And in the morning, the sun climbs into the eastern sky.

Using a gravity control system, Waltz climbed every soldier onto the bridge, proceeding there and crossing the Great River without difficulty… coming to the opposite shore.

In short, they entered the land of Boreas.

Then I just got off the bridge......

Null squeaks like this at the view from inside the carriage.

"Ha... you're back... My, to my beloved home......" sooo hah

"Hey, Null? I need to tell you something, can I?

"... something... sorry..."

Null shrinking in a soggy way about what Waltz was trying to say.

If this were to leave the country by force majeure, like Yuki B, instead of leaving the country of their own volition, they would have had a slightly different conversation.

In fact, Yuki B. looked a little rushed.

"And beyond this plain, beyond that mountain range... it's Vixen"

Ecleria and their own capital attacked and taken away by the thinkers.

Is that because it was almost within reach...

Yuki B seemed to be the best because he suppressed feelings of yi (haya).

That said, I didn't seem happy there.

Watching her like that...... waltz accidentally said these words.

"Well... it's time to think about what to do with the knights..."

To that word,


and companions in the carriage tilting their necks.

Even when they heard the words of Waltz, they did not seem to understand them.

Was it unexpected how those fellows reacted?

"What... guys, don't you worry about the knights?

Waltz who accidentally confirms it.

As is evident from previous journeys, for her, who boasts an overwhelming power of war, it seemed not to worry about the knights, who are only human beings following them from behind.

That too, a little, at what can be called an over-protection level.

I responded to her like that...... as promised before, from today, when I reached the territory of Boreas, I took turns with Atlas, a hunter who had come this way.

"Hey, Waltz. What am I saying... all the knights want to be strong and they've been following the waltz the whole time? I'm sure you've all come this far with considerable readiness. Few are prepared to lose their lives, aren't they?"

The hunter's words were...... kind words wrapped in oblate.

I want Waltz to guess what that means, if possible, directly, without touching the core... it seems that such an intention was included.

Having heard the words, Waltz, despite his usually dull...... seemed to have made him see what the hunter was trying to say, and he uttered the sincerity that would be behind her statement.

"I mean, don't worry about the knights...... no, you're even rude to worry about, are you?

"I won't say that much... but you certainly don't have to worry about them. I would happily follow Waltz's instructions, and I don't think I'd be tired of getting my hands dirty. But because you're worried about them, if you do something to protect them the other way around... they're probably gonna get hurt? (Like me......)"

"What? Something now..."

"No, never mind. That's why... Waltz doesn't hesitate to use his chin about the knights. I don't mind being unreasonable. Well... swim the Great River and go back to the country, nothing like that?

"... don't hesitate..."

Listen to that word, arms together, waltz to narrow your eyes.

She thought it best that no one was hurt, no one died and no one would be unhappy, when she heard such allegations by the hunter… she seemed to realize that she had lost sight of what mattered more than anything.

Wishes, will, dignity......

Everyone will have their thoughts in their hearts about what they want to do.

"I don't know what to do..."

Waltz holding his head, for reasons that are as different as the last minute.

Then she… seems to have made a certain decision.

"Captain, it's a message. So, are you willing to try the next three floors?

"Idiot. It's on the second floor."

"Doesn't that make a big difference..."

Foxtrot squad that was still remodeling their carriage today as they chased the Waltz 'carriage from behind.

To them like that, uncommonly, the decree seems to have come around via the carriage forward.

"So, what kind of preaching?


and the youngest crew member, looking through the wording that was written on the copy paper of the A4 that came around.

When he read the wording...... he gave a somewhat complicated look and said the words that were written there.

"Um... I don't really know what that means... but now the line is disbanded and we need to act on each unit. Afterwards, in Boreas Adventurer's Guild, after receiving a minimum A-rank or higher, he gathered information on a girl named Silanui, while promptly assembling to Vixen, the capital of Boreas..."

"" "... what?

"No, look at this..."

Foxtrot readers and a few others who look through their eyes as they tilt their necks on the copy paper offered that said so.

Then there seemed to be something written there about what the youngest trooper had said.

"What?! So, Captain (Hunter), what the hell are you thinking..."

"No, I gave you this command, you're not the leader..."

"Well, who is it?"

"It says waltz = A = Eye..."

"" "............ eh?

Hearing that name, and looking in person...... twice, the Foxtrot squad looking consolidated.

It should be noted that the other troops seemed to be the same...... some of them accidentally de-wheeled the carriage to the shoulder of the road, slipping their hands and feet and falling off the carriage, or the trees that stood there or crashing into other carriages, etc...... the entire line seems to have gone into havoc.

Because Waltz's order was tantamount to what he said when he changed his mind... to leave it in the land of strange Boreas...

However, at the end of the document, it seems that this was also written.

"… it should be noted that anything that resigns to this mission will be assembled at the foot of a bridge across the Great River, …"

Look at that wording, a deeply sighing Foxtrot reader.

But he stays on his knees, and when he gets a nigga and people's evil grin...

"This mission, the one that says no, are you there?

He said so to the troopers, looking sharp as if he were a real wolf (...).

"No, I was surprised at first... but perhaps, you're not there. I don't know many of them."

"What other rules do you have for this?

"Isn't that everything that's written here?

"Because... you mean anything. Assault the Boleas Adventurer Alliance at this time."

"" "No, that's just..." "

"I know. Damn...... I'll bring you a really troublesome mission, my lady (...) god (...) ma (...) is..."

That said, the Foxtrot leader sighed loudly again...... he got the radio receiver in his hand to discuss the future of the unit.

Its correspondents are the leaders of the other forces….

Apparently, they decided, in their own way, to carry out this mission.

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