And that night.

With Sitocito and light rain, we were to camp together.

It is actually the first rain since the departure of the king's capital in Mid-Eden.

"Olija may be warmer than Mid-Eden, but when it rains at night, you may feel somewhat cold..."

Under a simple roof created by removing one side of the front of the carriage and unfolding the part of the front end that was wrapped around it, Eve shrugged toward Lucia, who was next to her, as she hung her legs at the end of the carriage carriage carrier.

"Hmm...... well, warm it up?

"What? Well, maybe it's not that cold..."

"You don't have to hesitate, do you? If you do it, it'll be warm soon."

"Ugh, yeah. It's okay. Eve might have some gloves that I made..."

That being said, Eve turns her gaze against her own hand, which is fitted with slightly distorted shaped gloves.

The knitting she was teaching and making by the hunter was apparently those gloves.

Although, only one of them is still complete.

Look at those gloves, now Lucia opens her mouth.

"Hmm. Eve's got clever hands, huh?

"I wonder if it might be clever... Compared to Master Silanui, I don't think it's a big deal..."

"No, it's... it's a different subject to compare, isn't it?

and Lucia laughs bitterly, recalling Silanui's cue, which moves as if it were a precision machine.

Then shortly after, when she returned to her original expression, she muttered about this as she turned her gaze into the dim darkness that rained.

"Silanui... I wonder how you are..."

"I don't know..."

"How are you doing by now..."

"... from around there, if I might just show up... I wish"


And Lucia and Eve, who will be silent.

Approximately a month ago, Teresa felt responsible for the accident and ran away to go home (?) We both seemed worried about Silanui.

And that's when.

Waltz, entwined by a drunken hunter, came to them with a dark expression, changing his brother's balls and fleeing.

And the opening is the most, this is how I say it.

"Uh, I'm talking about that, actually, she's really in Olija, isn't she?

""............... Huh?

"Julia told me on the radio that an intelligence agent was making Olija sneak in. If you think about going straight back to the other side of the Great River, it makes sense to go beyond the Great River from Olija. Besides the capella, there are river crossings..."

And Waltz, who mouths a word that Clark, who serves as Orija's diplomat, is going to graduate if he hears it.

Fortunately, though, there is no sign of Clark nearby, and it seems unlikely that he will faint from stomach pain.

Well, because of the energy and potential of the day, or because of the intoxicated hunters involved in the booze, it already seemed like they were in close proximity to it...

"Oh well...... So, you're finally going to collect about Silanui, too?

When Lucia asked her sister yes, Waltz returned this with a seemingly difficult look on her face.

"It's the mountains that I want to collect, but at this point, no one knows exactly where she is. About a week ago, in the capital of Olija, our intelligence agents just wanted to see us, and we're not tracking her..."

"" Hmmm...... "

and Lucia and Eve with an unfortunate look on their face while hammering.

Against them like that...... Waltz said something extra that he didn't have to say.

"Hold on, what are we going to do? I'm talking about going beyond the Great River, but you're going to need a lot of money to pay for the river crossing, but that girl, she forgot her wallet and ran away..."

"" What... "

"Really, I think we got to Olija well..."


Both Lucia and Eve, who heard Waltz's words and did not know about Silanui's purse, seem to have accidentally lost their words.

Then shortly afterwards, when they understood the situation, they raised their voices to the mouth.

"Yes, right now, look for Master Silanui's whereabouts, to deliver her purse... instead of maybe we should pick her up?!

"Yeah. I think so, too. If we keep doing this, Silanui, it's going to be a big deal..."

"Right...... I think so, too. So right now, we're letting intelligence investigate all of Orija, right? Are we… going to search around town when we get to the capital of Orija?

And, if you think about the power you have, a little, waltz to mouth a statement that could even be taken backwards.

But neither Lucia nor Eve seemed to disagree with her words because they understood that they just couldn't help looking for it in the dark clouds.

Instead, they returned the words:

"So when we get to the capital of Olija, we're all looking for Silanui?

"Yeah! By then, Eve might have to get her strength right!

"Ugh, yeah... please... I mean, Eve? You can't do that, can you?

Waltz then left Eves on the spot, burning with a sense of purpose, going outside the roof he had built in front of the carriage, and turning his foot to another tent.

'... already, it's the limit! Life without Master Waltz is as meaningless as ever! I'm on my way over there now, please wait a moment now!

"Yes, no, wait, it's Julia. If the Lord leaves King's Capital, who the hell is going to turn the Intelligence Agency?


"... it's dead."

"It's tough..."

And Yuki smiles bitterly when she hears Julia and Teresa exchange using the radio.

Apparently, Julia is hungry to fly with her own wings and come all the way to Olija.

Next to Yuki like that, there was also her sister Null... she muttered these words, a little dissatisfied.

"I can't believe you didn't listen to the orders of the superior... at all. What is Julia thinking?

And after I said it, ha, and a sigh of null.

Perhaps, as far as she is concerned, Julia's unselfish behavior, which is a former subordinate, has gone unnoticed.

Teresa replies with a frightened look to the words somehow.

"Almost certainly, isn't all you think about is waltz?... like the Lord."

"Wow, I'm not just thinking about Master Waltz..."

Theresa then changed the tone of her voice to say what she thought (...) (...)

"Hmm? Different? Hmmm...... If you are, you are not a competitor, not a major player. One stomach hurts, like waltz with half my heart! Let's go back to the country where the Lord left us alone!

And Theresa swells her cheeks and gives her an unsatisfactory look.

Apparently, while she was halfway through Null's feelings for Waltz, she stopped being badly told about Julia, who was in a close relationship.

On the other hand, the demon king Null...

"...... then which thoughts are worthy of Master Waltz or don't they seem to wear black and white!

You didn't care that Teresa, far younger, had cocked you, or you uttered a demonic king-like word that once did all you could for atrocity.

… but.

Yuki, who was next to him, seemed to turn his expression bright blue and desperate to stop Null.

"No, Sister Null?! That's awkward! Please withdraw it now!

Hear that word,

"Hmm. There's no way I'm gonna lose to a little girl like this!

and null responding in a frustrating way.

Yuki heard her reply like that...... this is what I said to Teresa now.

"So, Master Teresa? Please be gentle, okay? Please don't tell me to disappear, extinguish, or blow up?!

"What, there's nothing particularly wrong with that. So, if you put it this way, the concubine wins.

And Theresa... activated a spiritual magic against Null, who was leaning her neck against the exchange between the two of them, and casually said:

"'Lord Null? The concubine wins." "

At that moment,

"Ah, yes. It's my loss..."

and null to say so with a cheerless look.

Even though he was a demon king, Null, who did not exercise force before he was rewritten consciousness by Theresa's spiritual magic, than he was making the same head as a normal creature, seemed to have already lost at that point.

"Really, that's scary magic..."

"Well, don't worry. Because I don't use it in rare things."

"Oh yeah...... (that? So, why was your tail down from three to two?

And Yuki turned her attention to Teresa's tail, which is now reduced to one... when that happens.

"... Teresa? You can't be a jerk about Null, right?

Waltz came to the tent where the three of them were.

And Waltz, who saw the unhealthy null, generally perceived it depended on the matter, and turned his eyes to Theresa, and said this.

"I don't know what happened... but I need you to put that null thing back together, okay?

"Ugh... I see..."

and to Waltz's words, Theresa, who obeys honestly.

Then she exercised the last of her spiritual magic, which she could only use three times a day.

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