Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

7.7-16 Problems and Dealings 1

And the next morning.

The sky was still blue and clear today, with two suns shining through the sun and… the ground from the winter sky.

But not all the bright-eyed people in the world, with such a bright grin like the sun, are like girls waiting to open in front of Inari sushi stores in the morning......

For example, Teresa and Cortex are in the Speaker's Office…

"... Slow" Slow.

And, with his mouth, in fact, for the second day in a row, he seemed to be Eve with a gessy look on his face...

As soon as I came into the room, against Eve, who spoke of his current situation instead of greeting him...... Cortex and Teresa open their mouths to each of them.

"What's wrong ~? Eve? Like a tired salarier in the morning, with a dark look on your face ~. With a face like that, happiness runs away ~? It's black until retirement ~?

"Mm-hmm. That makes sense. A child should have a childish look on his face! (That feeling... Also, didn't Cole do something? Damn, it's troublesome...)"

Eve then returned the words against the two of them, opening the fully automatic washing machine (closet) (made of Cortex) in the chancellor's office, in order to put her sleeves through the maid's clothes, which were completely turned into everyday clothes, with an intact expression…

"I may not want you to treat me like a child anymore... Eve, you may have climbed the adult stairs..."

"What, then?!" Gattang

About a turn smaller than myself, and Teresa gets up and starts trembling with a crocodile as she knocks down a big chair to that word that flew from a girl only about half her age.

At that time, 'My concubine hasn't even held hands with Waltz yet...!' And I heard a small moaning voice... well, it must be my fault.

You were stunned by those two reactions... Cortex pinched your mouth.

"Concubine ~? Isn't that possible ~. Eve was with me all the time yesterday ~"

"What?!... No way!

"... somehow I know what you're thinking ~... because I'm not having an unusual sexual habit, like the concubines ~?

"... hmm? Unusual sexuality? What are you talking about?

"Well, that's anyway ~... Eve assumes that Atlas attacked her ~"

and then he mouthed it, and he pointed it at Theresa, his squeaky gaze... now Cortex against Eve, who was about to put his sleeve through a shirt made by Silk Orihalcon.

Then she went on with the words.

"As I said yesterday, Atlas was just trying to protect you about Eve ~?

Then, now Eve opens its mouth while tying the little tie around his neck.

"It may not be that I can't believe what Master Cole said... but I don't know, maybe I can't believe what you're saying about Atlas..."

"... is something wrong ~?

When Cortex inquired as he leaned his neck small, Eve, who was about to wear a yellow piece from his head… replied with a roar, either because he could not wear it well.

"Amen...... here and now, if you try to clear your ears, you might understand?

"Ears...... clear ~?


And Cortex and Teresa begin to clear their ears in separate ways for each of them.

Teresa had the ears of someone who was next to her face.

And Cortex seemed to be trying to get his hands on the beast ear and hear the sound, either because it was equipped with an ultra-high-performance microphone or, unlike Theresa.

As a result…


From the other side of the chancellor's office, I heard something like that cry... what a hard sound to say.

"... death and suffering? Cursed?"

"Concubine ~? Even if I'm forced to mess with you, it's not funny ~? That's the voice of a new breed of semi ~? It's winter now ~"

"... Master Cole? Can I go home?

"Yes, I'm sorry. I'll be serious. That's... that's Atlas crying ~..."

And Cortex finally mouths the mattomo thing with his (sobbing) beast ears to the cries he hears.

Having heard her say that, Eve continued her own words, sighing, wearing a white knee sock.

"Maybe those crying and apologetic words can be heard from the other side of the room at night. What? Sorry, sorry... I may not have been able to sleep at all..."

"You hadn't forgiven me yet ~..."

"Well, you did... (in a way, it could be more cruel than Col's...)"

Two people, Cortex and Teresa, seem to have laughed bitterly when they heard about Eve, who was innocent, purely annoying everywhere.

Then shortly after, at the end of the dressing of the maid's clothes, Eve, who was about to wear a white apron with a frill, turned to the door without saying anything.

