"... 8192 Suggestions"

"... 8193 Shitsuji"

"... you guys, get some sleep..."

Approximately 4 hours since I started counting.

Apparently neither Lucia nor Eve were still sleepy.

"Because... if you count, if you sleep or something, it could be bad for Lucia..."

"I also wondered if I would disqualify as your sister if I slept before Eve..."

"No...... yeah...... You don't have to count anymore, so I think you should go to sleep..."

Because of the darkness in the room, we didn't seem to see each other's faces, but neither Lucia nor Eve seemed to have a sly look on their faces, turning their eyes bright red.

As a result, Waltz laughed bitterly as if she had... Eve had noticed something about such a waltz, and she largely spoke of such an inquiry.

"Master Waltz... maybe he won't get sleepy?

Listen to that,

"What? Yes, no... yeah... Kind of today......"

and waltz responding in many ways.

Knowing I don't sleep myself is about Yuki with the homunculus......

She didn't want Lucia or Eve to know if she could.


Lucia, who has spent a relatively long time with Waltz in clothing and living, seems to have had the same doubts as Eve.

"Speaking of which, where your sister is asleep... you may never have seen her..."

"Oh, yeah?

"Hmm. Lucia may not even have seen it... This is...... maybe a hunch about the case?! ♪ Kikupi ♪

"Yes, fine, go to sleep, both of you!

And, any more, you thought it was a bad idea to answer poorly, waltz wearing a futon from your head.

I don't care what they ask me any more, I'm not willing to answer... it would be an expression of intent.

… but.

I heard the sound of her being forced to drag her out of the futon through a closed window.


Hearing its loud noise and vibration, the futon is removed, and Waltz and Lucia rise.

However, if you're Eve...

"... can I sleep?

As much as possible, he didn't want to get involved in that loud noise, and as if he had decided to wear a futon from his head, just like Waltz earlier.

Well... in the end I couldn't ignore it, but I learned it from the two of us and I seem to have decided to get up.


The sound sounded intermittently into the city after everyone had calmed down… and rocked the earth greatly.

To be more precise... the city walls surrounding the town seemed to be the source of its sound and vibration.

"I wonder what that sounds like?

"Come on? Well, it's generally predictable..."

Waltz and Lucia fly through the dark town skies, with no big moon, no huge energy, just stars shining, in the direction of the sound.

Nevertheless, it didn't take long to fly to the cut of town......

After about 10 seconds of flying out the inn window, the two of them reached their destination.

Then there seemed to be such a sight spread.


Near the horizon, like a thunder or a flash of camera... I think such a dazzling light point has arisen, from which a bright red object flies rapidly towards a waltzed town, drawing a ballistic orbit...


It hit the city wall and blew the scene to pieces.

In this case, we hit the city wall, but the flying body that was flying before it went partly into the wilderness in front of the wall......

Another part of it seemed to have fallen into the town and worn a crater that was not small.

"Wow, that's a pain in the ass..."

Waltz, who sees that sight and squeals unexpectedly.

What I could see from her eyes like that...

"Self-propelled howitzers…. Besides, you sound like an antique... Someone must have made it with a good look..."

A tank that looked like a long cylinder attached to a box made of iron… it was a self-propelled howitzer.

That said, although the flying warheads seemed to be more than bursting grenades, they were merely metal solidification or similar bullets to full-armed ammunition.

That's about 5 km from town...... more specifically, I was parked on the other side of a deep cliff that existed to pinch this town, from which I was shelling for the walls of the town or the town itself.

Such a self-propelled howitzer… somehow it seemed like there was only one.

"You think just one tank is enough to destroy the country..."

It was not an exaggeration to say that even an antiqued tank in the modern world would boast considerable combat power here, if we were to think in the light of the progress of this world's average civilization.

In the first place, there are no weapons or magic in this world that can be attacked from more than a few kilometers away, if some special (...) special (...) example (...) is removed (...), then (...) does not exist.

The country that brought out the tank - perhaps Eccleria - thought to frustrate their opponents' will by using it and showing them the force that could only reach them unilaterally.

"What do we do? Sister......"

Lucia didn't seem to know what they were thinking, but she couldn't just pretend not to look at it like this, and looked up worried about her sister, who was next door.

But Waltz, who was ahead of that gaze... seemed to be in a state of confusion, just like Lucia.

"I don't know what to do... Here's the thing, Don, I can crush you, but you're in a little trouble... If we do that, it's going to be an extra big deal later, and we have to talk about Cortex..."

With that said, the red object that flies toward us - the waltz that bounces it back in the direction of the day after when it receives the red-hot shell in the gravity control system.

Against her like that, Lucia, who was next door, asked in wonder.

"What's the big deal?

"Right...... For example, here, suppose you wiped out that tank? If you do, the Eclerian side that thought you could drop the country with one tank, you'd be surprised, wouldn't you? How could a tank suddenly blow up? So, this is the kind of conclusion we get.... I was watching Olija sweetly, huh? What do you think's gonna happen next?

"Next............... Could there be more coming?

"That's what I'm talking about."

"That's... pretty troublesome isn't it... Well, I don't know what to do..."

"That's right..."

And to Lucia's inquiry, Waltz also reacts like he doesn't know what to do...

In her, however, one conclusion seemed to have been drawn.

"Well... here's what I did"

After saying so, Waltz... started acting.


the flying bodies that have flown regularly,


and take it using a gravity control system, and invert its vector,


The moment I saw the light point again,


and returned them to the shells of the self-propelled howitzers.

What happened as a result?

The shell that was about to be fired from the inside, and the shell that came in from the outside, collided and bounced inside the shell… the shell blew from the inside, as if it were a flower.

... In short, Waltz clogged the shell inside the shell to make it look like it had erupted.

"It looks like something exploded... Sister, what did you do?

"Did you make it look like an accident?


"No? For example, but... after a while, there was a carriage to disassemble on its own, right? That, too, is a damn fast one. On a carriage like that...... do you think Lucia wants to ride?

"Yeah...... absolutely, no"

"Right? Same thing. I mean... that's what I made the guy on board think that the tank was pompous and useless. Mid Eden, Merclio, I mean I've never seen it in Endercia... I'm not supposed to have that much experience in action or operational experience, so if there's even one burn like this, it won't come back that easily, huh? The trick is... to keep the people inside from killing them (to get them back to the country, to spread fear, huh?

"Uh... yeah!

It's unclear if you understood Waltz's words, but Lucia shakes her neck wide and vertically to her sister, who spoke of immortality.

Then the self-propelled howitzer that destroyed the turret moved from there...

Looks like he walked away from the spot, like he was going back the way he came.


"You don't look like me because it's dark..."

And Lucia turned a bitter smile against Waltz... that was the time.


Such a dry bursting sound echoed from nowhere.

Apparently, it wasn't just one self-propelled howitzer.

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