as a micromachine and something like clear sand collapsed sarcastically, from under her neck to the tip of her toes.

And the other one...

"... huh?

… is that Eve has awakened her eyes.

Apparently, she woke up noticing that discomfort with the sandy micromachines flowing over her skin.

"... Huh? Huh?!

And Eve notices what's going on with Atlas grabbing both hands and being in a combined position.

"Hey, why is this happening?! Besides, something, I feel uncomfortable with my body.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Hey, wait, Eve! Misunderstood! There's a tempo sister or cortex nearby... so they're both gone at some point?!

".................. Gu"

"No, Eve, you're not! No..."

"And... Eve may not be able to go to her daughter-in-law anymore.

"So, someone... help me..."

… and thus Atlas was socially annihilated, dressed in a sin that was not sarcastic to Eve.

That said, it's like it's already about to be wiped out of Cortex, so it didn't make a big difference.

Then, you thought he was too pitiful, Cortex, only slightly less tall because of the tempo, appeared from the shadows... and began to explain to Eve, who had lost his shine from his eyes, depending on what happened... around that time.


Tempo seems to have returned to the examination room that is turning into Catalina's living room.

"Welcome back. Tempo"

"No, we just stopped by, didn't we? Catalina. We are going to be joining you in the example project again. Damn, your sister's manservants are rough..."

"Oh yeah... good luck with that, huh? (Mr. Waltz... about the tempo, you didn't call me...)"

Even if Waltz doesn't call me, Catalina turns a small grin against the tempo of voluntarily participating in her sister's project.

Behind those words and deeds, the cooperative tempo thing against Waltz seemed to make Catalina smile.

"So... is something wrong? Forget something?"

"No, you don't. Actually... I wanted to talk to Catalina a little bit."

"It's rare for tempo to talk to you...... is this the first time you've said that?

"No, that's not true, is it? Aren't you always consulting me? The way your sister attacked you..."

"That's mine...... no, it's nothing. So... what can I do for you?

Catalina asks as she leans her neck against Tempo, a slightly different assistant and another self than usual.

Then the tempo, without breaking its faceless expression, utters only one word in the end, like this.

"Actually, uh, I think it's broken."

"... Huh?

Catalina how she couldn't understand what Tempo suddenly said because the words were too abrupt.

In response to her like that, Tempo added supplementary words.

"I'm not sure either...... since around yesterday, I can see little boys in my sight. That, too, is a boy no one can see..."

Say so... no one should be there, tempo looking towards the door of the infirmary.

Apparently she said 'I wish it broke fast......' and cursed from time to time (?) Sounds like it's breaking faster than my sister pointing at it......

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