Back then......

"… Now we begin the operational meeting"

Among the rare carriages of signs, stopped outside the town (...), was the figure of the brave men.

They didn't go into town with the waltzes like that, they were going to stay on the spot and do something.

"Operation meeting (briefings)? You haven't done it lately..."

"Nicole is the brightest moment, isn't she? What do you expect?

"Oh, oh... (I knew that sounded disgusting, huh? Victor......)"

And Nicole, the wise man with a tired look, didn't care how Victor the swordsman spoke.

But since the swordsman's words were true, not false or exaggerated, Nicole began to talk about this mission when she turned her gaze back to the brave man who declared the beginning of the meeting.

"The mission that came down from Waltz was to investigate Boreas' entry control system. This' ID 'we have. It's a mission to see if this can be used in the whole world... make sure that's it. Originally, I just want to follow the regular process and see if I can get an ID... but if we find out we're a brave party, we can't use this method because it's definitely gonna be a big mess. So I need to see if I can use my ID in any other way."

"... Nicole. I know you do, but we're not a brave party anymore"

"Oh, I did. It was a brave party..."

With that said, Nicole drops her gaze toward an ID that proves that we belong to a (former) brave party.

That ID he had in his hand was itself made of magic props, and the inner layer of that thin card depicted a different geometric pattern on each person.

No one knows what that means......

It is a substitute for personal information being displayed for the first time by placing it on a magic item with the effect of a card reader.

In fact, in itself, both the realm on the human side and the realm on the devil's side, the mechanism was the same.

I mean, I couldn't deny the possibility of being able to use my ID around.

If you can use it, there is no denying the possibility that information about people coming and going is leaking outside the country… As for the Waltz and Null, it seemed to be a bit of a headache.

If you do poorly, hostile (?) Because there is no denying the possibility that information is missing on the Merclio side….

As a result, the task entrusted to the brave men by Waltz was… a mission to ascertain whether the identity cards used in the realm of the human side were valid even in this town on the realm of the demonic side.

In carrying out such a mission, the biggest problem would be...... that they themselves, who have cards, are not exaggerated (former) brave parties when they say enemies of the devil clan.

If the gatekeeper were to know about it... it would be obvious at that point to develop into a major problem...

But the braves, even though they knew it, seem to have decided to take a mission from Waltz.

There was nothing that could be described as a reward for success...... recently stimulated (?) I guess it was just the right difficulty task for them starving.

Well, if you're strong and you're going to say reward... will you be enough to double your dinner hunter's special steak?

"So it's a way to see if this ID is valid..."

"I mean... should we just raid and take away the magic props for reading?

"You suddenly stink..."

"No, you don't have to take it from me. We're just talking about one of us breaking in directly to see if we can use an ID. Of course, if you can take it, you can take it... but you won't have to do that."

"But... there's always people lined up, it's hard to find gaps and sneak in, right?

"Isn't that why there's three of us? Victor. Someone turns to attract the interest of the soldiers and those in line, and in the meantime someone else approaches the magic props for reading. And the last one, in a playful role, deals with unexpected issues... how about that?

"I see...... So, who's in charge?

""..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... "

"... I see"

For the most part, these stories are about Victor the Swordsman who understands his role in the gaze the other two turn to because the market was set when the person who began to say, 'Who will be the first?'

It should be noted that the "" is the usual role for him who has served as a shield in the avant-garde of the party.

"Then I'll be a watchman. Infiltrators should be someone who can get away with anything immediately. In that regard, Nicole, if you angelize, you can fly through the sky, so aren't you a qualified character?

"Hmm...... ok. Then I'm going in, so you two need support."

Copy that.

Then briefly, decide what each one will do......

And the brave men began to act in order to carry out their mission.

"Senior, it's a beautiful day,"

"Stop... don't look so free. Help me! This one's a cutlet!


"(Koitz......)" Ila

The two soldiers, who were gatekeepers in the town of Ripa, still had busy days today.

Rather than that, should I say that because the new soldier didn't put himself in and work, the senior soldier had to clean up most of his work, which was inevitably a bummer...

"(I'd like to fire him, but there's no such thing as firing a soldier... Ha... I'm transferring...)"

and a senior soldier who, thinking inside, even with a dark face, checks the identity cards of one visitor after another.

It should be noted that when the waltzes passed through here, he was in charge.

Then again, desperately, when he even checks the visitor's personal information...


Suddenly, near the checkpoint, I heard an explosion.

Hear that loud noise,

"Let, seniors!?

Junior soldiers jump out of their chairs by accident......

But if you are a senior soldier, it does not seem to have been the case.

"I don't care about anything, just move your hands! Don't stop the process!

"Eh... but someone to see how it goes..."

"You're being nice! Just like I was told, move your hand! ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

"Hih, hih?!

A junior soldier who begins to move his hand, as if his tail had been set on fire by the rage of a senior soldier who has become intolerable.

But junior soldiers are sometimes unfamiliar with their work, or their operational efficiency never increases dramatically...

Besides, the adventurers seemed accustomed to rough things and heard loud noises, but there never seemed to be any disturbance in the line.

Thus began the barren questioning station strategy operation by the brave men...

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