Time goes back only a few dozen minutes.

In the Mid-Eden sky there was a large number of wireless power transmission devices, the power source of the micromachines, and the figure of the person flying at its head.

Needless to say, it is Waltz and Lucia.

They were in the process of transporting that large diced device to South Fortress in order to drive Magi Mouse away.

To be more precise, it was their purpose this time to carry and install devices to extend the range of action of the micromachines sprayed a week ago to South Fortress.

In other words, the two were on the move to put an end to the abnormal weather caused by Magi Mouse, which had spread south of South Fortress.

They just had their heads in their arms as they flew.

It's a magical creature created by Cortex (?) is not the only reason why the majority of the micromachines that were meant to be sprayed were destroyed by… because they did not know if the aforementioned objectives could be achieved as planned.


and because a black airship was coming after the two of us all the time, not doing anything in particular.

The airship was a mysterious giant battleship created by the micromachines in a rampage of 'artificial mine monoliths' standing outside the King's Capital created by Lucia by melting the mountains whole.

Except for the fact that it has a black colour, it is a spacecraft whose power source and most of its mechanisms cannot be explained by science or magic, with the appearance of two glasses.

It was only a few days ago that it suddenly appeared, until today, adultly in the workshop building (?) I was stabbing him, but he sensed that the Waltz had tried to leave the King's Capital, and he moved out again, chasing after the two of them.

The way it looks... it's like Energia's like, 'I'm going too!' It's similar to the kind of atmosphere you're saying, 'you could say.

Lucia, who was somehow feeling it, flying backwards without looking forward, observing the black airship, frowned and opened her mouth in broad glance.

"You don't get back to me when I talk to you... but you're like a second energy guy, right?

and Lucia, using her own gravity-controlled magic, throws words against her sister, who was next to her, as she flies to slip without sound.

Then, in the mood of the day, or tired of the usual appearance, Waltz, now in white fox daughter, opened his mouth after glancing at his corny, expression-changing sister and the flying airship behind him, then sighing loudly.

"I just wish I had more energy..."

"Was there something troubling you?

"That's not what I mean, I don't know..."

That's what I said, Waltz. Shut your mouth.

Then she said, after her arms were put together, and she roared, Hmm.

"Something... you feel the same signs as the tempo..."

Among the signs of the airship coming after her from behind, Waltz apparently felt an unspeakable atmosphere that resembled something her sister's tempo would unleash, only she could tell.

If you say it in waltz subjectivity, suspicion that you don't know what you're thinking with no expression g...... mysterious atmosphere, or something like that.

"Hmm, I don't know if that's too much to think about...... I don't feel anything, I see it, it doesn't look like I'm on it..."

"Right...... I'm sure it's your fault..."

and waltz flagged, that was the time.

"... your sister?

I heard such a voice in the ears of the waltzes, as I had heard somewhere...

"... empty ears, right?

"Yeah. I heard it too"

"You don't have empty ears..."

Lucia with a bitter smile and Waltz with a tired look on that voice that she obviously heard.

Shortly afterwards, the tip part of the airship that was flying from behind them said it was flying at high speeds.


It was from that gap that the tempo, which was sitting in a mechanical seat like the one taken and attached, slowly appeared, when the heavy noise was raised, cracked and opened.

Apparently, it was the tempo that was piloting this black airship.

"... what are you doing..."

"Of course it's a test flight of potential, isn't it? Don't you see at first glance?"

"It's not like you get it... I mean, what's potentia?

Just like Lucia, Waltz turns around, flies in the same position, and turns his suspicious gaze against the sudden appearance of tempo.

Then Tempo, who was sitting in a seat like an ejection seat of a fighter, replied to his sister's words without changing his expression as usual, either because he wanted to be accustomed to being turned from the waltz to that gaze.

"Because it's like Energia's brother. I don't have any more, I think it's the right name?

"I mean, you gave it a name..."

"Yes, it will always be difficult to call it 'Unnamed', and if you can name it 'balls' or something appropriate around Strella, you won't be able to do it."

