And after a few days......

'Weekend' visited Mid Eden.

Until a few months the concept of week did not exist in Mid-Eden, even if there were brackets of years and months.

Now, a weekly framework was to be introduced, a week in seven days... but I don't know how that framework, which should only be available in the modern world, could have been used in Mid-Eden... well, I wouldn't have to explain how that was done in detail.

The middle of Mid-Eden on such a weekend was covered in blue, deep colored skies, as if to embody the current season.

There, as always, there were two blue and yellow suns shining over his head, and the great moon that was in front of him seemed to chase the suns, from east to west.

And in the corner of the king's capital beneath that blue sky...

"Do more routine briefings than this!

In front of a large group of royal castle officials, Teresa's voice seemed to be echoing.

"Manuba Group!"

"It's always okay!

"Emergencies Group!"

"Based on the results of your experiment with Tempo, the escape device has been improved!

"Sensing Group!"

"One more day and we'll figure it out..."

and Theresa, urging the status report one after the other, and the group leaders who answer it.

In short, they were in the process of sharing the status quo among a group that was splitting up the project of building a airship for the first flight of a domestic airship, which approached two days later.

"Next... Motor group!

"Ah? You're in charge of Ome!

"Oh, yeah, I did."

and Teresa, whose mouth is still dirty today, is pointed out in unforgiving terms.

But there was no way she cared about it at all, rather she began to explain the current situation of her group with a happy look on her face.

"We've already done some endurance testing on the star 18 cylinder engines of the main aircraft loaded on the airship. However, as for the turbocharger, the durability of the bearings has not been solved, so you want to wait a while longer for this one? Well, we're not flying at high altitude on this test flight, so there won't be any particular problem without a turbo."

Then Blaze, the substantial supervisor of the scene who heard it, also opens his mouth satisfactorily after Theresa finishes her talk.

"Okay. For now, you know, as planned. We'll be ready in two days, won't we? Anyone else have a report?


"Well, dissolve!... Look, don't bring it! Get back in there!

And it was in that square… personnel scattered around a black fuselage about 30 m long and 50 m wide.

Meanwhile, only Theresa, with an unspoken look, stayed on the spot and said the complaining words against Blaze, who broke up the brief on his own

"How can the Lord keep this place apart! Normally, the role of concubine?!

"Ah? What are you talking about, you bokenas! Ome's the head of the power squad, so I'm in charge of the whole thing!

"Ugh... well, it was..."

"And test pilots don't do that, do they? No way, are you gonna let the field director do the pilot or something? Ah?"

"Ugh, um..."

"If it is, you can trade your position for mine, right? I'd love to take your place."

"Yes, I don't like it! I'm not giving up all this!

and Teresa answers the words of the blades while inflating the three tails, like tawashi.

Then, such a fold...

"... Teresa?

Waltz accidentally appeared, as if to appear out of the void.

"Mmm? Well done, Waltz. I thought you were finally willing to grant me an engagement.

"Yes, sir. I don't care about that...... right now, I'm talking about doing a pilot...... is that true?

"Ha... you're not talking about an engagement... well, okay... As a matter of fact... a lightweight concubine is scheduled to be the pilot of the first test flight. The pilot of Mid-Eden's first airship is the fox...... Isn't that all?

"If the pilot is a fox, you're satisfied for now..."

and waltz with a complicated look, somewhere frightened...... or a little relieved.

Then she said this to Teresa.

"Bye, Teresa. You said you were going to fly for the first time... I'm not going to say anything wrong, so stop it."

The moment I heard that word,


Teresa dots her eyes and solidifies.

Then she wonders if I misheard Waltz's words, I recall Waltz's words over and over again in my head......

No matter how many times she looked back, all she seemed to hear was' Don't Pilot '… As a result, she seemed to decide to ask Waltz why, shivering her body into small pieces.

"Well, why not?

"I don't know what to say about what we've all worked so hard to make... but at first, I think it's gonna be an accident."

"Ji, accidents...... then?!

"Because that's what the world I was in was. When you fly, you fly right, but when you don't fly, you really don't fly. Given the meteorological impact, first of all, it doesn't go as calculated, and because it's made by people, we can't deny that the design itself is wrong in the first place."

"So, what do I do?!

"Right...... Shouldn't we just ask Cortex for the first time? For once, it's like your identities, and accidents, bombings, she probably won't have a problem. It's the same fox, and if it's enough to give someone else their first test flight, I still think they can put up with it somehow?

"Mmm, mmm...!

Even listening to Waltz like that...... Teresa still looks uncomfortable.

Then she tries desperately to find words that will allow her to flip Waltz's suggestion...

"... I won't tell you anything bad, Teresa. I agree with the Devil's words this time, too. For the first time, can I leave it to Esetheresa (Cortex)?

As for the blaze overseeing the scene, he seemed to agree with Waltz's words.

He himself can fly through the sky using his back wing, so knowing what the sky was like is probably one of the reasons he decided so.

"Gu, muggy......!

"Look, even if you gave it to Cortex the first time, after the second, you can fly as much as you want, right?

"Oh, yeah. You're going to waste your time here, and now you're going to be compassionate?

and waltz and blaze to persuade Teresa to think of it somehow.

After hearing those two words, you finally broke it.

"... ha... I have no choice...... I don't feel like burying my face in a pillow right now and crying... just be patient and ask Col..."

Teresa agreed with the two words as she reluctantly said, laying her beast ears and tail down to no more.

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