Dancing Circles on the Horizon of Events

8.3-10 Demon King's Egg 10

Waltz came back to the Royal Castle guest room, floating with gravitational control over someone of Yuki's sisters who had worn out, who had been treated well or did not respond to the call.

Then there, someone who wasn't supposed to be here seemed to be waiting for them to return.

"Welcome back, Mr. Waltz. Plus Lucia and Teresa. And... princess?

It was Catalina who should still be studying the treatment of Leah while traveling on energy that welcomed the Waltz.

I mean, unless the energy comes here, she shouldn't be able to come either... so apparently, they came to Olija secretly, distracted by this thick rain cloud that is causing this heavy rain.

I guess the stuffing, the energy, became constant in life without a swordsman, and even the withdrawal symptoms developed.

Well, aside from that.

Look at Catalina there,

"You've come to the right place, Catalina."

and waltz with a delightful look on his mouth.

Then she was an unconscious girl floating in her own gravity control system (?) from, disarmed the optical camouflage, and continued the words.

"So I picked up someone from Yuki B and beyond, so could you treat me?

"Where the hell did you pick it up...?

"Uh... the dungeon on the church site there?

"That's not what you picked up, it's what you rescued, right?

With that said, Catalina thought Yuki's sisters and touched the girl's head...

"Yes, we're done."

In less than a second, I'll be done with the treatment.

"... by the day, my lady, the speed of treatment has not increased?

"No, that's not true, is it? If you think only about increasing your speed, you can treat it faster if you reduce your accuracy."

"Oh, yes..."

"Thanks to Mr. Waltz for his guidance."

"Oh, yeah... that's good..."

Every day, against Catalina, who continues to make progress on her own, Waltz seems to no longer know what to respond to.

Others, Lucia and Teresa, as they are accustomed to, will go without saying about the fact that Beatrix had his eyes rounded and solidified.

Then Catalina, who had not noticed how they were doing and had seen if Yuki's sister's body had forgotten to treat her, changed the subject and said this question.

"But... it seems that a country called Olija is somehow caught up in the smell, right?

"No, I really do. An angel attacked me earlier, and Teresa just shot me down, and then there was the devil, and Sylvia just slapped me?

"I have no idea what you're talking about... I've got a pretty good idea"

"I don't know..."

"I got a report from Cortex in advance before I came down from Energy."

said, Catalina touching her hand on a silver card lowered from her chest.

Apparently, she was receiving a new Magic Conductor radio from Cortex.

Then, after wiping the Yuki sisters that were floating by Waltz's gravity control system clean and putting them to bed.

As they surrounded herself with what seemed like a restful sleep, Waltz and the others began consulting on what was to come.

"The fact that Yuki X (X) is here... after all, I wonder if Boreas in winter has anything to do? There's also the null thing..."

"Yeah, sister. Now I wonder what that statement is..."

".................. sorry"

"You haven't told Nuru or Yuki about this yet, have you? Shouldn't you report it right away?

"My concubine thinks so, too. Even more so if you're inside."

And, four people to talk to.

Then Beatrice, who was listening to their conversation, squealed like this inadvertently, as the circumstances could not swallow.

"Boreas or Yuki X? Could it be... is this girl in any way related to The Demon King's Egg?

And, with a bewildered look on his face, a beatrice to ask.

In contrast, Teresa tries to respond...

"Relationships and nothing, this person... who the fuck?


I don't remember, and I couldn't seem to explain it to Teresa, who never even met Yuki B-E in the first place... so Catalina started explaining it instead.

"This one is one of the demon kings... ruling the neighboring Boreas across the Great River"

"Ma, demon king......?!

"Uh, Catalina? I hear you're intolerant of this princess, the Demon King, so don't say anything too exciting, okay? And you haven't told me about Yuki yet, have you?

"Really...... Eh...... not exactly the Demon King. Spare or surrogate............ I am always the sister of the struggling Demon King, pushed by the sisters to impose difficult challenges. Oh, there's no point in saying anything else, is there?

"The Demon King's sister..."

Beatrix of hearing Catalina explain how she is assembling a 'demon king's statue' in herself.

In her brain like that, the demon kings of her horrible sister are jerking off her younger sister... such a sight must be coming to mind.

"You may not believe me...... this guy is a very sweet guy. If your eyes are cold, could you stay warm?

To such Catalina's words,

"Um... yes. Okay, I get it."

And a nodding beatrice.

Apparently, she actually decided to look and judge with her own eyes, rather than just imagine what the Demon King was like with rumors.

... but she had one more thing, she couldn't figure out... I asked Catalina this.

"By the way... who are you, my lady?

Then the waltzes, about Catalina...... waltz clerics (?) So the crying child also shuts up syringe demon (?) So the Demon King also escapes barefoot the strongest former monk (?) Explain that...

"... I mean, you're a practitioner, right?

"Yes. That's pretty much it. And... with Mr. Waltz, Lucia, and Master Teresa? Later, we need to talk," chuckles.

………… "" "[incomprehensible]

And finally, to Beatrice, where the introduction is done...

Con con con......

Someone knocked on the door to the room.

In response to that sound, Waltz opens his mouth first.

"Ah... here comes someone who's not even busy... If you don't want any trouble, I think it's better not to open it. I would never open it..."

In contrast, as Catalina leans her neck, she asks.

"Who's not even busy......?

"Hmm, right...... Try it. Open it and you'll see. But let me hide myself for a second."

That's what I say. Waltz that makes the hologram disappear.

By then, being a troublesome person... well, it will be largely limited.

"... what's going on?

"Are you running away?

"What are you talking about? Gentlemen..."

Catalina, who has no idea what's going on, goes to the door and turns the handle...


"... I need to talk to the Mid-Eden people about folding in. I am King Olija's..."


Apparently there was a troublesome old man standing from wherever she looked, with a gold ornament on her head, and she closed the door and unfolded a junctional magic for physics there.

"By the way...... Tempo told me this royal castle is going in and out of the window, right?

"Yeah, looks like it"

"Well... are you going?

With that said, the Catalinas are trying to get out of the window with Yuki X, who was floating in the universe again.

Theresa, then, looking back there, said to Beatrice behind

"What about Bear n"

I would say......

The word did not appear to have been pronounced until the end.

"Come on, I'm coming! Teresa!" Gu!

"Ngu?!" Tsusasa...

And Theresa, who is caught in the arm by Beatrice and forced to take her.


The waltzes left the royal castle to escape the troubles and headed for the castle town.

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