"As far as I'm concerned... I didn't mean to name this airship 'Potentia'..."

And, was it also special thoughts on the name 'Potentia', waltz who said so and then sighed loudly again?

However, it seems that she has decided to change the subject because she has no choice but to put it on already.

"So, what? You called about me earlier, didn't you?

"Yep. There was just a town of Alk under my eyes, so I thought I'd like a souvenir at the liquor store.... What do you say? I'll send you the device."

"... you mean drop it out of the sky?

"No, you don't. Throw everything you can."

"Yes, yes..."

Waltz seemed to wave appropriately in front of his face and dismiss the tempo story, which he hated about the liquor store owner.


Shortly thereafter, when one side that was floating in the sky took one of those devices, about 1 m, it seemed to throw it toward the ground and as the tempo said.

"Sister...... I'm the one who tried, but how about actually committing murder?

"No, I'm not! The area is covered in snow too, so I thought there was a Magi Mouse and I just dropped the device! That's where people are, too, right?

and waltz raising words of protest against tempo.

At that time, a device that fell toward the ground with fierce momentum hit the tail of a large dragon that was flying at low altitude and cut it off... well, sometimes that happens.

"That's... unfortunate"

"What the hell are you sorry for..."

For failing to keep up with Tempo's words and actions, Waltz exhaled a loud sigh several times.

Then not long after, the view of South Fortress, about 3 days' walk from the town of Alk, approached step by step with the flowing ground......

Tempo, who was feeding Lucia an Inari sushi pancake that he had bought in Wang Du while having a barren exchange with Waltz, inadvertently began checking his seat belt if he noticed it.

It was not waltz that looked tired but Lucia who had carefully tasted the pancakes she had received.

"What are you doing? Tempo" Baliboli

"That, of course, is the final confirmation of the escape device."

"Sooner or later?

"Yes, a device to safely escape from a plane or airship that is likely to crash. Teresa wants to use it, but this time, I was entrusted with that professional type test, and it's just the right opportunity, so I attached it to the potentia."

"Hmmm...... How does it work?

"In what way...? Hmm, right..."

and a troublesome faceless look, then a tempo that looks at the surrounding scenery.

Though the scenery had something like a giant pyramid she didn't see, she seemed to decide it was a walk to South Fortress in about half a day.

"I think it's easiest to see where it's actually moving"

That's what I said, then I put my hand on the lever at my feet.

"I think it's a little dangerous, Master Lucia, please step back"

"Ugh, yeah...... (it's for safe escape, but it's dangerous?

I didn't seem to understand the tempo language very well, but for now, as she said, to Waltz, who was flying in the lead, Lucia traveling.

Waltz then apparently noticed that Lucia was turning a difficult look toward the escape device, opening its mouth for a brief explanation.

"An escape device is also known as an ejection seat, where gunpowder explodes under the chair, and the operator blows out of each chair in its recoil, and then slowly falls to the ground by opening the parachute in such a way that it doesn't get caught in an escaped plane," he said.

"Hmmm...... You said it was dangerous because it would explode.

"That sort of thing. Especially if it's pro-type or something, it doesn't explode exactly as designed, and if you make one wrong step, every chair"


"Because sometimes it blows up, you need to be particularly careful. Okay?"

"Yeah...... Very well..."

Lucia gives a convincing look as the chair where the tempo sat watched as each of her blew away.

At that time, when the tempo thrown into the sky

"This is why Cortex is made...!

And as he raised his voice, he seemed to have fallen to the ground, but neither Waltz nor Lucia thought there was a particular problem where the tempo had fallen to the ground, and he never seemed to recover about her with gravity-controlled magic or gravity-controlled devices.

A few seconds after that, the potential is sucked into the ground, just as it passes over South Fortress and when normal energy lands.

And the moment you crash into the ground, unlike energy,


and it is the same sight the hunters were seeing on the ground that the potentia fell out of shape, as if it were a shape made of sand or mud.

That said, the waltzes who watched it didn't have the same amazing colors that the hunters and energists were showing, because they knew what the potentia was made of and how it was made?

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