"Hey, sister. After all, when we defeat the zombies, should we burn them with fire magic?

"Hmm... well, it doesn't matter what? There's no law that says you have to burn it, and it doesn't mean you're not gonna die if you don't. But... maybe you should burn it. Because illness may spread later, or it may get worse with rotten odors."

"Yeah. Okay!


Waltz and Lucia, who flew in the sky and came first to the rendezvous point - to Central Square, were fighting against the zombies there (?).

At that time, Lucia used fire magic... but next to her sister, she noticed that Waltz had forgotten something.

Though I didn't seem to recall until what I forgot.

"Uh... with that said, Julia and Sylvia said something... what could it have been?

"Huh? Did you say something, sister?

"Yeah. I was just thinking, right?


And, whether you care or not, Lucia, who appropriately hammers against Waltz's words, continues her zombie opponent.

And in a matter of seconds or so, evaporate the 50 or so zombies who were in the square with fire magic...

Then she exercised the magic of Todome to the last zombie who stood like an object in the middle of the fountain.

"This is the last time!

At that moment,

"Oh, yeah, yeah. You said a hot spring containing nitroglycerin was gushing out of the square fountain, so be careful not to attack the fountain. Weird shock will blow you up like when you're running out of energy?

Waltz finally seems to recall the aqueous nitroglycerin solution that Julia and the others, when they came to this town before, had suffered terrible recovery.



and Lucia, with her eyes round and one hand facing the fountain, solidifies.

Apparently............... it was too late.


At that moment, the fountain blew up heavily with every zombie.

Even though nitroglycerin was contained in spring water in such a proportion that it could maintain a stable state, it did not seem safe to undergo Lucia's powerful fire magic.

As a result, the explosion not only blew up the fountain, but also reacted in a chain of other nitroglycerins contained in the ground, spreading at a tremendous rate into the waters that would be deep underground.

Because of this, the entire North Fortress ground seemed to creep up and still be in a state that seemed to tear me apart.

"If you do it!

Waltz starts acting once and for all, seeing how it goes, blues his face, and doesn't get lost.

She pulls Lucia's hand slightly forcefully,

"Lucia, come here!

and hide it on your own back as it is......



They wiped out a range of 50m radius and approximately 800m depth around the blown fountain with columnar micro-black holes created with gravitational control.

By analogy, can you describe the dynamite that was burning out, and the part of gunpowder that slipped through each of the fuse lines?

It's just... it couldn't have been possible to react to an explosion that would have spread all over the town, or outside the town, without it.

The reaction itself has already spread from the part of the fountain to the surrounding formation.

From there, even if you just erase the fountain, it won't solve the problem.

Of course, if Waltz and Lucia worked hard, it wasn't impossible to get rid of everything.

However, if we did that, we would have involved our fellow men and knights who would be on earth, so it was the end of the line.

But we can't just leave it like this...

The behavior Waltz chose to take in such a dilemma in an instant was to... drill a big hole to relieve the pressure in the basement.

If you think about an underground formation that spreads in the form of a millefeuille, a large hole in the vertical makes it through the gas relatively easy, she thought.

With that background, a hole about 100m in diameter was drilled in the center of North Fortress...


Naturally, from that hole, a fierce water column has risen.

The bulk of that pressure, which was supposed to spread to the surrounding area through the underground waters, concentrated in its holes and blew out to the ground.

In itself, it was exactly what Waltz thought, I would say.

I just don't care how it goes...

"Hey, what's this?!

I didn't seem to understand how this happened to Lucia.

When I attacked the zombie who was in the fountain, for some reason there was a huge explosion and a big hole in the ground... from her eyes, it must have looked that way.

Her surprise like that didn't seem to be enough.

Because rather than water... hot water erupted, right after that,


and because now the black smoke has blown out of the hole in the ground with fierce momentum.

"Yabba...... dug too much?!

The way it looked, Waltz, the person who drilled the hole, also seemed confused.

What happened in front of them like that...... from the center of North Fortress, at all times, a temperature (...) fountain (...) was gushing out, can you understand the approximate situation?

In short, the waltz has made a big hole in the heat source - down to the magma - in the basement.

Even if that magma doesn't blow out directly, what happens when groundwater flows in there and they come into direct contact with each other......

Water begins to evaporate or, in some cases, produce hydrogen at a rapid rate.

An explosion occurs when water is poured into hot tempura oil… a massive water vapor explosion has occurred, which can also be described as a magma version of it.


Amidst the vapors and rocks that have blown out rapidly, confusing waltz and lucia.

Nevertheless, there seemed to be no danger whatsoever to the two people who were protected by the barriers created by Waltz's gravity control system.

Then shortly afterwards, did you get back to sanity, this time Lucia started acting.

"... Huh!

Using gravity-controlled magic, which had the same effect as her sister's gravity-controlled system, she adjusted the flow of vapors that had been blown out and the direction of the flying rocks to ensure that no harm was done to those who were nearby.

By analogy, it may be described as creating a force field like a high chimney in a factory zone in the modern world…

"Why are you doing this..."

And, after creating a transparent chimney, Lucia grumbles a little as she looks at the smoke that is creeping up in the distance.

Apparently, she thinly feels that her actions triggered the big bang.

Waltz responds to that.

"Why... right. Really, why not...... Oh, I'm telling you, it's not Lucia's fault, is it? The bad news is... maybe it's me..."

And waltz with the head that if I'd remembered about nitroglycerin from the beginning, it wouldn't have mattered like this.

Besides, it was also waltz that drilled the hole to the magma, so as far as she was concerned, she seemed to have a double headache.

It should be noted that there was not a single victim to those who were in town to say that there was such a huge explosion.

Most of the houses seem to have collapsed because the ground rose or settled in a short time… Waltz's companions, of course, did not seem to be a major problem for knights who were trained to make quick decisions and act under any circumstances, such as this degree of shaking.

On the contrary, the knights who succeeded in ensuring their safety took a far-sighted look at the waltzes floating in the sky...

"Wow...... How can we use enough magic to rock the ground?

"That's right, Master Waltz and Master Lucia. You're doing everything you can to get rid of the zombies!

"We can't lose, either!

and seems to have resumed the zombie exorcism, as if nothing had happened in the town of North Fortress, which has burned a mysterious fighting spirit of unknown origin and has been completely abandoned.

What the hell makes them do that... even if their lives were imminent, there seemed to be a reason why they shouldn't stop.

There is also the action of such knights, and from the North Fortress overnight, it seems that all the zombies have disappeared.

It's just, well... the town of North Fortress itself, where they were supposed to be stationed, seems to have disappeared together.

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