That's the usual signal against the Cortex that he wants the apron string tied on his back... Cortex stood up from his chair and walked to Eve's side and said this with his hand resting on Eve's shoulder, not tied to it only today.

"Eve...? Will you forgive me for Atlas ~? My brother was desperate to help me with Eve, who might have been swallowed up by a micromachine. That's all you need to know."

To the boulder, you couldn't ignore Cortex's serious request...

"Yeah... ok..."

Eve, reluctantly, seems to have decided to accept it.

She seemed to know from the beginning that Atlas was innocent... but perhaps she didn't mind (...) with the childish and sister treatments she had ever received from him, and the irrational head (...) stroke (...), and couldn't forgive her impulsively.

"So... when I get dressed, I'm going to go to Lady Atlas, so maybe you want me to tie up my back ribbon?

Then again, Eve twists a bow tie against the Cortex, holding the apron string with both hands...

Still, Cortex would not tie her apron string...... in that change, I said one word, like this.

"... it's very hard to say ~... you're hanging the wrong buttons on your white shirt ~?

"... Huh?

And keep your eyes on your own chest...... and Eve noticing the button thing for the first time there.

This is how she went into dressing her maid clothes for the second time today….

Meanwhile, around that time......

Outside the chancellor's office...

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Eve..."

Teresa said there seemed to be a cursed Atlas figure.

As a gessoli more than Eve, kneeling on the ground, and being drooled... I would say that his condition, one way or another, looks more like he is under, rather than cursed.


Such an Atlas appearance... there seemed to be someone at the end of the hallway watching.

Of course that's... Fox Daughter wandering through the royal castle, realizing that today is Inari Sushi Shop holiday, with her eyes not shining like dead fish... not.

"Dear Atlas......"

A ghost daughter who had grown about 2 projections about 4 cm from her forehead at an angle of about 45 degrees diagonally...... it is Silanui.

She wanted to rush over and speak to depressed Atlas right now... but apparently she had a reason why she couldn't.

"One more day...... If you put up with it for one more day, you can open it up to you, not get Lady Atlas... Now it's time...! ♪ Gogogogogogogo ♪

Just 30 days before now, Silanui lost a barren battle over Atlas ownership sponsored by the Cortex.

She seemed to have had a stuffy day the past month with all these horrible thoughts.

And the day the next Atlas battle was scheduled for tomorrow... she couldn't hold back her feelings of yi (haya) and was sending a hot gaze from about 20 meters away from him.

By the way.

Originally, Cortex, who is supposed to be a loser just like her, is reluctantly approaching Atlas because, physically, it was supposed to ask the chancellor's guardian, the dedicated knight, to perform his original duties.

Besides, sometimes I haven't shown her close to Atlas other than Eve, who wants to smoke about Atlas... and there never seemed to be a protest from Silanui or Fei Long.

... Forget that.

Then for a while, when Silanui was sending a hot gaze at Atlas... from the chancellor's office, not a yellow hairball... but a dog and daughter with yellow frilled maid clothes, characterised by her head's habitual hair, came out and crouched in front of Atlas, who was leaning in front of the door, then, it seemed, she started talking to him somehow.

Fortunately (?), there was no one in the hallway, and it was quiet back, so even in Syranui's ear, Eve's words seemed to arrive...

"Dear Atlas......? Talk about whether Eve taunted Eve's body while she slept, that n..."

It seemed to her that was the limit.

"Oh, no?!

"... Huh?


From the end of the hallway, Eve and Atlas, who noticed Silanui raising a voice close to the scream, turned their gaze to her with a flashing expression at the same time.

Almost at the same time… Atlas, who realizes that the story is moving in a strange direction, says the words of clarification in a hurry.

"No, wait! Syranui! I... I didn't do anything to Eve!

But Silanui didn't hear Atlas...

As she paled her face, two steps at a time and backwards, after nearly breaking down with her legs in the third step...... the momentum as it stood, she ran off the aisle backwards.

At that time, she seemed to hit lightly with a fox girl with an oily colour and a splendid tail… Seeing where Silanui had not stopped herself on her feet did not even seem to leave her room to apologize….

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