"... I'm not convinced..."

"Me too, but you can't help it because Cortex is moving behind it... I mean, hey, I'm gonna get ready too! They're gonna leave us like this!

Atlas and the other waltzes who were about to leave with about 1,500 knights in this town.

However, the repatriation of the 100,000 Olija citizens arranged by Cortex and the installation of an automatic defence system eliminated the need to split the Knights' troops in half.

As a result, everyone will be able to leave… The side that was going to leave the city, or the side that was going to stay, seemed confused, unable to accept immediately.

Nevertheless, it also seemed to be a matter of minutes, and soon, everyone, began hurrying to prepare for the journey.

It was the airship of the Kingdom of Endelusia, one of the three great powers southwest of Mid-Eden, that carried the massive number of Origian citizens that caused the Mid-Eden people to rush to begin preparations.

Among them, it appears that about 50 airships, not armed or otherwise, specialising exclusively in transport, have carried a total of 100,000 people on board with 2,000 people per ship.

However, such airships should not have been able to leave their own country, Endercia.

Being unable to cross the high mountain ranges surrounding your country, or even if you do, fuel ahead (?) It was difficult to leave the country due to the inability to replenish it.

If there were exceptions to some of them, it would be about a small, privately owned airship, lightweight and less windy, where the brave men once rode.

Well, that, too, wouldn't have made a difference to crashing if fuel had not been assured on the trip.

But the Endelusian airship was now flying across the country, as opposed to the mountains.

That's not because it's a one-way ticket and I didn't envisage going back......

The secret lay in the potentia that would have flown at their head.

The top of his hull was equipped with a huge tank, shaped like a black airship, where he was loaded with a large quantity of mana that served as fuel for the airship.

Potentia used it to act like an aerial refueling machine, and the 50 airships said they flew this far, getting mana replenishment from him.

Another thing about the problem of the airships not being able to increase altitude… For potential players who could use micromachines to create their own mysterious armaments of unknown principle, there seemed to be no creation, to the extent that they would change the topography of the upper mountain range, which would be an obstacle to flight, to open up new routes.

Well, aside from that.

"With that said, people in this country... how could they have been kidnapped?

Watching the 1,500 knights rushing to start preparing to leave and the citizens holding each other up with a voice of joy, Waltz said such a twinkle as he sat on the bench in the courtyard of the royal castle.

In response,

"Actually, the Intelligence Agency (we) don't know much about that either."

It is Julia, who carried a large backpack on her back.

Apparently, that's all the luggage she was bringing.

"He interrogated me all the way on the Endercia side, but everyone, I mean, I don't remember... When you realize it, you feel like you're about to storm South Fortress or sombing..."

"You have no idea what happened? Don't you have any tips?

"No. It is possible to deduce from the circumstances"

"Yes...... By the way, what do you think happened to Julia and the others?

and waltz with his mouth, his spare glance, toward Julia, who was beside him.

Then Julia, somewhere happy, began to speak of her own reasoning - the views of the Intelligence Agency.

"At first, when 700,000 people showed up in South Fortress, Lucia transferred them into Endorcian territory... right?

"Yep. On the outskirts of the town of Endelusia, seen from above South Fortress, drag-and-drop p... you were moving with metastatic magic. I've been watching that, too, I'm pretty sure."

"Yes, Master Waltz was watching, so there's no question about that. Zombification... looks like it happened after that. Well, thanks to that, I think I can somehow grasp the whole picture."

"What do you mean?

Waltz urging Julia to say what lies ahead, leaning her neck, once she separates the stories there.

Then Julia started talking again, with her hands on the back of Waltz's sitting bench, looking out into the sky.

"After Lucia had metamagic on you, it seemed like another metamagical thing immediately activated to wipe them off the spot. I zombied him later and attacked the capital of Endelusia… I can only assume so."

"Flowwise, naturally, it will be. Well, I don't know if you really used metastatic magic, do you?

"It turns out... it's almost certainly metastatic magic. That's the same as Lucia, or with metastatic magic with more output..."

"What... what is that..."

"Actually... it's a city called Elio, a town close to the border of Mid-Eden in Endersia, but every town in the same time... it's disappearing"

"... that, horror?

"No, I'm not a horror or a joke. It has been confirmed that some of the zombies who later appeared in the capital (Crestling) are from Elio, so perhaps…"

"Together, we were all kidnapped by metastatic magic and zombied, so?

"That's what's going to happen. And even when they were taken away from this country... I think they probably kidnapped them using metamagic. Well, guess what."


Waltz felt something cold in his spine when he heard that word of Julia.

Maybe even at this moment right now, we are subject to someone's metastatic magic... she seems to have thought so.

On that concern, Julia also seemed to know, and she added:

"Again and again, this is just a guess. Maybe it's metastatic magic with some special conditions, and there's no zero chance it's any other advanced magic. If it's easy to use metamagic to kidnap people... there's not going to be a single capital in Mid-Eden."

"That might be true... but you don't want it if it's mighty transfer magic enough for Lucia to use... One day, all of a sudden, you get flown somewhere you don't know... It's not like I haven't had that experience..."


