Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

8.0-22 End and Beginning of Life 1

On that day the hearts of the men of the king's capital swayed in shaking.

It was weirder not to be upset to see a melting aircraft while raising a blue and white blast flame in front of a large audience.

There seemed to be someone in there who had changed her complexion especially badly.


It is Silanui, a ghost girl with a long knife lowered from both sides.

For her, too, the airship meant something special.

That was not because it was my first airship in Mid-Eden and I was interested... but because I myself was heavily involved in producing parts.

At first, Syranui was very pleased with the report that it was complete... but at this moment it was impossible to explain exactly what emotions were buried in her mind... perhaps.

Responsibility, guilt, sadness, impatience......

They should have been, like, stirred paint on the palette.

"Oh, dear Teresa!

Without paying attention to that fervor, which blew relentlessly from the bright blue flames that stood up, Silanui tried to rush out, desperately, to go save Teresa and the others, amidst the scorching heat of the fire powder that scorched her long dark hair with chilli.

Then an arm appeared unexpectedly from the armpit trying to stop her from hugging her from behind.

"Stop it! Stop it! Silanui! Even if you go, you'll just get caught up in it!

Together with her, she is the arm of Atlas, who was waiting at the scheduled stop point of the airship, with the intention of welcoming her about the Teresas who succeeded in their first flight.

"Don't stop! Dear Atlas! If you don't go now, Master Teresa will die!

"You can't help it if you go! And then I'm riding with you. Leave it to the Cortex!

".................. Grr!

In Atlas' arms, no matter how much he scratches his feet, he doesn't mind bleeding, Syranui bites his lower lip regrettably.

On the other hand, she didn't seem to be the only person who was about to run out toward a flaming airship, witnessing that catastrophe.

"Dear Teresa!

Earlier, in the temple, Julia had just had an unreserved conversation with Teresa.

She too, like Silanui, is desperate to rush over to the airship...


The sudden pull of his hand prevents him from doing so.


Who tries to get their hands on it and obstruct it......

Julia tried to turn that gaze, mixed with anger, sadness and impatience, towards the person who stopped her.

But look at the person there... it seems she has decided to stop herself from acting.

"Dear… hunter…"

"Don't go, Julia!... Don't go..."

".................. Yes"

Julia realizes that the hunter's cold hand, coming from his gripping hand, is shaking small.

More than that, the hunter said nothing, but when Julia obeyed her words spicy, she turned her distorted vision quietly toward the flaming airship.

That is the time.


When the outer wall of the place accidentally blows laterally, thinking that there is a cockpit for the airship… a shadow of one (...) person (...) popped out of it.

the person, without any hesitation,


and landed with soil smoke raised to the ground, he raised his voice towards his surroundings as he held the bright red 'something' wrapped in his everyday clothes made of special materials in his arms.

"Where is Master Catalina!

It was Cortex who raised that voice as though things were different from normal.

Instead of the pilot clothes she was supposed to be wearing when aboard the airship, she was wearing a special armor that covered all of her body, except from half of her face to the top.

If you compare it to modern world gear... you might say it's close to a smart-looking anti-explosive suit.

Cortex, dressed in such a rat-colored, heavily misrilled alloy suit, recognized from the surrounding person that his voice had not returned immediately, making sure that there was no Catalina on the spot himself, and began to run at fierce speeds in the opposite direction to the one that had flown on the airship.

In doing so, she sets the radio to broadcast mode and speaks to all those who have the radio.

"Dear Catalina! Please get ready for the operation immediately! Symptoms…"

She never stopped that leg, which was running on the ground at a speed close to the speed of sound, but once the words were interrupted there...... a few seconds later she began to explain the desperate current situation, which she did not think was stating her symptoms roughly.

"... Magic poisoning and severe burns, limb damage... plus head injury and cardiopulmonary arrest. The patient's name is Concubine… Theresa = H = Applefall"

At that moment, I get a response back from Catalina without getting my hair in.

'... bring them directly to the operating room. Tempo, Yuki? Get ready.'

If you answer so pale, Katarina turns off the communication.

And the next word I got back from the radio...

'... Cortex. You, take responsibility. "

It was even a cold word, unimaginable from the usual waltz.

Pi, pi, pi...

In the operating room, where the mechanical sounds were sounding, carving such a constant rhythm,


Yuki, who cries and yet helps,

"... you really can't save me"

a tempered sigh, and,

"Do you deserve it, Cortex is bad... or..."

Words of troubled waltz were echoing.

In that, he suffered such a major injury that he did not retain the prototype, and although once his heart and lungs had stopped, now only his heart had managed to start moving again before Theresa... but Catalina was bewildered.

"... how can I cure it..."

If your limbs have just been lost, you just need to cultivate bones, muscles, fat and skin cells to rebuild your body tissue......

Alternatively, if the skin was lost due to burns, once it was all peeled off and regenerated, it would be back to normal in a short time......

Say the same thing about all the organs in the neck (...) or the other (...) below (...), so Catalina, who can cure all of it, could probably be the top doctor in the world, not just in this country.

But there was something she couldn't do.

It is an organ that accumulates knowledge and memory through connections between hundreds of billions of cells and is essential for people to achieve their behavior… brain repair.

When the airship's engine exploded, Teresa had suffered a deep wound to her head after receiving the blown parts.

On top of that, exposed to the high temperatures of the flames and to excessive magic......

At the earliest possible moment, the brain had suffered so much damage that it could be said that the heart was moving in itself a miraculous situation.

Therefore, there was nothing more Catalina could do when she had completed urgent life-saving measures.

For her, I wonder if she'd ever felt more powerless than she did at this time.

You guessed about her like that, Waltz, who was coming back from South Fortress with a polar hypersonic ballistic flight, put his hand on Catalina's shoulder and said:

"Catalina? Later... I'll do it"

What did the word mean?

Catalina responds, guessing it, shaking her head.

"... no. At the end of Theresa's term, I will also be present."

If you can't apply your hand, all you have to do is look out for the last moment...

It seems that Catalina, who has dropped off people many times who were unable to save her, soon finds out that Theresa's final period will come in response.

Then Waltz... accidentally uttered these words.

"... Hey, Catalina? How far do you think people would go if they replaced their bodies with machines?

…… What... are you talking about?

"The Last Way To Help Theresa"


"But... it's going to save Teresa in a way, but it's going to kill her at the same time. This time, in Theresa's case, the brain has been damaged a lot, but we can save Theresa in theory by replacing each and every brain cell with a neuronano machine. But can you say that Teresa, where everything in her brain has become a machine, is the same as' Teresa 'until then? Talk about..."


Catalina in how she couldn't immediately answer such a waltz word-play kind of theory.

From a monk to a doctor, she wondered where the soul was, where and in what way the spirit existed… from day to day it seemed that the answer had not yet been found.

In contrast, Waltz seemed to have other major problems.

"That's the only thing I don't have any help saving Teresa right now... really, this is a big problem... 'Cause replacing your head with a neuronano machine means you're no longer a person... and you have no life expectancy... That's..."

So Waltz, once he closed his mouth and eyes, sighed loudly,

"... you mean to come to the (...) side (...) of this..."

That's what I said as I turned my gaze to Teresa, who was transforming into an unbroken figure.

But the time she was worried about seemed to be a very short time.

"... Cortex. Is your mind ready?

Waltz turns his bright blue gaze with those words to his sister, who was leaning on the wall of the operating room.

And Cortex nodded quietly......

At that moment, the life of a certain person came to an end… and the long and long story of a certain person began.

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