
"Oh, here it is. Here's your hand... If it's hard, you can ride it directly? Just don't eat at the appraisal table, okay?


Is there a conversation in place with the Alliance staff man, over the appraisal bench, Cheval stretching his tentacles?

In contrast to him, the rare gaze of those who were in the Adventurer's Guild seemed to have focused at some point...

There is no sign of anyone trying to stop by and observe.

Everyone seemed to be distancing themselves from the waltzes and observing them far away.

"Now, what are the consequences…………………"

Look at the results that have emerged on the demonic props for the appraisal, as in Catalina, a man of guild staff who solidifies his expression.

From what I can tell, the Catalina family is still (?) No one appeared to have a decent appraisal result.

"What results did you get?

"That bothers me..."

"I'm curious... is that the right result? This..."


Four people on the spot said they were waiting for a solidified man to respond.

A little while later, he said this with a sinister look on his face, tilting his neck.

"First of all, let me tell you something, I don't know what this job means."

"Hmm. Lily...... could it be like Margaret's job?

"I don't know... I feel different. All right? I'll tell you what?


Waltz breathing in those words.

Then the job the Alliance clerk man spoke of... was a job that really didn't make sense.

"... filia"

"" "Huh?


"It's 'Philia'. Like I said, I don't even know if this is Job's name."

"Phyllia? Sure you mean 'daughter', don't you? I mean, was it a girl named Cheval? (Because it's a job... deceptive?

"No, I don't know the gender. In the first place, we don't even know if it's possible."

"That really doesn't make sense..."

Yulia's right, Cheval's unintelligible job (?) those on the spot leaning their necks.

That seemed to be the same for Schwartz, who understood people's words.

Only Catalina, in the meantime, said she would soon return to her usual expression.

This is what I said to the man in the guild.

"In the meantime, please register as' philia '. Even if I don't know what it means now, maybe within that time, there will come a day to know, and I can't think of any other suitable job..."

"Right...... Well, you can always change it, change it whenever you want."

That's what I said, a man who goes through the registration process.

And a dozen seconds later.

"Look, we made it, huh?

The man offered the clear card of Hoya Hoya to Schwartz, who was on the counter.

At that time, it goes without saying what Schwartz, who received the card, did with it.

"Well, it's quick, can I settle it?

Let the cards spit out again from the cheval where you swallowed them.

And after entering the 'Weissilt' party name there.

Side by side with Schwartz, who swallowed the card again, Waltz questioned a man on the guild staff.

Then the man who was also typing the party name on the Catalina and Julia guild cards and returning it to the two replies with a bitter smile.

"Ah. Which actuary do we start with?

"Well... is that a herb? If we don't raise the rank, we won't talk about it."

"Rank up, dude..."

A man of guild staff who listens to such waltz and turns a distant gaze to the ceiling in front of the counter.

Perhaps he remembers the mountains and piles of herbs that would have been there until a few hours ago.

By the way, there's no sign of herbs on the spot right now.

In order to retain freshness, the Adventurer Alliance may be placed inside a managed item box.

"At first, I wondered what kind of joke the F-rank guy would bring that amount of herbs..."

"Huh? Was that the amount? I was running the carriage while grasshopping (?) and it was about that amount in a day..."


"Um... Master Waltz? Looks like the person in charge is having trouble knowing what to reply to, doesn't he?

"What? Oh, I'm sorry about something..."

"... well, fine. As for the herbs, they were all bought out in our guild. So, it's a buyout... get the fractions in order, 60 million gold."

"Oh, really?"

"... that reaction, don't you feel like you're having trouble with gold? Really, how many meters do you guys have?"

"Oops. If I ask you any more questions, your neck might fly. Physically and socially, right?

"... right. So, the next thing I know, I'm talking rank..."

That's what I said, then a guild clerk man with just a little wrinkle between his brows.

Apparently, he's trying to tell a difficult story.

"Is something wrong?

