Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

7.8-25 Brave and Demon King 1

And the next morning.

"Look, I love waltz! Do you want some?

The dining room in Wangdu's new royal castle had the grin of a hunter for the first time in a week.

She came home after her vacation. From that next day, as soon as possible, the main business (?) They decided to go back.

Against the hunter who has served breakfast with words as usual.

"Um, this... not my favorite... no, nothing..."

and waltz how this again tried to raise the word of protest as usual.

But they were made in the hunter's favor and...

(Come on, it's delicious)

Her dishes were never bad in taste or colour, so Waltz decided to mouth the Japanese-style breakfast made by the hunter, as if he were going to eat his favorite.

And up to this point, casual regular breakfast scenery, I'd say.

But that's a limited story to Waltz.

The problem was...... drawing more perspective, in the expressions of people who were around waltz and hunters.

For example, in the case of my sister Lucia, who was sitting next to Waltz.

to the warm meals she had on the table, although she had at first had her hands on the

………… "Gogogogogogo...... Momogu

I can't tell you. He seemed to be moving his mouth, letting go of the killer at the same time.

It should be noted that her reaction is not that breakfast was not Inari sushi......

Or in the case of Eve, who was sitting further next to it.

She, too, somehow.

"... weird. There may be something wrong with the world..."

He didn't put any hands on the meal and held his head.

Of course, in her case, because her hair habits were exploding more than usual...... not so.

Her hair habits don't get any worse, so that's the standard.

And rather than next to it......, Julia, who was diagonally behind it,

"Um... how... did this happen?

He sat about 5m away from his desk while turning his face bright blue.

In her case, there seemed to be a situation where she really didn't want to come near her desk.

Most of the people on the spot, including those cited in the example, had the same uncomfortable look on their faces.

So what the hell was going on in front of them like that...

Casa, casa...

It was on the table, on a plate, with a swarm of black objects G….

If there is such an unusual thing at the breakfast table that you can eat fine, it is

"No? What's wrong? Everyone. Eat fast or your meal will get cold, okay?

... a Fei Long that was wild until recently, or maybe someone who knows what's going on with object G.

"How did this happen? If you care, you lose, right? Julia."

and waltz mouthing unanswered responses to Julia's questions.

Then this time the tempo, sitting next to it, which was normally eating, of the seat where the swarm plates of the blackening object G were placed, supplemented the words of his sister.

"I almost suffer to understand why your sister doesn't explain... this child is not a bug or anything, but a clean (former) person"

At that moment,


and air in the quiet dining room.

It seems that the word of tempo was so shocking that most of those who were on the spot began to rethink the existence of man.

... Was it a creature that lived, glowed, and crispy?

Well, I can't say enough that there's no one in the wider world who fits that...

Waltz, who did not care about the objects G and was eating normally, opened his mouth again to his companions with such a difficult look, because he knew the circumstances.

"It's hard to say whether he's a person or not, but before I say it like this first... you have to briefly explain what he is, right? He's a boy named Potentia, right? I still do, because it's like the 'heart' of a airship stabbed in our workshop... can you tell by the fact that it's the same as energy?

Then this time,


and fellow roaring voices containing seemingly difficult colors.

While I honestly can't accept reality, I am gripped by a situation that I have to accept though... that's how it is.

"No? I don't believe in potentia, do I, too? If anyone sees this look and is honestly acceptable, that would be a pretty weird t... should be a weirdo..."

"Oh, sister? Looks like you've got something to say to me now, haven't you? It's like he said he was a stranger, different..."

"Shut your mouth..."

And, out of line, when Waltz and Tempo started arguing as usual, this time the hunter, the cook, opened his mouth.

It should also be noted that, in her case, she is one of those who did not have a particular sense of repentance for the different appearance of the potential.

"I was surprised at first too, but this is what he is. I want you to accept it as it is..."

With that said, a new meal… a hunter adding jelly, on a plate where a bunch of tiny micromachines of potentia were playing.

She thinks of Potentia like a beetle or a wasp loving insect or something, but when she sees that the Potentia micromachines who had the jelly added also began to flock to the jelly with pleasure, apparently he liked the jelly.

Julia, who was observing such a distant place about the potentia who was eating jelly for the most part, turned to people who seemed to know what was going on.

"E, if you're the same as Energia, why don't you just form a person and eat normally? Why, more importantly, is this... mentally grumpy look?

Tempo responds to the inquiry.

"I see...... Let me ask you the other way around, Master Julia. … What does a creature called man look like from other organisms? There is a structure called bone in the center of the body, surrounded by hairless meat, composed of proteins, lipids and various others with buyo buyo around it…. Do people like such chunks of meat look beautiful, not disgusted by watching?... Take a look at your hands, for example. It has creepy patterned wrinkles and unevenly shaped nails, stained from the surface of the skin with an inexplicable body fluid named sweat...... It's not just the hands, it's the arms, the legs, the whole body..."

"No, that's enough...... I won't say anything anymore..."

"Really...... That's a shame. It's such a shame, let's start around this evening, at the side of Julia's bed in the middle of the night, with a further explanation."

"Also, no more, please don't...!

Julia looks like she has lost all her appetite, in addition to her appetite, as a result of a nettine mouth shot of tempo that should normally be directed solely at Waltz.

Apparently, for Tempo, who is the mother of Potentia, Julia didn't care what she said and how she behaved.

Looking sideways at such an exchange between the two, Waltz explains to the others the continuation of the situation.

"I'm not even saying this on a breakfast occasion...... it's good because everyone hasn't eaten yet, is it? (Lucia knows, so it's good) Actually, if I was responsible for killing the Magi Mouse I used to experiment with, those ghosts took over the micro-machine, and the whole city was in trouble. We all know that, don't we?

"Yeah...... This is probably the first time I've heard of it..."

"Well, remember? The micromachines that are rampant all over town are caused by the ghost of Magimouse."

And after saying that to Eve, who comes with a strange look at herself, Waltz started talking again.

"So, I come back to the potential story, because there are so many ghosts in that Magimouse, it seems like he can't control his micromachine well. He sounds like a ghost too..."

At that moment,


and from the beast ears, to the tip of the tail, from the micromachines of blackening potential, with the whole body hair upside down, the vast majority of the people trying to get extra distance.

Some of them seemed to include hunters who had previously looked cool.

"But you're in trouble... Looks like they're all over the place, huh? The Ghost of Magimouse"

The moment Waltz said so, his buddies spoken,


"Mm, I can't..."

"Forgive me already..."

and mental limits (?) because I started mouthing......

"Right...... I'm not good at ghosts either... I'll talk to Null later, who knows what to do around here."

He was usually a troublesome waltz, but it seems that he decided to hurry up and take action just this time so that Potentia could become a person and clear up everyone's worries.

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