... who the hell was the person who said he wanted to knit first?

No, rather, should I ask who was thinking about knitting in the rocking carriage...

An onboro carriage with no shock absorber for dampening vibrations, albeit with primitive suspension with plate spring style.

In it, what happens if you keep focusing on your consciousness at hand...

"" ".................. uhp" "

This is what most humans will do.

"I'm sorry, Master Tempo...... I'm already at the limit......" Batali

"Hey, hey, I'm flying outside......" Bohun

"Theresa won't split my tail hair, so this is what happened to everyone..." Slow down.

"Yes, you don't know what that means..."

and groaning, as well as escaping outside or sleeping on the carriage floor.

In the meantime, I was still desperate, and there was the figure of the one who kept knitting.

"Ugh... I feel sick, my head hurts, my back hurts too..."

I was the first Eve to say that I wanted to knit.

She couldn't seem to stop that hand, even if everyone sank with motion sickness.

She had another reason for not being able to stop herself.

"... Eve. If you're sick, don't force yourself to rest, okay?

The hunter who taught her how to make knitting looked flat and continued to teach her.

As for Eve, who asked the hunter to teach him, in that position, he couldn't go down before her.

Then Waltz, who was watching the exchange between the two, threw this question at the hunter, who at first glance seemed to be resistant to motion sickness.

"Is that it? Mr. Hunter... sure, you were vulnerable to motion sickness, weren't you? (It's like you were throwing up on my back when we flew together before...)"

Upon that inquiry, the hunter, once he stopped his hand, took a glimpse of the energy that had been chasing us from behind at low altitudes before seeding.

"Oh. I had Catalina prescribe me some anti-drunken pills. Does it work? This."

At that moment,


With the zombies in the carriage, who just gave me the look of saying if they had that hand...

Eve and Null, however, seemed to have a complicated look, either because they were not comfortable with Catalina.

"It doesn't make the flirtatious feel go away, but it doesn't make you sick at all."

"Ugh, you betrayed me... the hunter..."

"I should have gotten Catalina's sister too..."

"I want it... but it could be Master Catalina..."

"No way is it bothering Catalina's hand with a private matter...... ugh"

"Guys, I'm sorry. Next time I see Catalina, I'll ask her to get me a pill for everyone."

When the hunter said so, once he rested his knitting hand, he stretched his spine as he yawned.

Apparently, the anti-drunkenness medication she ingested had the same properties of a mild drowsiness attacking her as those in the modern world.

And that's when.

Loricon, who was sitting on your podium with his leaves covered, saw the view from which he could see, and raised his voice.

"Hey. Time to run out of woods, huh?

The forest runs out......

Where that means, namely:

"... the border."

There is a border between Mid-Eden and Olija, a small country to the north of it.

More precisely, should we say that there is a place for skirmishes between Mid-Eden and Olija over the border?

Then the hunter who heard the waltz speak opened his mouth, somewhere emotionally.

"Border... Actually, I've never been to the border by land before."

"Huh? Was I? When you went to Endercia or Merclio before... Oh, speaking of which, you flew away"

"Ah. I flew off on energy then, so I didn't have time to cross the border in an instant and take a closer look. What's the border line... is it even drawn?

"Maybe... you haven't pulled it off, have you?

and waltz to find out if there are any lines in the view that you can see from it, even though you speak of it.

At the tip of her gaze like that, a vast forest that was spreading to surround North Fortress (the site) was puzzling out, as Loricon said.

And beyond that, there are small but mountainous mountains like mountain ranges… apparently frontiers before and after them,

"Isn't that the top of that mountain? Borders"

And a waltz that speaks plainly.

The hunter, on the other hand, began to say this.

"No, wait. Maybe the border is where this forest runs out..."

"If so... it's already in front of you, isn't it? Borders"

In addition, next to the waltz, this is how the tempo kept knitting the socks lightly.

"You can't deny the possibility that the river you see over there is a border line..."

"What... So where? Border lines…"

and waltz starting to tilt his neck with everyone starting to say fragmented things to each of them.

Incidentally, there is a dispute over the border between Mid-Eden and Olija because, as the Waltz have become bewildered, the claims of the two countries were eaten differently as to what criteria to draw the border.

See how they react like that...

"(These guys, don't even know about the border, you're telling me you're going to Boreas... Me... can you come back alive...)"

"(Good luck Eve...... She's cute today...!

And Capella and Loricon, who were sitting on your podium, were thinking about that or they weren't there...


Sometimes they didn't know where the border was, and on this day, the waltzes were supposed to camp in places where the woods would run out.

It seems to them that there were other things that had to be done to find out where the specific border position was.

And after dinner.

Waltz started looking for objects he didn't like, with his eyes around the bushes and carriages around it, and over Theresa's head, to serve the purpose for which he started camping at this place.

That is, a magical creature created by Cortex, a macrophage.

In short, Waltz had a lot to ask Cortex, who was essentially ruling the country.

Shortly thereafter, Waltz succeeds in finding the appearance of a macrophage of shapes that are almost nearly transparent, neither numekji nor slime.

Such macrophages now......

"... Something's been weighing my neck and shoulders lately... Why not..."

Looks like it was on Eve's head cleaning up dinner plates.

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