Paki paki......

Red and yellow flames break the firewood that was turning white in the meadows lit up by the huge moon that was sinking......

Watching one of those fires, the waltzes were in a post-meal gang.

"... where have the villagers gone today? Sister."

Originally, with Null the Demon King, he attacked the tool shop and k... Lucia, who was supposed to have the wound pills split, threw such a question at his sister, remembering that there was no one in the village.

But there's no way Waltz knows why...

"Hey...... I have no idea."

She also just seemed to have to lean her neck.

Because we all bothered our heads with such questions, or because it was the first time more and more people were starting to fall asleep relaxed......

Where conversation unexpectedly disappears, bright red firewood explodes… and then, shortly afterwards, from afar, a thunderous burst (by the way) enters everyone's ears.


When I heard that sound, the first to react was Lucia, who had once heard a sound close to its roar.

"... Also, I wonder if you're at war somewhere"

Was it cold, Lucia, with that mouthful, hanging a thick blanket back on her shoulder?

Julia replied to such a crush on her.

"No. Most of this place is still inside Mid-Eden, so it shouldn't be possible to be a battlefield. Besides, it's not that insecure around North Fortress... no, it's bad in a different way..."

Julia has a bitter look on her face as she says.

Apparently, she remembers what happened once in North Fortress.

Forget it.

It was highly unlikely that this nearby area would have been a battlefield, given that this was far further south than North Fortress and had not even reached the mountainous zone separating the central plains of Mid-Eden from the northern forest zone.

It was unlikely that the territorial problems Mid-Eden had with other small countries would always arise along the border, with disputes arising in the interior of the country, for example.

Rather, it was not an exaggeration to say that, in recent times, other countries have also focused on economic activities, and that disputes over the location of border lines have become almost non-existent.

Consequently, none of the audio sources could have been the result of the war.

"So, what's the noise?

"Aren't you a flying dragon? That girl is falling asleep again and releasing her braces..."

and waltz recently, from the workshop's own room, to give an example of a flying dragon releasing a nocturnal brace.

It should be noted that the moment I heard the words, the brilliance was lost from Lucia's eyes, but Waltz didn't seem to realize it.

Lucia didn't seem to be the only one who reacted to that word.

Even today Atlas messed my head up...... but Eve seemed to have something on her mind, either because she was a habitual hair or because she hadn't changed her hair much.

"... I think so."

"... you know what I mean? Eve."

"Yeah. Maybe we can't be sure, can we? But when Feilong-chan's braces explode, when she's away, it may sound something like this."

"Hmmm...... I wonder if I don't know because I always let it go into the sky and it didn't make any noise when it glowed..."

To that word,


And, even today Eve looks like a maid with a voice that reminds me of something and a bright blue look on her face.

That's because her daytime mission inadvertently reminded her of the impossibility of raising gold coins in the village… not that it doesn't seem likely.

Apparently, there was a bad feeling in her brain.

Seeing how Eve is like that, Lucia asks.

"What's going on? Eve."

"... Is it possible that the Dragon is in Energia? So, in Energia, there might be no windows in a closed space, right? So, the brace the dragon leaked... where are you going?"

At that moment,

"" "…… ah" "

One with the same look on his face.

As a result, Waltz activated the wireless communication system to check the energy for cheap results.

"Hey, energy?! Are you okay?!"

Then, after a little while,

"Hey, what happened? Sister? '

and a response from Behavioural Suspicious Energy returns.

"No, it's not like something happened... Fei Long fell asleep and wondered if he was doing something crazy..."

"Karina? Yeah. Nothing in particular, huh? Now I eat meat, I feel like I'm full, I feel like I'm sleeping quietly in my room '

"Oh, yeah. I don't know..."

"That's all?"


"Bye, good night."

energy to unilaterally try to cut communication by saying that.

Against her like that, Waltz uttered these words about what he thought.

"... not if you flirt with a sleeping swordsman, huh?

At that moment,


Energy that didn't put it to words, but returns a breathtaking reaction.

Unlike the Waltz, who walked all day today, the three brave men who were tired slept first in a room filled with them in energy, as if they had died.

