"Hey, sister. Earlier, when I was going out with Null, he said I shouldn't look toward town, but... were you doing something in town?

"Yeah. Nanimositenaiwayo?

"Oh, really? (How come it's a great read?

A pair of waltzes and nulls left the carriage to stop the carriage in the shadow of the woods, which was about 2 km away from the city, and then do something about it.

Then, in fact, Lucia, equipped with Kuma in the woods, leaned her neck against her sister, who had come back to occupy the city without knowing what was going on.

Apparently Waltz didn't want to explain to his sisters how he occupied the town.

However, we all knew about the general outline of the operation.

I suggested that operation because it was Eve, four years younger than Lucia.

"Master Waltz? The effect of Eve's conceived maneuver...... how was it?

"Well, that was brilliant, wasn't it? Even if, one more time, you will never come back to the town of Aruba..."

"What... what could you have done?

"Yeah. Nannimona kattawayo? Kinisinaide?"

"Ugh, yeah. Maybe don't ask...... (what a terrible thing you've done...)"

You would have attacked the town consul, imagine a terrible event, Eve, and you narrow your eyes.

It should be noted that what she proposes is that the consul be depraved and expelled from the town, not that the consul's privacy be recorded and the video be exposed to the public in a hologram, etc.

"Look, I see you, don't I?

Running the carriage again, through the woods, there he saw the town of Aruba, where Waltz and Nur were until earlier.

"Sister. With that said, where's Null?

"Null? She'd still be in that town? By now, I wonder if he's even reprocessing the consul since he's gone?

"I don't know... maybe you just left one in there?

"Yep. I was wondering if there was a problem."

"That's right... (I wonder if you're okay... null...)"

Lucia seems to have become worried, imagining Null, who would be in an almost quadruple song state, although no consul has already been seconded by Ecleria.

Of course, Yuki B, Nuru's sister, is again.

Well, that also seemed like a story until we made sure that the flag flying in the castle, located in the center of town, was familiar.

"Dear Waltz. I've been waiting for you."

Upon arrival in town, Null, several other soldiers, waited at the main entrance about the waltzes.

Apparently, she was able to persuade the soldiers of the town of Aruba safely.

"The boulder is the demon king of this country. I thought you were safe.

"You still left it on purpose..."

and null showing dead fishy eyes, with his mouth.

After Waltz left town, apparently she had to deal with a rather troublesome event.

But where wind blows for Waltz.

Seeing that tired look on Null's face doesn't make her look like she cared about it.

That's all, white, I started saying this.

"Eh? This should be the first time I've seen (...) my sister (...) ma (...)?

and mouth, snowwoman style waltz.

Apparently, she doesn't want to get involved in town politics as much as possible, even when she comes here.

Did you know that, Null, when you smile bitterly...

I said this as I reached out to Waltz, who stood on the carriage.

"... Welcome, Waltz. To the town of Aruba."

And Waltz takes Null's hand and goes down to the ground.

Then I used an ID made under a pseudonym and correctly (?) After completing the entry procedure, he entered the town of Aruba.

Then, away from the refugees who had houses in the city.

The waltzes started acting apart from them.

"There's a lot of black houses for the name Aruba, right?

"Throughout the year, it's more snow-covered, so..."

As such an exchange showed, in the eyes of the waltzes proceeding through the city, a part other than the snow piled on the roof was visible in the township painted with black paint.

Perhaps it has the same background as the town of Ripa, which stopped one time ago.

"Summer is hot and winter is warm."

"That's... yes. Sure, summer's hot, so, guys, that sounds like a tough one. Many people only paint the walls white in the summer, or lower the curtains so that the sun doesn't hit the house directly, so that the temperature in the house doesn't rise."

and null to the word of Waltz.

Apparently, in this country, they are sacrificing summer comfort to withstand the winter cold.

Well, in this country where coolers don't exist, the only thing that costs utilities is winter, so the house inevitably became, I guess, a winter-specific creation.

It should be noted that in Vixen, where Nur was based, the same climate may be preserved all year round, as he had built a castle inside the labyrinth.

With such a conversation, the line was headed to a place in town.

Normally, the first thing to do when entering the destination town should be to secure the lodging, but the destination they were headed for did not seem to be the lodging.

"Here it is..."

"No, or..."

Waltzes who look at that, look sorry, and exhale.

Only burnt debris remained there, after the fire, and so on.

It hasn't weathered yet either, and it looks like it's just burned recently.

What the hell was building there?

"I can't believe intelligence is going to be erased..."

Such a Yulia crush street, there should have been a building with a branch of intelligence that should be in the town of Aruba.

That seems to have burned at the pinpoint.

It would be natural to think that the people of Ecclesia, when they had mastered the city, were circumstantially, aimlessly burned.

"It's not the end of the fire..."

"I guess..."

"Why only the intelligence department..."

and three people with a difficult look on their mouths.

It goes without saying, of course, that not only they, but all the others who were on the spot, had the same look.

"Hey, Null? Is the intelligence branch near here the only way to get to Vixen anymore?

"No, between the towns of Vixen and Aruba there are still about two large towns left. Or there, there's a bigger facility than here, so there's no denying what's left of it..."

"We can't deny that it's crushed the same way, can we?


Null with an unfortunate look to say so.

The rating is half that I'm sorry it didn't help Waltz.

And the intelligence department that we created is half sorry that it's not working well, etc.

"Well, I shouldn't. Let's gather information from the officials in this town, from the guild or something, shall we?

Waltz turns his back on the spot after saying so and smiling small at Null.

Thus, in the end, we were to gather information solely by our own means.

The waltzes then advanced to their next destination in the town.

However, this time it is not another inn.

That's right.

Using the herbs we had mowed massively on our journey so far, we went to the Adventurer Guild to increase the rank of Adventurers......

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