"No, it's unprecedented, so I worried about what we'd do, too. Given the quantity and quality, even if we split the points across the party, we were all good enough to get from F to A at once."

"" "What..." "

to "............"?!

"But just delivering the herbs, I've never heard of the one that would be A-ranked, plus being a runaway adventurer (F-rank)... this time everyone decided to fly the E-rank to D-rank"


"So you have no objection?

and a man of guild staff who takes confirmation from the Waltz and the others.

In contrast, Catalina and Julia, and Cheval, had a convincing reaction….

There was only one person there who seemed unconvinced.

"Objection...... yes!

It is a high frequency, unreadable waltz of air.

Apparently, she's not convinced by the rank 'D'.

"But it's harder than D-rank, right? There are also promotion exams. Of course, if you want to be C-ranked, you can have a promotion exam right away, but more than B-rank is on the boulder..."

"No, it isn't. Would you make it an e-rank below one?

"... what?

"No, 'cause we've all been hunting demons for the E-rank to get them up from the E-rank to the D-rank, haven't we? It's troublesome when you leave it undone!



Listen to Waltz and shut up with him (?).

Regardless of Catalina, Julia and Cheval, the men in the guild staff seemed to no longer know how to deal with it.

By the way.

Points for ranking up would not have been added if it had not been for a request covering the same rank as the one we currently have, such as F-rank and A-rank.

For example, if an F-rank party member has partied with an A-rank member to go out to exorcise the dragon and make a successful crusade.

Members of the F-rank who participated in that battle will be counted point-by-point up to around the C-rank at once.

Generally speaking, however, members of the F-rank should not be able to contribute to combat in dangerous missions such as the Dragon Crusade….

If, as mentioned earlier, you admit to adding points due to cross-ranking requests, it could have led to out-of-the-box rankings, like the "power leveling" taking place in online games and so on.

So the measure conceived by the Alliance, even if they were partying, would not give them points if they did not achieve the same rank of request.

I want you to take every step of the way and gain experience as an adventurer......

As an Adventurer Guild, he wanted to reduce the number of adventurers' victims by a little bit by doing so.

And in the case of the waltzes this time.

According to Adventurer Alliance rules, there was nothing wrong with the F-rank girls collecting herbs.

If you deliver medicinal herbs, you will earn points for (...) items (...) and (...) items (...).

However, there is no maximum value provision in points…….

There was a way out that allowed procedural flying classes in a different way than so-called 'power leveling'.

If guild cards were specifications that would allow you to enter a fine crusade history, it wasn't that hard to create rules to prevent flying classes or digest points correctly.

However, there was only one point entry field for the guild card.

In other words, the point to be filled in there is the degree of contribution to the guild….

And it was also a way to determine rank.

For example, E for 200 points or more, D for 500 points or more, and so on.

The Waltz didn't seem to have delivered a ton of herbs with that in mind, but this time, they seem to have gotten into it well.

But for the Alliance, which considers the safety of the adventurers' lives, that can't be allowed...

As a result, we seem to have come to the conclusion that, as a compromise, we should skip the E-rank and make it D-rank.

As an Adventurer Guild, the side that made the rules, I guess I was full of sorry for the deficiencies in the rules.

But Waltz cut it off that he didn't care.

He wants it to be an E rank below one, not a D rank.

A man in the guild staff who even thought he was sorry would have suffered a headache over how to deal with a troublesome Kramer.

"No, you know what?

"... ok. If it's not an E-rank, we'll reduce the amount of delivery until it becomes an E-rank!


Before waltz making the most of remarks, a guild employee man in a tactful appearance.

At that time, Catalina and Julia seemed to have a bitter laugh about what was interesting.

And then the man sighs so loudly...

"... I get it. Well, can you deliver it because it doesn't matter if it's in the E-rank?

Looks like he eventually decided to listen to Waltz's selfishness.

- But he didn't know yet.

that the tyranny of Waltz was not yet over......

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