That, of course, was no exception for a swordsman, who also slept in a room specially prepared by Energia... apparently Energia was trying to do something by sneaking up on such a swordsman's bunk.

Well, that, too, seems to have had to be canceled because Waltz talked to him...

"... Swordsman, are you okay?

Waltz whining after finishing his correspondence with Energia.

Was it because the fellows who were listening to it were still smiling bitterly because they all had the same concerns as Waltz?


Sometimes the sound was heard from far away, even though everyone wondered, after heading to the bed in the energy for bed.

Waltz and Atlas and... and Teresa continued to have a conversation as she laid new firewood on the bonfire.

It should be noted that the former two are here because they do not sleep, in order to stay up all night and pay attention to their surroundings.

But Teresa, like a normal human being, was supposed to sleep well, so she shouldn't have been here, she should have had to sleep in her own room in the energy in preparation for tomorrow's journey.

Therefore, it seems that she is here because… there was a special reason.

"... aren't you excited about something?

"Excited... not just talking to Cortex wirelessly as usual..."

"But by the time you lived, you didn't even know it existed, was it a secret meeting? I don't care if you get excited."

"I don't know if that's..."

With that said, Waltz launches a sound-only high-speed conference system that only himself and the Homncrus can participate in.

At the same time... Theresa, who cyborged it all the way into her head, also started the same system that was inside her.

In short, with his death, Theresa, who gained Cortex's body, came to the homunculus side, not the human side.

And this was her first meeting.

"Cortex? Are you breathing?

and waltz asking the other side of the radio wave as usual.

Then, from the other side…

'... actually, I had it modified so that I could maintain life activities, even if I didn't breathe ~. In space, in the deep sea, everything ~, right?

Returning to the chairmanship instead of Atlas, this time from Cortex, who is leaving a message, the response came back.

At the same time...... a response flies from the other one.

'How about that? Your sister. Instead of us, how's the comfort trip going?' Gogogogogogo

This time, with Cortex, it is a tempo that was to leave a message in the Wang capital.

Apparently, she resents her sister for leaving her...

"Later, I'll go collect your things. I'm sure. '

'As usual, are you scheduled for an undetermined appointment?...... I have no choice. If your sister is at that rate, I'm going to think about my actions, too.... Cortex? Teach me how to make macrophages.'

"Yes, I did."

"Hey! Stop... '

And waltz in a hurry.

Theresa, who was then listening to the exchange, herself happily put words on the radio.

"I'm sure if you were a concubine some time ago... you wouldn't have understood one of the Lord's conversations"

"Ooh, no. You also had a concubine ~? Then I'll also teach my concubine how to make macrophages ~?

"Uh-huh. Please!

"Already, really stop..."

That's the waltz with the head.

When the four of them were interacting like that, Atlas, who was only a woman and felt her shoulder narrow, broke into the conversation.

"So, Cortex. I need to ask you one thing, okay?

"Is it good for one ~?

"Well... in two"

'If it's such an easy question to ask, it doesn't seem very important ~'

and, on the other side of the wireless communication system, Cortex, which comes high.

But the question Atlas put to his mouth… didn't seem to be something that could be answered so easily for Cortex.

'I'm about to reach a forest zone with North Fortress and a mountain range separating the central plains... is there even some sort of dispute around here?

'... so far, I don't know. Brother ~'


A conversation between Cortex and Atlas that ends with just two words of that.

But that wasn't just because the two of them weren't close, apparently it was the result of both of them feeling the smell.

You knew that, Waltz said to Cortex.

"Cortex? Is it possible to investigate?

'Yes. But ~... perhaps it would be quicker to have the accompanying Yulia intelligence officers look it up ~? In the end, too, I will be collecting information via the intelligence bureau ~ (The truth is, your sister is the fastest to move directly ~?

'No... Actually, you've all fallen asleep... Unexpectedly, the carriage journey sounds tiring, right?

"... do you dislike it ~?

"Look, Cortex. Hurry up and learn how to make macrophages! Come on! '

"Really, give me a break..."

And waltz holding his head again.

For this minute, when she returns to the workshop, I wonder if there's anything left.

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