"Too bad...... In the second wave of attacks, I was wondering if there was a raid on the demons I had tamed... for this minute, it would seem difficult to secure additional food..."


"You don't need it anymore..."


After confirming that Eclerian belonging and thought tanks that were headed for this town were destroyed by Cortex meteorite summoning magic and original reverse transfer magic, there was no one left.

Four Waltz, Julia, Catalina and Schwartz returned to their accommodation as planned in advance.

They avoid the dodgy Cortex on the roof and in the room when they are ready to leave early......

He seemed to be discussing the future as he came to the dining room and sat back in the chair that was there.

"Still, what am I going to do? This feeling, you don't think it's that easy to move on... Maybe the next town, I think, is alert and armed... (I couldn't possibly not intercept him suddenly attacking me...)"

"Yeah, I'm sure you do. But can't you think the other way around? All those tanks turned into wood dust in an instant, so now they're surprisingly thin..."

"Mr. Yulia, I think it's cheap to think that, don't you? Previously, when I went to Ecleria to look for Eve, in the facility, I saw a large transfer magic formation. Worst of all, can't we deny that there are similar transfer magic formations in Vixen and the surrounding cities, and that new tanks are constantly being supplied from Ecleria's own country and elsewhere?


Their thoughts were, as they all did, dangerous ahead.

Until this day, they thought that only Vixen was occupied on a large scale, but when they saw the large number of tanks that appeared today, they began to wonder whether there might be a sizeable garrison in the city far ahead of Vixen as well.

"Atmosphere, it's hard to infiltrate as an adventurer like this...

"Right...... I think Waltz was conceived of sneaking up on Vixen as an adventurer, thinking about both Boreas and Mid-Eden, but I think that would be a little difficult given the current state of affairs on the boulder"

"Really, you want to make it easier if you can...... If I fuck you, you want to strangle me crisply from the back so I can get as few victims as possible instead of bumping into you from the front..."

"Yeah, I think so too, don't I? But..."

Not to say 'I can't,' but did you start thinking about not having any good ideas, Julia, frowning?

... But somehow, when she suddenly blushed, she began pulling her eyebrows and eyebrows sideways with both hands, looking so-called weird.

Apparently, Julia took considerable damage to her spirit in the wake of the hunter's "wrinkle stopover remarks".

You saw it and guessed the situation, now Catalina smiles bitterly, opening her mouth.

"With that said, Mr. Julia. Is your family safe?

"Is it our family? Um, I'd like to believe you're safe... no, maybe you're safe."


"Until recently, my parents, too, lived in Vixen, but due to the labyrinth noise of the past, I'm now back in a region where my parents are. As a matter of fact, my father's house was playing Borderline Uncle, and we have a home quite far from the center. That territory, it's like an island on land, so I don't think we're going to be able to reach our region unless we like Ecleria as much as we do..."

Listen to that.

"Heh. I heard good things."

And waltz how you came up with something.

Mostly in these cases, she was the one who would say the right thing when she came up with it...

This time, I started saying this without leaking into the example.

"Bye? If Yulia is good, but wasn't it the Yulia family... but the Shah family? Ask them for help getting Vixen back, what do you think?

When I heard the words of Waltz, Catalina gave me a frightened look.

"... must!

and Julia, who for some reason makes her eyes sparkle, rides out her body and mouths so.

The waltz that saw it...

"Yeah...... after all, stop and come on?

And I say so in a pulling mood, but it's already late.

"Now you can officially introduce your parents and grandparents to Master Waltz! Already, I... I feel nothing!/(adv, adv-to) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk)

Looks like Julia started a rampage.

Then now Catalina, who saw it, smiles with a grin for some reason, opens its mouth.

"Well, Mr. Waltz. Isn't that good? If you think you're going to visit a friend's house. And if you're worried about what you're going to do, let's just move, because I think it's a hand."

"Yes, no... yeah..."

"Do you care about seeing Mr. Julia's family? You don't have to worry so much about it. Because it comes with us. Hey, Mr. Julia? ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

"What? Hino!? ♪ Biku ♪

"............ hmm? What's the matter with you? Julia. Suddenly such an odd voice..."

"Uh... no, nothing..." Gakugaku

"Weird Julia......"

Waltz tilting his neck with his mouth like that.

At that time, was it a coincidence that she hadn't noticed Catalina's expression or...

"... so I decided to go to Yulia's."

"Yeah, it's always steep... sister..."

"Aren't concubines going to follow Waltz everywhere?

"I'm going to follow Teresa everywhere, too, right?

"".................. Huh?

"Another carriage trip, maybe. Make a duvet so your tail doesn't hurt."

"Eve? If so, I'll lend you Macrophage No. 2 ~? If you pull it under your butt, it's an active shock absorbing based on Skyhook theory, as if any shock is floating in the universe -"

"Uh, yeah! A, Eve, maybe it doesn't hurt your butt. So, maybe it's okay! ♪ Slow down ♪

Waltz came up with a change of destination to his friends who came to the dining room after they were ready...

Even if the destination of the journey changed dramatically, nothing seemed to have changed to everyone's reaction.

Everyone (?), follow Waltz where he goes, naturally, and so on.

In the meantime, there was a very positive figure about going to Julia's hometown.

"Marie is going to say hello to her mom and dad, Sister Julia!

It is Rosemary, the same Sacubus girl as Julia.

"Uh, with that said, Rosemary was supposed to be protected by Julia, right? Does that mean that Julia's parents will also be Rosemary's parents, or, sofb"

"Whoa, Master Waltz? Though Master Waltz, would you refrain from further words? ♪ Gogogogogogogogogo ♪

"What? Ugh, yeah... (No, I'm not talking about you being a grandmother or anything, so it's nothing good...)"

"Right, Marie. You may need to say hello once."


Say, Rosemary with a full smile.

Meanwhile, Julia was laughing.

"(What will my parents say...... Will you understand that I picked up the child, so I raise him, and say yes, yes?... There isn't, is there? I have no choice. Do you want to go with Plan B…)"

They were springing up a lot of troubles inside...

Looks like we were beginning to work out a plan in our minds to deal with the problems that would come down to us from now on.

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