"Yeah. Never mind. Is Cortex doing the right thing around here?

"For once, I have reported... I have not asked you if you are taking action"

"... Well, if you look where Cortex doesn't say anything, you're okay. I'm sure."

When Waltz said so, he sighed small, as if he were a scumbag.

Perhaps she should have not listened at this moment... you must think so.

Then when my people were ready.

Waltz was doing us a favor against two Amber and Sophia who came to see us off about ourselves.

"... so Amber and Sophia? I'm sorry, but until this country stabilizes... well, maybe a month, so can you stay in this town and prepare for what if?

"Yeah, that's good, right? In the worst case scenario, I'll let you travel with transfer magic from town to town, so you're on your way!" Guh.

"... I'll take care of Amber. I'll hold the reins and show you."

"What? Me?

"Ugh, yeah... please. When it comes to the cost you spent on your stay, Mid-Eden will have it, so each time, charge me, okay? Of course, it doesn't matter if you play fancy, does it?... maybe (speaking of which, Amber could use some strong metastatic magic too... no way... hey?

and waltz that doubts about Amber somewhere in his mind and then fogs it right away.

Needless to say... she may not have anything to do with the mass disappearance of Olija nationals because she cannot use transfer magic to move people from Endelusia or Olija, a land she does not know about for Amber.

Then Waltz, who exchanged goodbye greetings with the two witches, moved toward his carriage.

Yes, the time has finally come to leave.

In doing so, Waltz looks at the flying dragon in the figure of the girl who was in the carriage... and asks her unexpectedly, with a subtle look on her face.

"Hey, Fei Long... what's wrong with your mouth?

"Hmm? What's wrong with my mouth?

"No, something like this... it's very hard to say... it's gitty or something..."

"Hmm?... oops. Sounds like it was dirty at some point..." Shit.

That said, a flying dragon wiping his mouth with a sleeve of maid clothes made of misrillic yarn.

Apparently, she's going to need to learn something called manners.

"So what did you eat?

and waltz asking against a flying dragon where something like a yellow makeup adhered to the top of his nose and all the way around his cheek.

Then, although there were wipes left everywhere, Feilong, who finished wiping his mouth, took out a paper bag from the pocket of his spatially expanded maid clothes… From there, when he took out one skewer dish with plenty of yellow makeup, he answered this to Waltz.

"It's here. Thank you. I like this skewer dish, and it makes me happy to eat it."

"That's lizard, but we eat together i...... no, yeah. Good for you. You found a favorite?


And then I cling to it...... a flying dragon that dirties around my mouth again.

Such a way of looking at her seemed, coupled with her height, to be like a young girl.

It should be noted that her actual age, besides no one knows, is not known to her personally either...... in fact, there is also no denying the possibility that she is as old as it seems


Then Waltz boarded the carriage, where all those who stood outside boarded...

"Well, let's go."

She declared her departure.

At that moment,

"Okay, let's go? Hanako and Kohana?

and when Loricon speaks,

"" Hiiiiiiiiiiiiin!! "" Cuckold, cuckold.

Two horses who start walking on their own without munching.

Apparently Loricon's love (?) appears to have awakened him in his abilities as Tamer.

It should be noted that at that time Eve, who was riding behind the carriage away from your podium, seemed to be frowning when she heard the name of the horse Loricon's mouth... but it doesn't seem to be a big problem, so let's make a discount.

And at the same time that the waltzes' carriages set in motion, the carriages of the knights behind them seemed to set in motion simultaneously.

McNeil and Clark open their mouths watching from the royal castle side.

"It was a hell of a lot of them..."

"Uhm...... If they are, they will keep the princess safe..." Gu

"As rumored... something like that..."

"No, he left my countrymen, who thought they were dead, for the last time. As early as possible, it's not a rumoured story. Mid-Eden and I will exchange a truce agreement immediately... No, at this time, we may exchange a peace agreement. Whatever you say, the princess said her daughter-in-law went with r... (and the food problem...)"

"... right..."

and McNeil, with a small sigh of sigh, turning his narrow gaze towards the bright blue sky.

Then he whined like this.

"... those who bring peace to the world..."

Clark then argues, with a difficult look to accept.

"Is that the rumor you heard…. It's a little different from what we heard. Indeed... those who, by their overwhelming power, turned their teeth to the reason of the world. Therefore, we invited them to... No, we invited them to this country. I want you to save our country, which is doomed to perish."

"... I don't think it's that different."

"I'm not sure what you think..."

And with his mouth, Clark turns his frightened gaze toward McNeill.

Then he drops off the last carriage leaving the royal castle grounds...

"You're not going. Princess......"

You won't hear anything but yourself and McNeil, I said those farewell words.

Thus the waltzes travelled from the capital of Olija….


"Oh? Looks like the carriage stopped..."

"... with all the people returning in unison, that's all those big carriages. Try to get past town at the same time and you'll be stuck in traffic..."

Looks like it took about two hours for all the carriages to get out of town.

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